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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 34

Started by JosephSHaas, September 29, 2009, 11:43 AM NHFT

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keith in RI

joe jason called me tonight. he is on the corrlinks email system now. you have to get an email with a secret code from him first though. i told him to try to put you on his list.


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 18, 2009, 01:18 PM NHFT
12. Did the court lack territorial jurisdiction to prosecute Mr. Gonzalez when
both the place he was alleged to commit a crime and the courthouse in
which he was tried had not been ceded by the State of New Hampshire to
the federal government?


It looks like the jurisdiction issue will be addressed in the appeal. Is this the one that you've been writing so much about?

What do you think will happen?

keith in RI

Quote from: grolled on October 19, 2009, 08:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 18, 2009, 01:18 PM NHFT
12. Did the court lack territorial jurisdiction to prosecute Mr. Gonzalez when
both the place he was alleged to commit a crime and the courthouse in
which he was tried had not been ceded by the State of New Hampshire to
the federal government?

it will probably be ignored. the people on quatloos seem to think that renos lawyer only included that item in the appeal to appease reno. they claim that would explain why it was listed last, as a kind of hint to the court that even the lawyer doesnt believe it but hes including it anyway.....


It looks like the jurisdiction issue will be addressed in the appeal. Is this the one that you've been writing so much about?

What do you think will happen?


Quote from: keith in RI on October 19, 2009, 12:00 PM NHFT
Quote from: grolled on October 19, 2009, 08:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 18, 2009, 01:18 PM NHFT
12. Did the court lack territorial jurisdiction to prosecute Mr. Gonzalez when
both the place he was alleged to commit a crime and the courthouse in
which he was tried had not been ceded by the State of New Hampshire to
the federal government?

it will probably be ignored. the people on quatloos seem to think that renos lawyer only included that item in the appeal to appease reno. they claim that would explain why it was listed last, as a kind of hint to the court that even the lawyer doesnt believe it but hes including it anyway.....


It looks like the jurisdiction issue will be addressed in the appeal. Is this the one that you've been writing so much about?

What do you think will happen?

Keith: See the below in answer to grolled's question to me, and that of being #12 last is because that IF Reno can win the appeal on anything other than having to get to #12 that is HOW the courts operate: they stay AWAY from a win on the constitution if they can avoid doing so, and so for Reno to win on that case-law against the "possible". This way the attorneys never nip it in the bud, but can churn accounts of others to the point of that if no other way of winning that poor victim in the future withOUT any other way to win, finally gets down to brass tacks or the roots of the law. The quatloos paralegals and attorneys over there KNOW about wins on ANYthing other THAN the constitution is THE reason for WHY the constitutional argument is listed LAST, and NOT that it does NOT have any merit! IF Joshua had put in that 40USC255 stuff WITH the Adams case-law quotes, I wonder what those quatloos readers would then say or write about.  I bet you than NONE of them did refer to ANY of this 40USC255 stuff in their answers KNOWING that they have read it here, but prefer to remain in the dark and keep you there too!  Time to say that you REFUSE to become one of their mushrooms!

The answer to grolled is: Yes, and like what I did write about above and in a previous Reply: they will try to avoid this like the plague:

"**** Bottom line, easy-out so that they/the court don't have to get down to the constitution (yeah! they avoid this like the plague!) and that is V "Reasonable Doubt Instruction Diluted Government's Burden of Proof", in that "Reasonable doubt is...not mere possible doubt" Victor v. Nebraska 511 U.S. 1 (1994); so when Singal said this "possible" word, he in effect, guaranteed them a new trial!  8) now to do it right!"

Plus: Joshua to add in that 40USC255 and the Adams case of 1943 to give the feds the "cement boots" so that IF the POSSIBLE word does trigger a new trial, then these NEW attorneys (with the old ones as counsel only, as they DID violate 18USC3232 and I would NOT want to have them hired for me unless they gave back the stolen money! with an apology) can ALSO file a "Special Appearance" arguing that there is NO jurisdictional authority within their claimed jurisdictional territory, and especially AFTER my win in Case #2009-013 of when the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims rules that because the governor did NOT send the Feds an Invitation to file their N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 papers with our N.H. Secretary of State, that he SHALL be Art. 41-N.H. "responsible for" his dereliction of non-performance of Art. 51 duty by him owing me $x,xxx.xx up to the $5,000 amount claimed withOUT a filing fee. Up to $50,000 if you want to pay a $xx.xx filing fee, that maybe I will pay for WHEN I win, and against the Safety Commissioner for Elaine and THEN Ed, since he FAILed to Art. 12 Protect her as an "inhabitant" from the abuse of these U.S. Codes never Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 U.S. Constitution "Consent"ted to by our New Hampshire General Court, in that an offer of consent or a conditional consent is NOT a consent! per 40USC255 and see also the U.S. Attorney Manual #664.

THEN with this win to copy and use as evidence to either the judge to dismiss all charges against Ed & Elaine, plus all the co-conspirators: Danny, Jason and Reno, and hopefully BEFORE Bob is released November 16th, so that WHEN he is released, and using this information, plus the provision in his contract that if the government entered into the contract in bad faith, then all is null and void, then to also be able to sue for $2,500 per day like in that Veronica Silva case in the State Board of Claims in the mid 1980s as reported about on the front page of The UNION LEADER. That's $2,500 x 100 days = $250,000 x round up to 4 (of 365 days per year, round up to 400) = $1 million per year x 2 years (Sept./Oct. 2007 - Fall 2009) = $2 million each!

- - Joe


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 18, 2009, 10:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 17, 2009, 09:41 AM NHFT
Quote from: keith in RI on October 16, 2009, 06:21 PM NHFT
elaines is still listed as in transit...
Today too....
Also this morning.


And this afternoon (Monday, Oct. 19th) too @ 1:21 p.m. Eastern Time.

Mod: still "IN TRANSIT" @ 4:18 p.m. this Monday afternoon.
Mod: still "IN TRANSIT" @ 8:30 p.m. this Monday night.
Mod: still "IN TRANSIT" @ 9:24 a.m. this Tuesday morning.
Mod: still "IN TRANSIT" @ 5:50 p.m. this Tuesday afternoon.
Mod: still "IN TRANSIT" @ 11:53 am this Wednesday morning (+ see below)
Mod: still "IN TRANSIT" @ 5:02 p.m. this Wednesday afternoon.
Mod: Carswell FMC      @ 10:20 a.m. this Thursday morning.


The N.H. House Ways & Means Committee to get a report(s) from: _______________ tomorrow and Thursday in Room 202-204 L.O.B. Concord about "State revenue info session", but NOT a Public Hearing for to talk, just listen.

See: http://www.meetup.com/nhseacoastliberty/calendar/11576292/  *

and: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/caljourns/calendars/2009/houcal2009_58.html

* "#
1 Maybe

      Joseph S. Haas
      " See Article 95 of the N.H. Constitution for State Collectors of the federal taxes, especially when there is no RSA Ch. 123:1 federal officer registered with the N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by 40USC255. " "

- - Joe

Mod: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/committeedetails.aspx?code=H28


Here's a copy and paste:

(Federal taxes to them by a new path) N.H. Ways & Means.?
From:    Joseph S. Haas Jr. (josephshaasjr at hotmail.com)
Sent:    Tue 10/20/09 9:07 AM
To:    ~houseways&meanscommittee at leg.state.nh.us
Cc:    ________________________________________

Secretary:    Barbara Moynihan    Phone:    271-3529
Researcher:    Nancy LeVinus    Location:    RM 202 LOB
Committee Members:    Email Committee Members
Chairman:    Susan Almy(d)    Bills Currently in Committee
V. Chairman:    William Hatch(d)    Bills Originally Referred to Committee
Clerk:    William Butynski(d)    Mailing list of Committee Members
*** Listen to Committee Hearings! ***
Frank Davis (d)    Dennis Vachon (d)    Gilman Shattuck (d)
John Kelley (d)    Ron Mack (d)    William Johnson (d)
Susan Price (d)    Robert Walsh (d)    Norman Major (r)
Mary Griffin (r)    Priscilla Lockwood (r)    David Boutin (r)
David Bettencourt (r)    Russell Ober (r)    Frank Sapareto (r)
Jordan Ulery (r)    Joe Osgood (r)    
Dear Reps.:

Here's a copy and paste of my summary over at:

    * Revolutionary
    * ******
    * Karma: 1011
    * Posts: 2338

Re: Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS
« Reply #9218 on: Today at 06:19 AM »

The N.H. House Ways & Means Committee to get a report(s) from: _______________ tomorrow and Thursday in Room 202-204 L.O.B. Concord about "State revenue info session", but NOT a Public Hearing for to talk, just listen.

See: http://www.meetup.com/nhseacoastliberty/calendar/11576292/  *

and: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/caljourns/calendars/2009/houcal2009_58.html

* "#
1 Maybe

      Joseph S. Haas
      " See Article 95 of the N.H. Constitution for State Collectors of the federal taxes, especially when there is no RSA Ch. 123:1 federal officer registered with the N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by 40USC255. " "

- - Joe

Mod: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/committeedetails.aspx?code=H28

on page 615. "

Would you PLEASE send me your list of speakers = _______________________  ?

WHEN the Revenue Commissioner talks and/or his attorney, who I did see and talk with last month at his Pleasant Street Office in Concord, I was told that BEFORE the current naming of this Dept. it was called: _______________ before the 1976 or thereabouts changeover that had been that way since about 1903.

The point being that BEFORE the 16th Amendment of 1913 the federal government collected their revenue by other means from 1903 to 1913 for that ten (10) years by what I suspect were State Collectors of BOTH the State AND federal taxes NOT "by" the Feds, but "for" the Feds, as an Article 95 state check and balance so as to feed "Uncle Sam" of what he "needs" but NOT all of his "wants", so as to keep him fit and trim in a "limited" government. Sort of like what we did in-state with N.H. RSA Ch. 21-G:2 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/I/21-G/21-G-2.htm

The Feds had it in their power for a direct tax by Article I, Section 8 of a capital or head tax, but that Frank Mevers, the State Archivist could find NO State Collectors of Federal taxes back then, and said that we almost had a national head tax back in the War of: _____ in or around 1812. You might ask him about this too.

Actually the 16th Amendment for an indirect tax is for "to lay and collect", and if enough people protest, then the State Collectors for the Feds is the way to go, since to lay can mean either to apply or impose.  Most people accept the government's definition of to impose as in to levy or collect, but that is George Orwellian "1984" and "Double-speak" of to collect and collect.  I prefer the word apply as in to request and say: Request DENIED! (;-), especially since there is no Section 2 enforcement clause as there is for the surrounding Amendments. See my case #M.83-50-D in U.S. District for for 1983 in Concord, N.H. that proved this. "They" wanted over $62,000 in taxes from me as a landlord, and I told them this and that section (5) of their I.R. Code for rents was un-constitutional! reference the Otto Skinner and Martin J. "Red" Beckman books for when he/"Red" was here in N.H. running for President back then with 1/2-hour Info-mercials on WMUR-TV Channel 9 to get us all up to the then N.H. Highway Hotel in Concord. One of the early recruits being: Ed Brown himself from Plainfield, and the rest is history-in-the-making, YET to conclude AGAINST the Feds AND our governor by my Case #2009-013 against him in the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims

But that our country has to operate, but that ought to be like what N.H. is supposed to be doing too, in an Art. 38 "frugal" manner of needs over wants! http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html In other words to subsidize only the poor people under the poverty line for the schools as per the Milton Friedman Plan, and 55NH503 @ 505 (1879) per the Brentwood School District case from Rockingham County. WHY do you think the Dept. of Revenue tabulates the School Lunch Program statistics for this Poverty Chart?  To collect dust!? No! To use in the taxing measures. See my Abatement Case #2009-___ against Boscawen for the details.

So with all these taxes TO the Feds by unlawful and illegal means, as the end does NOT justify the means, in what is supposed to be a guarantee of "procedural" due process of law, by the 5th + 14th Amendments to The United States of America, please do NOT be a "sociopath" in extreme denial to the truth. Stop kneeling before Uncle Sam begging for federal funds for this and that and do the CHANGE that was voted for back in November to get Obama in there to accept the N.H. Way of doing business with the feds, in that all those $millions feeding Uncle Sam now, to divert to the State and THEN send Uncle Sam a new diet! (;-) For a lean-mean-fighting machine!

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com "


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 09, 2009, 04:01 PM NHFT
To copy this printout and mail:

"Fort Devens Log Book. (N.H.)

I did just leave a message with Lt. Spina's voice mail (at 9:18 a.m. today) asking if he has verified my claim with the N.H. Office of Secretary of State that there has been no 40USC255 federal filing per N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, and when so notified to please execute the executive check-and-balance to help my friend and Victim Ed Brown who they have taken into illegal and unlawful custody.

- - Joe

Mike Barskey

615 pages of this thread is too much to look through manually. Does anyone know the current jail/prison that Ed is in? How about Elaine?

I ask because I sent Ed a letter at Strafford County Jail a week or 2 ago and it was bounced back to me as "Return to Sender," and the jail told me today that he was "transferred to the feds."

Thanks for your help.


B. Obama advised of Cirino Gonzalez, Elaine & Ed Brown

From: Jose M.

"He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself." ... Cicero

Sent by United States Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECIEPT

U.S. President Barack Obama 7008 1300 0001 9865 6511
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

U.S. Congress member
Kay Bailey Hutchinson 7008 1300 0001 9765 6504
284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Congress member John Cornyn 7008 1300 0001 9765 6498
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Representative Ruben Hinojosa 7008 1300 0001 9765 6481
2463 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Please, see the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND CRIMINAL INTENT, the delivery information thereof, and reply by mail within TEN business days of receiving this letter as verified by United States Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECIEPT (numbers as listed above per each recipient's name) and include the tax identification number of your office, the name and account number of your bond (insurance) company, as well as your personal tax identification and/or social security number.

In accordance to the established checks and balances expected/..DEMANDED of your position I, Jose Manuel Gonzalez©, and on behalf of victims Cirino Gonzalez, Romeo Lee Gonzalez, Donna Mae VanMeter, Jason Gerhart, Daniel Riley, Robert Wolffe, Edward Brown, Elaine Brown, and countless freedom-loving inhabitants of various States of the United States of America, do hereby notify you of my/our CLAIM against your duty to over-see, stop an injustice, and correct an ongoing act of lawlessness on the part of the Judicial branch of the United States of America.
My DEMAND and CLAIM is made as acceptance of your OATH OF OFFICE, by which you swore to uphold THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as a condition of the elected position held by you.

1. Inaction on your part to immediately correct this most egregious violation against the principles of freedom established by the founding fathers of these united States is evidence of your incompetence, complacency, or willingness to be a conspirator in the violation of Rights and acts of treason against the people of sovereign States of the United States of America ...
2. making YOU personally liable for legal and civil actions as retribution for the violations of rights of the above listed victims ...
3. and making your OFFICE liable for civil/..financial retribution for the violations of rights of the above listed victims ...
4. and making your staff members liable for legal, civil, and financial retribution for the violations of rights of the above listed victims ...
5. in accordance to the U.S. Criminal code, The Uniform Commercial Code, and Civil code, as well as the United States Constitution.
6. My repeated attempts to contact you, your office, or staff have met with a lack of response.
7. NOTICE to agent is considered notice to principle; notice to principle is considered notice to agent.
8. Reply within ten business day of receipt of this AFFIDAVIT, as verified by
United States Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECIEPTs:
7008 1300 0001 9865 6511
7008 1300 0001 9765 6504
7008 1300 0001 9765 6498
7008 1300 0001 9765 6481

Copy: Alice Echo-News Journal
Corpus Christi Caller-Times

_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..______________ _________
Jose M. Gonzalez© Date

This document was acknowledged before me on _____________ (date)

(signature of notarial officer) Seal/Stamp:

(print name notarial officer) My commission expires:.._.._______________


Sent by certified mail, return receipt requested
7008 2810 0001 0429 6204
District of New Hampshire
53 Pleasant Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301


Cr. No. 07-189-01-GZS


In as much as UNITED STATES officials are protected, by law, from personal liability only within the performance of their OFFICIAL duties, The UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, and ALL of its officers, employees, and agents IS/ARE Hereby NOTIFIED of their violation of:

A. Article 1 section 8 clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution:
...to exercise exclusive Legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, magazines, Arsenals, dock Yards, and other needful Buildings;..."

B. New Hampshire revised statutes and specifically RSA 123:1:
TITLE IX ACQUISITION OF LANDS BY UNITED STATES; FEDERAL AID CHAPTER 123 JURISDICTION OVER LANDS ACQUIRED; TAX EXEMPTION Section 123:1, 123:1 Ceded to United States. – Jurisdiction is ceded to the United States of America over all lands within this state now or hereafter exclusively owned by the United States, and used as sites for post offices, custom-houses, military air bases, military installations or other public buildings: provided, that an accurate description and plan of the lands so owned and occupied, verified by the oath of some officer of the United States having knowledge of the facts, shall be filed with the secretary of this state; and, provided, further, that this cession is upon the express condition that the state of New Hampshire shall retain concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over all such lands, so far that all civil and criminal process issuing under the authority of this state may be executed on the said lands and in any building now or hereafter erected thereon, in the same way and with the same effect as if this statute had not been enacted; and that exclusive jurisdiction shall revert to and revest in this state whenever the lands shall cease to be the property of the United States

C. 40 U.S.C. § 255. This statute requires the head or authorized officer of the agency acquiring or holding property to file with the state a formal acceptance of such "jurisdiction, exclusive or partial as he may deem desirable," and further provides that in the absence of such filing "it shall be conclusively presumed that no such jurisdiction has been acquired." See Adams v. United States, 319 U.S. 312 (district court is without jurisdiction to prosecute soldiers for rape committed on an army base prior to filing of acceptance prescribed by statute). The requirement of 40 U.S.C. § 255 can also be fulfilled by any filing satisfying state law...

Further action on the part of officers, employees, and agents pertaining or related to Cr. No. 07-189-01-GZS will be deemed as a WILLFUL AND INTENTIAL VIOLATION on the part of ALL officers, employees, and agents NOTIFIED herein; making any/ALL officers, employees, and agents personally LIABLE and subject to civil/criminal litigation. Other cases, previous, current, pending, or future, are also affected.

Denials, by Officers of the Court, of MOTIONs questioning JURISDICTION and refusal to demand, of the U.S Attorney, a demonstration/..REVELATION OF JURISDICTION, regarding A, B, and C above, is deemed as conspiratorial and a violation of OTHER acts, codes, rules, and statutes to be considered upon further investigation by COMPLIANT States authorities with proper jurisdiction.

Officials, employees, and agents of/within the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, may also be in violation of other New Hampshire and United States Statutes, Acts, Codes, and Rules requiring the prevention of, and acting upon, criminal activity known to them and may apply retroactive as per investigation.

As a concerned third-party, this NOTICE is hereby served as a demand of release of Cirino Gonzalez as the ONLY option available to the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE within its STATUS of NONCOMPLIANCE of A, B, and C above.

_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..______________ _________
Jose M. Gonzalez Date

This document was acknowledged before me on _____________ (date)

(signature of notarial officer) Seal/Stamp:

(print name notarial officer) My commission expires:.._.._______________

...also included was a January 11, 2007 copy of a gold-sealed letter to Joe Hass form the New Hampshire Dapartment of State stating "This is to certify that we have checked our recordes and do not find a copy of the filing by RSA 123:1"
Signed by David M Scanlan
Deputy Secretary of State


Quote from: Mike Barskey on October 20, 2009, 11:24 AM NHFT
615 pages of this thread is too much to look through manually. Does anyone know the current jail/prison that Ed is in? How about Elaine?

Ed is in Massachusetts at the Devens facility for the next couple of weeks undergoing a pychiatric evaluation.  Assuming he's found mentally competent, he'll be sentenced later this year in Concord, NH.

Elaine has already been sentenced and is "in transit" for the time being.  She's probably on the road to the same Texas prison where she was kept prior to this last trial.  Unless she's told someone here, there's no way of knowing where she'll end up until she gts there.


Quote from: LordBaltimore on October 20, 2009, 01:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mike Barskey on October 20, 2009, 11:24 AM NHFT
615 pages of this thread is too much to look through manually. Does anyone know the current jail/prison that Ed is in? How about Elaine?

Ed is in Massachusetts at the Devens facility for the next couple of weeks undergoing a pychiatric evaluation.  Assuming he's found mentally competent, he'll be sentenced later this year in Concord, NH.

Elaine has already been sentenced and is "in transit" for the time being.  She's probably on the road to the same Texas prison where she was kept prior to this last trial.  Unless she's told someone here, there's no way of knowing where she'll end up until she gts there.

Ed's address is in Reply #9184 on page 613:

P.O. BOX 879
AYER, MA  01432

* Edward-Lewis: Brown #03923-049


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 20, 2009, 11:58 AM NHFT
B. Obama advised of Cirino Gonzalez, Elaine & Ed Brown

From: Jose M.

"He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself." ... Cicero

Sent by United States Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECIEPT
To: ...

U.S. Congress member
Kay Bailey Hutchinson 7008 1300 0001 9765 6504
284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Congress member John Cornyn 7008 1300 0001 9765 6498
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Representative Ruben Hinojosa 7008 1300 0001 9765 6481
2463 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Sent by certified mail, return receipt requested
7008 2810 0001 0429 6204
District of New Hampshire
53 Pleasant Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301


Cr. No. 07-189-01-GZS


In as much as UNITED STATES officials are protected, by law, from personal liability only within the performance of their OFFICIAL duties, The UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, and ALL of its officers, employees, and agents IS/ARE Hereby NOTIFIED of their violation of:

A. Article 1 section 8 clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution:

B. New Hampshire revised statutes and specifically RSA 123:1:...

C. 40 U.S.C. § 255...

Further action on the part of officers, employees, and agents pertaining or related to Cr. No. 07-189-01-GZS will be deemed as a WILLFUL AND INTENTIAL VIOLATION on the part of ALL officers, employees, and agents NOTIFIED herein; making any/ALL officers, employees, and agents personally LIABLE and subject to civil/criminal litigation. Other cases, previous, current, pending, or future, are also affected.

Denials, by Officers of the Court, of MOTIONs questioning JURISDICTION and refusal to demand, of the U.S Attorney, a demonstration/..REVELATION OF JURISDICTION, regarding A, B, and C above, is deemed as conspiratorial and a violation of OTHER acts, codes, rules, and statutes to be considered upon further investigation by COMPLIANT States authorities with proper jurisdiction.

Officials, employees, and agents of/within the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, may also be in violation of other New Hampshire and United States Statutes, Acts, Codes, and Rules requiring the prevention of, and acting upon, criminal activity known to them and may apply retroactive as per investigation.

As a concerned third-party, this NOTICE is hereby served as a demand of release of Cirino Gonzalez as the ONLY option available to the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE within its STATUS of NONCOMPLIANCE of A, B, and C above.
_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..______________ _________
Jose M. Gonzalez Date ...

...also included was a January 11, 2007 copy of a gold-sealed letter to Joe Hass form the New Hampshire Dapartment of State stating "This is to certify that we have checked our recordes and do not find a copy of the filing by RSA 123:1"
Signed by David M Scanlan
Deputy Secretary of State

The charge for KNOWingly keeping somebody behind bars who is an Article 12 - N.H. victim of these federal "outlaws" who are technically trespassers on state soil, is FALSE IMPRISONMENT!*

* http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/633/633-3.htm

When Ed gets back to Dover, I'll see to it that the Three Commissioners there be brought up on separate charges of this misdemeanor by the local C.O.P. to see them serve out a one-year sentence each for their "knowingly confines another unlawfully", as I told them all of this that you've mention above. THANK YOU for putting these Feds on notice too.  Maybe that's WHY Joshua did NOT put the 40USC255 in the brief, because although he is fighting FOR his client, he is also a Member of the Bar, and so to bend over backwards for his "brothers" to some degree, but when they KNOW this, and act to do wrong, then they are to be incarcerated themselves! Way to go!

Now to what? Charge them for a separate offense for each separate day? I think the SAME amount of time Ed spent over there and will be spending in the future ought to be the limit of their incarceration too.  To teach them a lesson that when they take the RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office WE MEAN IT! that when they screw up, they pay with the loss of their liberty too!

- - Joe

P.S. Here are the websites for these two U.S. Senators, and Federal Rep.:

A. http://hutchison.senate.gov/

B. http://cornyn.senate.gov/public/

C. http://hinojosa.house.gov/


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 20, 2009, 05:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 20, 2009, 11:58 AM NHFT..."He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself." ... Cicero

Sent by United States Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECIEPT
To: ...
U.S. Congress member
Kay Bailey Hutchinson 7008 1300 0001 9765 6504
284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Congress member John Cornyn 7008 1300 0001 9765 6498
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510 ....
...P.S. Here are the websites for these two U.S. Senators, and Federal Rep.:
A. http://hutchison.senate.gov/
B. http://cornyn.senate.gov/public/
C. http://hinojosa.house.gov/
Jose: Here's a copy and paste of my message that I did just TRY [ * ] to send to your U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson: (to likewise duplicate, and send to your other U.S. Senator Cornyn.)

entitled: Title 40 U.S. Code Section 255

"Dear Senator Hutchinson:
- - - - -
As a friend of one of your constituents, Cirino** Gonzalez and his father Jose, who just wrote you a NOTICE of wrongs being done by one of your Article III inferior Courts of Congress per the U.S. Constitution, and who started this Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 "Consent" investigation on Sept. 10, 2001 with the certificate of federal non-filing in N.H. by the feds being in 40USC255 non-acceptance to our N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 offer for conditional consent, you might also be interested in the Adams case of 1943 in the U.S. Supreme Court too that backs up his claim that there be NO jurisdiction, and so the money you authorize for THAT court to operate is being spent both unlawfully and illegally, (see also the violations of 18USC3232 over to Maine) and thus I 2nd his report to you that you stop this wrong by stopping the flow of money to it, as in feed-a-cold, starve-a-fever, and so starve-a-wrong until corrected. Yours truly, -- Joe Haas, a federal taxpayer through my employer at work, with ancestors from West Texas who later moved to Oklahoma and their descendants/ my cousins, still there plus over to Mississippi too where my Uncle Bob lives. Them originally from the Jamestown Settlement and into Kentucky the years just before Daniel Boone.
- - - - -  P.S. We here in New Hampshire are working on this too, by my suing the governor for his dereliction of Art. 51 duty for which he SHALL* be "responsible for" by Article 41 in the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims Case #2009-013 filed Oct. 15 '08 to enforce ALL legislative mandates* since Reno** was an Article 12-N.H. "inhabitant" entitled to this protection not provided. And so to send you a copy of their decision against the governor who was supposed to have sent you this "Invitation" to have YOUR federal "officer" visit our N.H. Secretary of State with the appropriate federal papers for filing. - - - - - cc: my two U.S. Senators: Judd Gregg, and Jeanne Shaheen."

[ * ] At exactly 10:20 a.m. Eastern Time: "The connection has timed out       

The server at hutchison.senate.gov is taking too long to respond.

    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web."   [ Try Again ]

...I did, and this is what happened: at exactly 10:25 a.m.: I did get the confirmation page with the sole message at the top of the screen that I tried to "copy" by blue highlight, but that I was not "fast on the trigger" to the words: "Thank you for your input...."     


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 21, 2009, 09:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 20, 2009, 05:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 20, 2009, 11:58 AM NHFT..."He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself." ... Cicero

Sent by United States Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECIEPT
To: ...
U.S. Congress member
Kay Bailey Hutchinson 7008 1300 0001 9765 6504 ...

U.S. Congress member John Cornyn 7008 1300 0001 9765 6498
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510 ....
...P.S. Here are the websites for these two U.S. Senators, and Federal Rep.:
A. http://hutchison.senate.gov/
B. http://cornyn.senate.gov/public/
C. http://hinojosa.house.gov/
Jose: Here's a copy and paste of my message...

entitled: Title 40 U.S. Code Section 255

"Dear Senator Hutchinson:
- - - - -
As a friend of one of your constituents, Cirino** Gonzalez and his father Jose, who just wrote you a NOTICE of wrongs being done by one of your Article III inferior Courts of Congress per the U.S. Constitution, and who started this Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 "Consent" investigation on Sept. 10, 2001 with the certificate of federal non-filing in N.H. by the feds being in 40USC255 non-acceptance to our N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 offer for conditional consent, you might also be interested in the Adams case of 1943 in the U.S. Supreme Court too that backs up his claim that there be NO jurisdiction, and so the money you authorize for THAT court to operate is being spent both unlawfully and illegally, (see also the violations of 18USC3232 over to Maine) and thus I 2nd his report to you that you stop this wrong by stopping the flow of money to it, as in feed-a-cold, starve-a-fever, and so starve-a-wrong until corrected. Yours truly, -- Joe Haas, a federal taxpayer through my employer at work, with ancestors from West Texas who later moved to Oklahoma and their descendants/ my cousins, still there plus over to Mississippi too where my Uncle Bob lives. Them originally from the Jamestown Settlement and into Kentucky the years just before Daniel Boone.
- - - - -  P.S. We here in New Hampshire are working on this too, by my suing the governor for his dereliction of Art. 51 duty for which he SHALL* be "responsible for" by Article 41 in the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims Case #2009-013 filed Oct. 15 '08 to enforce ALL legislative mandates* since Reno** was an Article 12-N.H. "inhabitant" entitled to this protection not provided. And so to send you a copy of their decision against the governor who was supposed to have sent you this "Invitation" to have YOUR federal "officer" visit our N.H. Secretary of State with the appropriate federal papers for filing. - - - - - cc: my two U.S. Senators: Judd Gregg, and Jeanne Shaheen." ....

Jose: Here's what I did get at the Confirmation Page for Sen. Cornyn at 10:47 a.m. Eastern Time (8:47 a.m. Central Time): "Thank you for contacting our office. Someone will be in contact with you soon."  This was just after I had sent him the same information that was sent to Senator Hutchinson.  Instead of using the subject: Judiciary (as I had for Hutchinson), and so as not to be in the general too with: Taxes, I did choose: "Federal employees" as in WHO is this N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 federal "officer" who is supposed to be doing this job, and getting paid for doing NOTHING!

From his main page of:

http://cornyn.senate.gov/public/ I did get to his Contact Page of:


and pressed the button for" "Request Senator Cornyn's help with a federal agency:"


but that was YOUR Certified Mail envelope to him, and so back to:


and the


by pressing the button for: "Email Senator Cornyn..." that I did, and got the following Confirmation page:


Notice that "Someone WILL be in contact with you soon" (emphasis ADDed), and so WHEN that occurs, I'll get their name and relay it over to you for WHO to deal with in finding out WHO this N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 federal officer is, for to file, and THEN to get the copy of that receipt from him or her by our N.H. Secretary of State, Bill Gardner and/or a copy of the federal filing with the N.H. Date Stamp thereon to present as NEW evidence in your son's criminal case to re-open at the U.S. District Court with either a Motion to Dismiss or at the very least for a Re-Trial to prove that at the time of the events (the alleged crime(s)), the Feds had NO jurisdiction, and so the jury to find the defendants: NOT Guilty! and then to what? Sue in the U.S. Court of Claims? and/or N.H. State Board of Claims too.

Best wishes, -- Joe

cc: William M. Gardner, the N.H. Secretary of State