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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 35

Started by JosephSHaas, January 12, 2010, 10:37 AM NHFT

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RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/couple-landlords-at-odds

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/couple-landlords-at-odds#comment-130041

"Follow the Money? No, follow the contract. (both of them)
By JosephSHaas - 06/28/2010 - 7:28 am New

So Annmarie, WHEN are you going to detail out what you wrote on page #1 of 3 here of: "the IRS is due nearly $185,000 in unpaid taxes from Brian Jensen". Is Mr. Jenson going to find them without jurisdiction since there be no 40USC255 to 3112 Federal filing from their GSA Landlord of the required papers to our Bill Gardner, N.H. Secretary of State as required by N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 and the Adams case of 1943 at the U.S. Supreme Court? as an offer of conditional consent is NOT an Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 Consent by the U.S. Constitution. Brian: File a SPECIAL Appearance and Motion for Discovery of the U.S. Attorney Manual #664 documents. They do NOT exist. Motion to Dismiss. And "Old Redneck": re: your comment #2 of 2 yesterday @ 5:53 p.m. about the lease NOT signed by the owner, that IS a "Great Answer" as they used to say on "The Family Feud" with Richard Dawson of "Hogan's Heroes". Now if only the people will wake up to the fact that although the Federal Reserve Notes ARE signed by the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury and have BOTH the Private/Corporate AND government seals on them, are they really "legal tender"? WHERE is the proof that the gold bullion per pallet of notes that they buy at only 6-cents each per ALL denominations of from the $1.00 to the $100 bill from the Federal Bureau of Engraving & Printing has been deposited? by Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 = our contract with them. NOT the "gold standard" as that is the redemption of the notes into gold coin, but that of the gold bullion! The notes are not monetized until this happens. My F.O.I.A. to the Feds resulted in that very excuse. So these rents paid HOW? (See below*) Mr. Jensen: WHEN you write your book on HOW you beat Big Brother State and Federal Uncle Sam, please let me know. I'd like to buy an autographed copy from you, and my greenbacks by then legal, going to the landlord standing beside you by court order as the Receiver! (;-) The court fines not paid until the U.S. Mint provides the Section 20 money of The Coinage Act of 1792 in which to pay such as that is only what they can give or take. * The Coinage Act of 1965 for all commercial transactions, vs. the constitutional. Former State Trooper-turned State Rep. Retired, Dick Marple of Hooksett has been waiting for his $100 per year pay for #___ years now from the N.H. State Treasurer. Thus no pay-in for fines until he is paid-out. Robert's Rules of Order and the Ninth Amendment. Plus Article 97 of the N.H. Constitution, and Chapter 28 Laws of N.H. for 1794 (Vol. 6 @ page 155). Go for it. You will help us all. "


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/gop-bikini-contest

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/gop-bikini-contest#comment-130056

of: "Hodes is a fruit-cake!
By JosephSHaas - 06/28/2010 - 8:20 am New

Reference: "(Victor) Vitale (owner of The "Cigar Agency") said he will cancel the bikini hula-hooping. "Obviously, it's not kosher," he said."

Speaking of "kosher", in addition to this word defined in the slang as proper, it is also a Jewish word, and speaking of Jews, or them that say they are Jews (Revelation 2:9 + 3:9 of The Bible/ New Testament), take a look at what Hodes has to say: CIVIL Rules of Federal Procedures in the courts CAN be used in the Criminal realm BELIEVE IT OR NOT! This is B.S. Reference the illegal transport of the defendants in the Ed Brown anti IRS case to Portland, Maine.  This is a clear violation of 18USC3232 in that ALL procedings SHALL occur withIN the District of WHERE the offense occurred.  Rule 72.5 of to waive such is ONLY in the Civil realm! Hodes mixes apples and oranges and is thus a fruit-cake! A liar, and as a member of the World Jewish Council of Parlimentarians his ethics are to abide by The Rule of Law.  Has he? WHERE is the WCJ investigation? Ellen Simmons of there did take my written complaint but that it is merely to collect dust.  They KNOW that their member has violated their rules but does NOTHING about it! Disgusting!  And you want Hodes to continue this do-nothing of to not impeach any of his buddies of the Bar to vote not guilty of if he ever becomes a U.S. Senator to judge any such House impeachment?  WHO of the current crop of those running will investigate this? and to what end? Do they honor your ancestors who fought for this right of procedural due process or do you let them like trample on your ancestor's graves by saying that the end justifies the means?  In that case you just threw out the 5th & 14th Amendments in the Bill of Rights. A violator of such, as Hodes deserves  NOT to remain in ANY office, but to be fired! And WHO will call for him to be fired?  Or are all these candicates wimps? Two of the Republicans running for this seat that Hodes wants too are his brother and sister of the Bar.  There is only one outsider.  Will he have the guts to investigate? and do something about it? If not now then when? A silence on such means that of an adoption of this same policy if/when elected? Hopefully he will NOT remain silent, but put this spotlight of shame on Hodes' campaign. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mod update: The Moderator at The MONITOR erased this, as usual when it comes to their buddy Hodes who they know is a liar who SAYs he's a Jew.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 28, 2010, 06:30 AM NHFT
RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/couple-landlords-at-odds

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/couple-landlords-at-odds#comment-130041

"Follow the Money? No, follow the contract. (both of them)
By JosephSHaas - 06/28/2010 - 7:28 am New

So Annmarie, ....

My Reply: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/couple-landlords-at-odds#comment-130077

By concordcitizen - 06/28/2010 - 8:26 am New

What exactly about this country do you believe in?  And why do you continue to live here if you question every single detail of every single law/regulation we have?  The whole government is an illusion and scam to you, right?  If I go someplace and don't like any of the rules, I leave.

Us "Miner Canaries" smell corruption first.
By JosephSHaas - 06/28/2010 - 9:00 am New

Hey: lower case citizen of Concord, move your car out of the middle of the road, those trash barrels were placed there at the end of your driveway for a reason, to give you a ticket next time! (;-) The City needs more money! (;-) If you don't like the City Ordinances then I guess you ought to pack up and leave! You sound like Peter Spaulding who thinks that I think the entire barrel is full of rotten apples, when it is not.  Case in point of the Reps who did amend RSA Ch. 498:5-d for deeds changed in 1996 from where the judges SHALL determine title to real estate to the "may" word of IF the party waives their right to an Art. 20 jury trial. And RSA Ch. 514:14 for notice back then prior to 1996 of however the judge sees fit, to that of "due process of law". BOTH statutes unconstitutional as since corrected. So would you have us Miner Canaries not smell the corruption and let you live in filth?  Friends don't let friends drive clunkers.  And fellow citizens don't like it when we see our fellow Article 12 + 30 (Parts 1 + 2, N.H. Constitution) neighbors being controlled over by other laws never consented too.  Yes - you MAY individually consent to such, but when you demand others to do so too or tell them to move away, that's when I draw the line at your attempt of shoving a lie down somebody else's throat! Same goes for education funding. Read 55NH503@505(1875) of the Brentwood No. 2 case. To subsidize the poor people, not this socialism in what is supposed to be an Article IV, section 4, U.S. Republican form of government. Live by the law or leave it: you!"


I wonder how long these them-that-say-they-are Jews over at The "Concord Monitor" by Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 will let this truth stand over there before they cover-up for their liar buddy Hodes AGAIN as EVERY time I print something against Hodes it dis-appears:

Re: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/reaching-beyond-the-temple-walls

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/reaching-beyond-the-temple-walls#comment-130204

of: ""Repair the world" is a good imperative*
By JosephSHaas - 06/29/2010 - 8:33 am New

Reference: page #1 of 2 here of: "As a Reform Jew, there's a religious imperative* of tikkun olam - to repair the world," Klein said." * = imperative (page 353) meaning: "1. Expressing a command or plea. 2. Urgent or obligatory." From the Latin word: imperare of: "to prepare against (an occasion)".

That sounds fine, but is only a part of what is "The Rule of Law", a fine ethics plank on the platform of the World Jewish Council (W.J.C. of New York) of which our Federal Rep Paul Hodes belongs to as a Parliamentarian of Congress and who supposedly took the oath to abide by, but when I reported him to there for a violation of such, there is NO investigation.

Yes - to repair, the verb, means: "To betake oneself" [from page 598 of The "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973)] and betake is defined at page 69 of: "To cause (oneself) to go or move." But when Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232 restricts that movement of for the accused to be tried and with ALL proceedings withIN the District of where the offense occured, as for example the District of New Hampshire distinct from The District of Maine, both withIN the First Circuit of Boston, then HOW could those hearings in Portland, Maine (before Polish Jew George G. Singal, an immigrant to Maine with his mother and sister, after their departure from Hitler's attrocities during WWII with his father too, but who did not make it to America as did the rest of the family) legally have occured?  They didn't!  The law spells it out in that they SHALL occur here also for the benefit of witnesses, as me an un-called witness on the list for the Ed Brown anti-IRS co-conspirator case.  I reported this to Hodes and Jane Pauly, his office worker called the court where Deputy Dan Lynch told her that CIVIL Rule 72.5 can be applied to this CRIMINAL case for them to waive their rights if they want.  And so Assistant U.S. Attorney Arnold Huftalen tried to get Cirino Gonzalez to sign such a waiver and he refused but was transported over there over the Somersworth-Berwich Bridge.  An intent and the actual landing of WHERE the crime occured.  The Somersworth police investigation such to maybe have a local Maine Bench warrant for these Federalies when next in their baliwick to be arrested for kidnapping! To plead respondeat superior to have their boss answer to the charge of WHY he did violate the law!  In the meantime do-nothing Hodes to have impeached this judge now wants to be a U.S. Senator!?  Does he get the blessing of the local Rabbi? Especially after she reads this. cc: to Bill Binnie, the only other Republican Primary candidate who is not a sister or brother of the Bar membership of attorneys running for the U.S. Senate. Please see to it that this Hodes, whose religious rights by Article 5 of the N.H. Constitution do no further harm to these victims who like the words repair and betake, but not for as far as they were taken by these Federal outlaws! There is a limit."   - - Joe [ Mod: name typo].


Thank you Dick, reference: http://www.t-room.us/2010/06/operation-american-freedom-we-the-people-demanding-return-to-constitutional-law/#comment-6159

So what happened at Fitpatrick's arraignment in Monroe County, Tennessee yesterday?, June 28th, re: this attempt to citizen's arrest a Grand Jury Foreman who had served OVER their time by statute, and/or to get the info over to them for a Presentment as still withIN the 5th Amendment that no U.S. Code or state statute can over-ride! -- Joe

Here's part 1 of 2 to this from the print-out @ 70% for anybody to re-copy here at ___%:

"Operation American Freedom: We the People demanding return to Constitutional Law
Posted by helen

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. up>a b 5 U.S.C. § 3331, Oath of Office)   
The T-Room's previous post 1946: The Year the Federal Government Illegally Usurped American's Constitutional Protections featured a 60-minute audio interview with former/active Marine Sgt. Tim Harrington, exposing the illegal usurpation of the citizen's right for redress as protected by the powers granted Grand Juries under the Fifth Amendment.

Harrington's primary investigative focus on the issue of Grand Jury 'Presentments,'  led him to believe our original civil system of 'Presentments' was replaced with the military's system – specifically Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) – "Rules of Criminal Procedure." The UCMJ system appears to mirror the civil system in that it only allows Grand Juries the power to hand down 'Indictments' to a prosecutor, and strips away their prior powers to act independently – sans prosecutor.

This single act of replacing civil procedure with military procedure denies citizens their First Amendment right to address grievances with any local, state or federal government actor through the Constitutional American Grand Jury System, whose powers are guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment. How and why this occurred is the mission of much investigative work, and the reason for publishing this series at The T-Room.

Prior to 1946, an American citizen could file a criminal complaint directly with a Grand Jury. According to a January 22, 2009, article by Leo Donofrio, J.D., the Grand Jury, operating separately from the courts, had broad powers to function as both investigators and accusers, without a prosecutor or judge involved. Their powers also allowed them to proceed to a presentment, and/or an indictment, based solely on their independent, investigative findings. This functioned as a sort of checks and balances system that provided for the People's oversight of the government.

However, post 1946, the government, operating under a lie enacted by the legislative branch, rendered citizen 'Presentments' "obsolete" in Federal Courts. Today, only a minority of local Grand Juries in a few states still retain the original power of criminal prosecutorial 'Presentments.' Otherwise, the vast majority of state and all federal Grand Juries recognize "the lie" and must return "Indictments" to a prosecutor. We'll address how they pulled this off later in the article. Let's first look at what prompted this shift in powers.

What was it exactly that necessitated or prompted this shift in Grand Jury powers resulting in the loss of our First Amendments rights? More appropriately said, the perception that we believe we have lost our First Amendment rights. Let's revisit both the First Amendment and the Fifth Amendment before we go on.

The First Amendment reads:   

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 

The Fifth Amendment reads:

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

After that quick refresher, is it surprising the federal government felt it had to make a move?   It's easy to see in Donofrio's brief explanation below, the threat the power of the People represented to the government, particularly the independent power Grand Juries once enjoyed, as lawfully provided to them in The Bill of Rights."


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 29, 2010, 09:36 AM NHFT
..., reference: http://www.t-room.us/2010/06/operation-american-freedom-we-the-people-demanding-return-to-constitutional-law/#comment-6159
Part 2 of 4:
"     "In addition to its traditional role of screening criminal cases for prosecution, common law grand juries had the power to exclude prosecutors from their presence at any time and to investigate public officials without governmental influence. These fundamental powers allowed grand juries to serve a vital function of oversight upon the government. The function of a grand jury to ferret out government corruption was the primary purpose of the grand jury system in ages past."

I was surprised to find mention also in Donofrio's article the outward admittance of the importance of federal grand juries by Supreme Court Justice Scalia, and felt it important to include it here. Scalia says, as quoted in US v. Williams, "a constitutional fixture in its own right"  He also stated, that "the grand jury is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts DO NOT preside." (emphasis mine) It belongs to no branch of government. From this we see the kind of power wielded by the People and why it was and is deemed such a threat.

Without a doubt, it was this threat of power, and unbeknownst to us until now, a more sinister agenda looming in our futures, that prompted the federal government, including the Supreme Court Justices, to render citizen "Presentments" obsolete, in whatever manner they could.

We're led to believe, read deceived, the Federal Government sought to bring uniformity to the criminal rules for state, local and Federal Grand Juries just as they had done in 1938, with civil procedure rules. With the adoption of The Sumners Courts Act in 1944, the first Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure  were subsequently enacted in 1946, by most state and local governments. The result of the adoption of this act essentially relieved the Grand Juries of their investigative powers, laying it squarely and solely in the laps of prosecutors. Notice I said "relieved." No legal amendment to the Constitution has been made changing the power of the Grand Juries. NONE.  This move ultimately gave the Federal government what they desire most – less power in the hands of the people and more power in the hands of the government. I can't help but wonder if being in the midst of WWII during this time had any bearing on this.

Evident by my ongoing discovery of the usurpation of the power of the federal government, this body of work serves to continue to awaken the People to the fact that the global elite began as early as 1946, patiently and methodically laying the foundation for their ultimate goal – a One World Government. They have since worked steadfastly to further strip the People of their liberties and freedoms, and erode the powers guaranteed them in the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

Shockingly, the People's First Amendment protection for redress is hiding in a footnote of the 1946 Commission's Report. The power of the Grand Juries have also been hidden from the People's sight. 

Naturally, we ask ourselves how did they do this? Well, they simply removed the words related to "Presentments" and placed it in their Committee "footnotes" indicating the Committee's decision to remove it. That's how! Of course, you and I were always taught no changes could be made to the US Constitution without the citizens voting on said changes. Therefore, this strike of a pencil would appear to be illegal under Constitutional law. But, is it? Does it find its lawfulness under the provisions for Martial law. More on that later.

For the record, here are the Committee's footnotes to Rule 7 – pay special attention to item 4:



Note to Subdivision (a). 

1. This rule gives effect to the following provision of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury * * *". An infamous crime has been defined as a crime punishable by death or by imprisonment in a penitentiary or at hard labor, Ex parte Wilson, 114 U.S. 417, 427; United States v. Moreland, 258 U.S. 433. Any sentence of imprisonment for a term of over one year may be served in a penitentiary, if so directed by the Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 753f (now 4082, 4083) (Commitment of persons by any court of the United States and the juvenile court of the District of Columbia; place of confinement; transfers).  Consequently any offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of over one year is an infamous crime. "


Part 3 of 5:
" 2. Petty offenses and misdemeanors for which no infamous punishment is prescribed may now be prosecuted by information, 18 U.S.C. 541 (see 1) (Felonies and misdemeanors); Duke v. United States, 301 U.S. 492. 

3. For a discussion of the provision for waiver of indictment, see Note to Rule 7(b), infra. 

4. Presentment is not included as an additional type of formal accusation, since presentments as a method of instituting prosecutions are obsolete, at least as concerns the Federal courts.

Hard to believe isn't it? Poof. Gone. In the blink of an eye – the citizen's constitutional right for redress through a Grand Jury process was removed.  The powers that be reduced it to a footnote in the newly adopted Rules of Criminal Procedure. 

Many scholars and laymen alike, have written on this very subject. But, I know of no one, other than Sgt. Tim Harrington, who has made, or attempted to make, the connection between military "Uniform Code of Military Justice - Rules of Procedure" with civilian "Rules of Criminal Procedure."  In part 1 of this series, Harrington linked his comparative theory to the works of Col. William Winthrop and his Two Volume Set of  Articles of War, which, in turn, is easily traced back to the reign of Britian's King George III. 

Quoting Winthrop on Page 20, Volume 1 -

    "The necessity of constantly comparing the two, and passing from the one to the other in order to ascertain and harmonize the law, was at least inconvenient, and that the body of law thus dissevered was not sooner consolidated and simplified must remain a matter of surprise to the American student."

Through careful observation, Harrington concludes "Today, America's military and civilian/criminal justice systems mirror one another and the one common denominator lacking between both is constitutional law." Today, the People's justice system, military and civilian, are deviously built upon Winthrop's War Articles and as Fitzpatrick rightly pens "...the contemporary variant of the American articles."  Fitzpatrick goes on and states in "Winthrop's Curse" – "War Articles serve Kings"  "Constitutions serve People"   

Between learning We the People, over many decades, allowed critical constitutional protections  end up as a footnote is striking. And now to learn America's entire criminal system is actually rooted in Britian's War Articles and both civilian and military criminal systems are nearly identical is tyranny. 

Now, how did these government criminals, elected by the People, whittle away, ever so slowly the People's protections without our screaming from the rooftops? These criminals are sly ones, oh yes, they are. Here's just a snippet from Fitzpatrick's post "Winthrop's Curse". 

    "In the United States of America, no person or assembly is lawfully sanctioned to strip a fellow citizen the protection of a constitutionally constructed jury. 

    And yet, the Attainder Act of 1789, remains undisturbed in its essentials. (Martial Law)

    We are left instead with Winthrop's subversion, treason and betrayal. Winthrop's 1886 bloodless coup de grace forced a military amendment on the Constitution and on its people."   

(Note: the history behind Martial Law is a post itself. The T-Room will feature a post on this topic in the coming days. Why? Because, NO PRESIDENT since Lincoln's assissination has ever rescinded the Attainder Act of 1789. Stay tuned.)

Two Dad's, Two Brothers, Two Oaths

Retired Commander Fitzpatrick and former/active Sgt Harrington teamed up years ago to research and put into practice, their oath to the Constitution by exercising their protections guaranteed them under the First and Fifth Amendment.     

On 17 March 2009 retired Navy Commander Walter Frances Fitzpatrick III filed a Complaint of Treason against the President of the United States at the Monroe County Courthouse in Tennessee. Undaunted, and unstoppable, "Operation American Freedom" was launched in "real-time". Their decision was made only after learning the county of Monroe, Tennessee, the Commander's hometown area, Grand Jury still accepted citizen "Presentments," one of the few left in the nation.   

Operation AF's mission is simple ~ Return Constitutional Law to the United States of America and ALL her citizens by IMMEDIATELY rescinding the Attainder Act of 1789.   

Since 17 March 2010, much has happened YET nothing has happened to get the Complaint of Treason before the Monroe Co. Grand Jury. The much = learning Tennessee's Code of Criminal Procedure, the Monroe County Judicial system and how it works, study of standard practices for random selection of Petite and Grand Jury duty, working with the Clerk of Court and her staff and more. The nothing = 15 months to the day, of nonsensical delay and obstruction by the current Foreman of the Monroe County Grand Jury, Gary Pettway, and Assistant District Attorney Stutts who by all appearance is conflicted. Yet these two American citizens of Monroe County have done a helluva job impeding justice.   

Without having to dig to hard, Fitzpatrick learned a disturbing truth about the identities of the individuals who continue running interference ensuring the Complaint is not heard by the Grand Jury.

Asst. DA Stutt's, Foreman Pettway and Foreman Davis' ongoing nonsensical attempt to delay, obstruct and/or oppress Fitzpatrick's Complaint of Treason only seems to dig a deeper hole to dig out of.   


Part 4 of 4: [ @ 60% on page 2 print-out]
"Now, why on earth would two Foremen and an Asst. DA obstruct Fitzpatrick's protection to a Grand Jury hearing? Well, let's take a look at Tennessee Code (Annotated) 22-2-314. Limitation on jury service.   

     "A juror who has completed a jury service term shall not be summoned to serve another jury service term in any court of this state for a period of twenty-four (24) months following the last day of such service: however, the county legislative body of any county, may, by majority vote, extend the twenty-four month period."   

Unless I'm mistaken, it appears the two Foremen managing the 2010 Grand Jury's to date may very well be serving the Monroe County Grand Jury illegally.   

Tennessee law, above, clearly states "A juror who has completed a jury service term shall not be summoned to serve another jury service in any court for a period of 24 months..." Yet, current Foreman, Mr. Gary Pettway, records show he started serving 04 January 1990. How do the Judges who oversee Juror random selection lotteries explain this? Rationalize this? Nineteen years in a row, Pettway has been randomly selected through a lottery system? 

A Ms. Angela Davis' Monroe County Jurist records, on the other hand, show her last day of Jury service being June 2009 after serving on a Petite Jury (see Pay Schedule) in Judge Reedy's court.  Don't tell me there are more than two Angela Davis' who look the same dwelling in Monroe County, TN. I've already checked. I have learned no such person exists. Stunningly, Ms. Davis received this Order from Judge Reedy dated 02 June 2010 to serve as Grand Jury Foreman for the 03 June 2010 "Special" Grand Jury proceeding. (note: Jaghunter in his current post, The Jury Laundry, states Ms. Davis is not eligible to serve on the Monroe County Grand Jury until the calendar year of 2011)

Fitzpatrick appeared, and informed this "Special" Grand Jury they were meeting unlawfully, due to the fact that Foreman Davis, was serving as a jurist illegally. Stutt's was conflicted and this volunteer "pool" of juror's representing Grand Jury Panel B served as eyewitnesses to Fitzpatrick's earlier attempt to conduct a lawful and legal citizen's arrest of Foreman, Gary Pettway. Clearly the "Special" Grand Jury demonstrated open hostility toward Fitzpatrick throughout the hearing. Why? Because their friend, colleague and boss is being rightfully and legally accused of breaking TN law and obstructing justice. One juror aggresively questioned him ending with the question - if [Fitzpatrick's] actions had anything to do with Gary Pettway being black. What on earth does this woman not get about Tennessee's Constitutiton let alone the US Constitiution?

Mr. Pettway appears to be a rather smart man, therefore, why on earth demean his character further by charging racism? I find this line of questioning rather insulting to Mr. Pettway and I hope you do as well.

But there was a reason for this line of questioning – low and behold on 08 June 2010 at 10:34 am Monroe County Sheriff's arrest Fitzpatrick outside his home. Detective Captain Michael Morgan, Chief Jailer Trent Proct and another Sheriff conducted the arrest.

The Monroe County Grand Jury issued their Presentment,  with Foreman Davis, who appears to be in violation of Tennessee State Code, affixed signature to the Grand Jury Presentment NOT AN Indictment BUT a PRESENTMENT charging Fitzpatrick with the following:

1. TCA 39-16-510: Retaliation of past action (Felony)

2. TCA 39-17-309: Civil Rights Intimidation (Felony)

To read the entire Presentment of Charges 03 June 2010. There are five more bogus, smoke and mirror, charges.

The good news is the Monroe County Grand Jury INDEED issues PRESENTMENTS.  The bad news is Fitzpatrick's arraignment date is 28 June 2010. The Judge, likely Reedy, and the Assistant DA will be Stutts. Do you have the same feeling I do?

Fitzpatrick is being taken for a ride by the Monroe County judicial system for two reasons: first, to obstruct and oppress the Criminal Complaint of Treason and secondly, as has been clearly demonstrated in this essay, Mr. Gary Pettway, serving as Grand Jury Foreman for at least 20 years, 19 too long, serving both Panel A and B, acting as an employee of the Monroe County Courts, then his service has violated Tennessee Code. Imagine what these facts mean to at least 20 years of criminal cases heard by the Monroe County Grand Jury, whether rendering Indictments or Presentments, were found guilty and are serving jail time now or ever served jail time? Think about it.

More importantly, Monroe County, is not the only County in Tennessee who is in violation of Tennessee's law. A short survey was conducted only to find several surrounding counties are too breaking the law.

Therefore, no Indictment or Presentment issued by the Monroe County Grand Jury stands on solid legal footing since January 1, 2010 (at a minimum). Thus, the charges above should immediately be dismissed. Instead, spending hard earned resources trashing Commander Fitzpatrick's good name, I might suggest the state conduct a thorough criminal investigation into the corrupt Grand Jury system throughout Tennessee and at last, hold a Grand Jury hearing, once and for all, to take up Fitzpatrick's Complaint of Treason against Barack/Barry Hussein Obama/Soetoro/Suharto.

Tennessee can lead We the People back to Constitutional Law. Are you up for it? Do you stand by the People or do you stand by the Federal Government? There is a slight crack in the door, and I strongly encourage you to take it.       

In summary, I challenge you, the reader, to ponder and then act on the following questions -

      Do you want to live and raise your families under Constitutional Law OR King George III's "contemporary" Rules of Procedure?
      Do you want to continue to have your Constitutional protections removed surreptiously OR do you want to exercise your right to vote for change?
      Do you want to a 21st Century President to rescind the Attainder Act of 1789 immediately upon taking office?
      Do you want to continue to be driven apart from your brothers and sisters who challenge you and beg you to learn what they are learning OR do your loyalties lie with the Dem or Rep Corporations?
      Are you willing to support and stand shoulder to shoulder with Harrington and Fitzpatrick to return our nation to Constitutional Law by rescinding the Attainder Act of 1789?

What are some questions I'm missing? Let us know if you want to help out here. We need to take care of those who are fighting for us. Right? Right!


Collectivism is Socialism that is unlawful in our Republic!


http:// www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=1xKGZMwaIG8&feature=related

Ayn Rand


Hey! I see that J.J. made the news tonight @ 6:44 p.m. on The N.B.C. Nightly News about that "Sovereign Citizen" and his son who shot an Arkansas C.O.P. dead at a traffic stop caught on video. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2010/may/22/police-ohio-man-son-killed-ark-officers/  "Jerry Kane Jr., 45, of Forest, Ohio, and his son Joseph Kane, believed to be 16, were identified by police Friday as the gunmen who used AK-47 assault rifles to attack West Memphis police Sgt. Brandon Paudert, 39, and Officer Bill Evans, 38." and: "With 363 new groups in 2009, there are now 512, Potok said."

On a search of "Sovereign Citizen" J J MacNab at GOOGLE   http://www.google.com/#q=%22Sovereign+Citizen%22+J+J+MacNab&hl=en&prmd=o&ei=SmcyTPfbCYH98Aa2t9XJCw&start=20&sa=N&fp=1bf751093203146e I find over at: http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=4029&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=80 that her trade name at Quatloos is: Demosthenes for anybody interested in following her career as a Maryland insurance analyst .

I tried finding the N.B.C. video of this blerb but couldn't fine it.    - - Joe

P.S. This parent and son combo reminds me of the tragic situation that happened in what they call the Abbeville Horror of South Carolina by Arthur and Rita Bixby with their son Steven from Epsom to Warren, N.H. and then down south. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Abbeville,_South_Carolina_right-of-way_standoff Actually the State Officials who went past the NO TRESPASSING sign posted on their property were in error with their lives because South Carolina does NOT recognize "Trespass to try Title".

Yours truly Joe Haas "Sovereign Citizen"  :occasion17:

footnote: Happy Federal Hole-E-Day today, with a picture of Zoe, the Dog with the 3-corner hat over at: http://www.redcrayons.net/   =  J J 's website.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 05, 2010, 06:45 PM NHFT
Hey! I see that J.J. made the news tonight ....


Subject: "Jerry Kane"

Message: "Reno, I first learned of this just last night.  It IS a debt-elimination scam.  These two officers should NOT have been killed. I keep telling people on BOTH sides of the fence to read the right to travel in "The Oregon Law Review" of Dec. 1954 @ page 1. A license is a restrain on the individual WHEN you are a proven threat to the public, and so ONLY of AFTER an accident.  Thus with NO accident of record then NO motor vehicle license.  I put cf. 83-S-313 for my Merrimack County Superior Court case in Concord, N.H. that I won this in 1983 on my so-called driver's license that is really just an I.D. card of having passed Driver's Ed(ucation) and for liability insurance and to rent a car when traveling. In 1984 I looked into this bank loaning only its money stuff and so went through this first-hand.  Since the bank loaned me greenbacks, that's what they got back and in deflated value 6 years later, re: leave the 7th year and the exaction of debts.  That does NOT mean to erase the debt.  WHOever was his preacher if any was wrong. From: http://confederateyankee.mu.nu/archives/301845.php = "Arkansas Cop-Killers Were Sovereign Citizen Extremists

The two police officers gunned down in Arkansas Thursday were killed by a father and son that were part of the radical sovereign citizen movement.

    The Arkansas State Police on Friday identified the pair — killed Thursday during an exchange of gunfire with the police — as Jerry R. Kane Jr., 45, of Forest, Ohio, and his son Joseph T. Kane, believed to be 16.

    About 90 minutes before the shootout with the police, Sgt. Brandon Paudert, 39, and Officer Bill Evans, 38, were killed with AK-47 assault rifles after stopping a minivan on Interstate 40 in West Memphis, Ark., the authorities said.

    Jerry Kane, who used the Internet to question federal and local government authority over him, made money holding debt-elimination seminars around the country. He had a long police record and had recently complained about being arrested at what he called a "Nazi checkpoint" near Carrizozo, N.M., where court records showed he spent three days in jail on charges of driving without a license and concealing his identity before posting a $1,500 bond.

    Sheriff Gene Kelly of Clark County, Ohio, told The Associated Press on Friday that he had issued a warning to officers on July 21, 2004, saying that Mr. Kane might be dangerous to law enforcement officers. Sheriff Kelly said he had based his conclusion on a conversation the two men had had about a sentence Mr. Kane had received for some traffic violations.

    Sheriff Kelly said that Mr. Kane complained in 2004 about being sentenced to six days of community service for driving with an expired license plate and no seat belt, saying that the judge had tried to "enslave" him. Mr. Kane had added that he was a "free man" and had asked for $100,000 per day in gold or silver.

I have never seen or heard of a "sovereign citizen" that wasn't a chronic screw-up that was drawn to the movement to excuse their own chronic bad decision-making. Many—like Joe Stack, the man who flew a plane into IRS offices earlier this year in a vengeful murder/suicide—are tax cheats and scam artists with great disdain for government and law-enforcement officers. They feel the law is the cause of their problems... not their own corruption and moral turpitude.

The world is better off without such people.

It is a shame that they sometimes take good people with them when they self-destruct."
cc: Ed & Elaine, plus Danny. This incident happened on May 20, 2010. "

"Message successfully sent."


Ed writes to "Post all my words" and so here they are, and with my comment below:

From: "EDWARD BROWN (03923049)"
Date: "7/7/2010 8:12:15 AM"
Subject: "RE: Re: RE: Hodes, the Jew (or not?)"

Message: "Joe,

It's far more serious than any of us can imagine.

The Zionists* which were created by bthe freemasons around the Civil War

are incontrol of virtually every aspect of our government.

Working with the Communists,(created by the Freemasons around 1838

with Karl Marx), theyAre the D.O.J. which is working with the Judicial branch of government.

Muirhead and McAuliffe are Freemasonsas well as Communists, while George Z. Singalis a

Zionist,Communist, Freemason. They are every where. Absolutly true.

They control the entire Executive and Judicial, both State and Nation.

This is what happened in court and why Elaine, th Boys or I did not get a trial.

This is why you are having a hard time with the state, county, and cities of p-lainfield and Lebanon.

Literally all of the positions of power have been taken over by these Zionist , Communists.

Stop and think who those people are that stop you at every turn. The entire bar is now declared the enemy of the United States government unless they prove otherwise.

Barack O'Bama is a communist that we don't even know where he is from. That's how much power these Zionist

Communists have in our government.

Post all my words and watch who tries to calol me a crazy man and you will see another of Americas enemies.

See you soon.

Ed...end "_____________________________________________________________________

* Zionism: "A movement for the re-establishment of a Jewish national homeland and state in Palestine." For the words: Zionism Federal budget at GOOGLE on page #1: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=Zionism+Federal+budget&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=Zionism+Federal+budget&gs_rfai=C3XsDn4E0TKTPD5bS6QOoitz_CwAAAKoEBU_QKIi5&gs_upl=&fp=1bf751093203146e the very top listing I found: "Obama a Zionist Puppet? Meet his Budget Director Peter R. Orszag" by: "Anonymous Coward, User ID: 541975, United States
2/18/2009 1:07 PM" of: "Born in Boston on December 16, 1968, Orszag graduated from Princeton University in 1991. He then attended the London School of Economics, where he earned a degree in 1992 and where he obtained his PhD in 1997. The London School of Economics was established by members of the Fabian Society, who believed in advancing SOCIALISM through gradual reforms." (emphasis ADDed as he does NOT take the oath, but that of Obama for an Art. IV, Sec. 4 Republican form of government per the U.S. Constitution.) And: "Orszag is an economist who served six years in the Clinton administration (1993-8) under Robert E. Rubin, the former treasury secretary who recently resigned from his senior position at the woefully mismanaged and nearly bankrupt Citigroup. The fact that Orszag was a protege of the now disgraced Rubin certainly does not bode well for the Obama administration." Plus: "One of the key players in the Obama administration's $900 billion economic stimulus package is Obama's new budget director Peter R. Orszag. Orszag, 40, is the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the arm of the White House responsible for crafting the federal budget and overseeing the effectiveness of federal programs. " Oh really? Thank you "very" much Ed and "Anonymous Coward" for reminding me of this, in reference to the U.S. Census who did TRESPASS onto my property twice.  The first time showing me some O.M.B. # but no proof of Federal filing to our N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 to where I complained to the Boston Regional Office of the Census who told me to re-send what I had dropped off at the Concord, N.H. office that supposed got "lost".  I said NO more paperwork TO them to have to account in Laconia District Court for criminal trespass, yet to file my charges within the year, now to call 202: ___________ for the O.M.B. in Washington to "oversee" this U.S. Census crap.

More info to follow after this posting...
Mod: three typos of: send in office.  ( @ 8:55 a.m.)

Update: I did visit the OMB Home Page at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/ and pressed OMB Locator over to: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/gils_gils-top/ and likewise over to the Office and Branch Offices page of: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/gils_gil-files/ where I did get their address of: Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20503, 202-395-3080 and called to there with several options of: press 9 to repeat their address again, 2 for forms, 3 for employment, 4 for circulars, 5 for Fiscal Year 2011 info, 1 for media, and Zero for the Operator, and so I pressed Zero and the man directed me to their voice mail AND to their Contact Box to put it in writing too, as I do copy and paste below: from page http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ of: "To The O.M.B. This is to follow up my voice mail just left for your Director to delegate down to investigate the effectiveness of the U.S. Census in N.H. as I did give the one and only office at the time in Concord, N.H. a NO TRESPASSING Notice but that the agents from Portsmouth, N.H. did decide to trespass not once but twice AFTER I had told them verbally too!! That I was not REFUSING to answer the one and only Question #1 of ___ but of WHEN and WHERE of AFTER the Title 40 U.S. Code Section 255 to 3112 "head" of "agency", Dr. Groves files his papers with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State by RSA Ch. 123:1 cc: to Bill Gardner THE Sec. of State as a courtesy copy of this Progress Report leading to a CRIMINAL case in Laconia District Court IF I do not get my public servants to do their job that I pay them for through my employer at work.  To exhaust my Executive remedies BEFORE reporting to the judge BOTH as per a PRIVATE prosecution by the Rita Premo case, (see her name in quotes and Haas at GOOGLE to find that N.H. Supreme Court case, plus of for the local C.O.P. to prosecute too for not merely a $fine but jail time to whoever shall be the one responsible under the doctrine of Respondeat Superior, to start with Officer Robert Mills at the local office and work my way up the totem pole.  cc: to the local Chief of Police too, and to the Town Selectmen to "regulate" in this matter so that it does not happen again ten (10) years from now! like the Sheriff of a County out west who asks the Feds: "Show me your papers." Reference U.S. Attorney Manual #664 citing the Dravo case of the U.S. Supreme Court. Yours truly, Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059, e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com " with the notation of: "Please limit your message to 2,500 characters"But when I press The "Submit" button after typing in the scrambled words of: "worker Investigation" it reads in red that: " Email: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com is not a valid email address" so I guess that my name is on their list of "terrorists" as a "Sovereign Citizen".  (;-)


Unions are corrupt.


WHY does Yahoo keep invading this page?

I read about one sentence and they blip in!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You've got to view stop it to print, but only prints the heading but not the rest.

See also: http://www.rd.com/content/printContent.do?contentId=27393&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=790&modal=true


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 08, 2010, 07:21 AM NHFT
Unions are corrupt.....

Images from this article
That's Outrageous
That's Outrageous
There is always something happening somewhere in the country where a union official is treating union dues like his own personal piggy bank
Pat Tornillo used to enjoy the high life. He was a world traveler who flew off to exotic destinations like India, Bangkok and Australia. On one occasion, he reportedly slept in a $2,000-per-night hotel suite. On another, he used his business credit card to charge almost $4,000 at a single jewelry store.

Tornillo had it made all right -- until he was caught with his hand deep in the till. You might guess he was an executive at Enron, or maybe Tyco or WorldCom. Nope. Tornillo was head of the Miami-based United Teachers of Dade, using the dues of union members to subsidize his lavish lifestyle. Even as he railed against low teacher salaries, Tornillo was blowing money on custom-tailored suits, spa visits -- even purchases from the Sinclair Intimacy Institute, which peddles "better sex" videos.

But why point the finger at Tornillo alone? An even bigger thief is Barbara Bullock, the former president of the Washington, D.C., teachers union. From 1995 to 2002, she and her accomplices swiped an estimated $2.5 million from her 5,000-member union. FBI investigators seized thousands of dollars' worth of goods from her, including furs, designer handbags and Ferragamo shoes. The annual dues of hardworking teachers -- nearly $650 in 2002 -- helped pay for her splurges.

Why even stop at Bullock? There's so much corruption today among union bosses that it feels like we're back in the era of Jimmy Hoffa. "There is always something happening somewhere in the country where a union official is treating union dues like his own personal piggy bank," says David Kendrick, a union watchdog at the National Legal and Policy Center in Falls Church, Virginia. He tracks these abuses in a biweekly newsletter, "and we always have enough stories to put out another issue."

In the first three months of 2004, the Labor Department reported criminal enforcement actions -- indictments, guilty pleas or sentencings -- against 34 union officials or employees. In 2003, the total figure was 143. Stan Greer, a spokesman for the National Right to Work Committee, says that in the past four years, the presidents or former presidents of three national unions have been convicted of felonies.

Here's a bigger outrage: We could stop a lot of this corruption if the Labor Department showed more muscle. Though the government requires unions to submit financial reports, fully a third are filed late or not at all -- and the unions are rarely audited.

Workers who ask for details about their union's finances often get nowhere. "Many people come to us and say their union told them to buzz off," says David Kendrick. "There's a climate where union officials aren't accountable to anyone."

No wonder, then, that corruption runs rampant. Take the leadership of the 125,000-member international ironworkers union. Last year the union's former president, Jake West, was imprisoned for stealing union funds. According to prosecutors, West and other union officials embezzled over $400,000 -- and spent it on vacations and country club memberships. They also ate well on the union's tab: nearly $500,000 over six years at one Washington, D.C., steakhouse.

Then there are the four steelworkers officials in Virginia who pleaded guilty to pilfering some $10,000 from a relief fund that was established for workers following a foundry explosion.

In Ohio, a machinists union treasurer admitted embezzling $36,000 in union funds. A brazen bookkeeper in New Mexico stole $57,000 from a builders union, at the same time that she filched $11,600 in dues from her second job at a local ironworkers union. Then she forged checks to cover her tracks.

Of course, this is only the illegal side of robbery. Union bosses are effectively picking pockets by taking salaries that dwarf the earnings of the working stiffs who support them. For instance, a Chicago Teamsters leader who retired a few months ago earned $586,000 last year. Salaries like his may explain why the rank and file across the country often pay $500 or more in annual dues.

Other union leaders with fat paychecks include John Bowers, president of the longshoremen, who made $421,000 last year, plus another $172,000 as head of the union's Atlantic Coast district; Douglas McCarron, president of the national carpenters union, who pulled in $336,000; and Duane Woerth, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, who got a salary of $412,000, along with a $130,000 "allowance."

It will take rare courage to bring down salaries like these. Pay is often voted on at public meetings where a dissenter risks a lot by openly defying the big guys.

There's more chance of netting the out-and-out criminals if the Labor Department follows through on its pledge to tighten financial accounting and oversight. Just demanding an annual audit may deter some of the embezzlement, bloated salaries and perks.

Here's the ultimate deterrent, though. Last year, Pat Tornillo was sentenced to 27 months in prison and ordered to pay $800,000 to the United Teachers of Dade. And Barbara Bullock, the former teachers union president in Washington, D.C., is serving a nine-year sentence at a prison in Alderson, West Virginia. America's union workers will only get justice when all the corrupt union bosses get theirs.


http: // www dot youtube.com/watch?v=AUENa9Fw2t8&feature=player_embedded#!


The David "Ridley Report" brought to you by:

That's Bob Giuda at about 3:30 to 4:00 minutes.