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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 35

Started by JosephSHaas, January 12, 2010, 10:37 AM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

Quote from: grolled on January 21, 2010, 02:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on January 19, 2010, 11:29 AM NHFT
Quote from: grolled on January 19, 2010, 09:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on January 19, 2010, 05:13 AM NHFT
Quote from: keith in RI on January 18, 2010, 11:45 PM NHFT
6.      EDWARD BROWN     03923-049      67-White-M      05-24-2012      BROOKLYN MDC


I mean no disrespect but I've read this thread for the last 3 years and over 2500 posts by you but I have yet to see that you've been successful in helping anyone get free from the fed's stronghold.

What's up?

They didn't call "The French & Indian War" the "Seven Years War" for nothing.

Battle #____ for re-enforcements at the L.O.B. today at 2:00 p.m. -- Joe

What does that mean? Even France won some battles in that war!

I admire Joe's tenacity.   ;D
The Colonial Americans didn't win any battles with Britain until the French started helping.
The Vietnamese won a war and didn't win any field battles against the Americans.
I don't mean disrespect, but if your not going to help Joe you don't need to question him or his affect.
At the very least, Joe keeps a light on Ed and Elaine, which is a lot more than most people do.


RE:  http://www.concordmonitor.info/comment/reply/115259/103882

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100119/FRONTPAGE/1190304#comment-103259

"Hodes swears off earmarks" (now in the Archives over there, as not even in the top 12 most read, or top 10 most commented, but that maybe somebody will see and say plus do that they have had enough of this illegal stuff too and NOT pay any more of a part of their paycheck into a government boat heading down the river in the WRONG direction!)

entitled: "Jane Pauley"

of: "W.W.:   BTW his Office Manager there in Concord is: Jane Pauley.

She's the one who relays the lies from their Art. III, Sec. 1 "inferior Court of Congress" U.S. Constitution, that local Rule 72.5 for CIVIL cases somehow over-rides Title 18 U.S. Code, Section 3232 for CRIMINAL Cases in that ALL proceedings SHALL be had in the district of WHERE the crime occurred! The lie came from, Deputy Clerk Dan Lynch of the U.S. District Court, underneath Clerk James R. Starr who could not care less HOW his Deputy spews out these lies.

So WHY was our taxpayer money dished out to these court-appointed public defenders in Portsmouth, Laconia and MAss.achusetts for their clients of: Danny Riley, Reno Gonzales, and Jason Gerhard in the Ed & Elaine Brown anti-I.R.S. case when they never waived this right!?

Money given out WRONGfully and illegally by our former N.H. Attorney General Jeffrey R. Howard of the First Circuit Court of Appeal in Boston, with his branch office there on the 4th floor of the Warren B. Rudman Building at 53 Pleasant Street here in Concord, N.H.

I've reported this Hodes cover-up to the Chief Judge OVER Singal who McAuliffe assigned to THE case for HERE from over THERE, in Portland, Maine, but he too and the Congressional delegation in Maine also is as corrupt as all of New Hampshire: with similar reports to Shea-Porter, Gregg and Shaheen in effect saying we don't care HOW the $federal money is spent so long as we get it: there is no over-sight.  If you don't like how it is spent, then don't "volunteer" to contribute.  We do not play by the rules: The Rule of Law, and REFUSE to impeach these officers of our inferior courts on Congress when they break the law! "


Has Ed talked about his time in prison? 
Does he have friends?  Does he have visitors?
Does he have a job? 
Has he been assaulted by staff/inmates?  Has he been treated better in the Federal Prisons than the jails?  Has he been given/denied medical care? 
Has he had to file any grievances? 

Elaine too of course.  What's her life like?  job? friends?  church?

Just curious.


Quote from: Jim Johnson on January 21, 2010, 02:52 PM NHFT
I don't mean disrespect, but if your not going to help Joe you don't need to question him or his affect.
At the very least, Joe keeps a light on Ed and Elaine, which is a lot more than most people do.

In fact, I have helped Joe. I've pointed out that one of his errors was to continually talk about 40USC255 when it was no longer in existence but was now 40 USC 3112 (on October 28, 2009).

My point was that perhaps Joe needs to focus differently since his tactics don't appear to be working.

But I guess I'll just not "question" Joe or his "effect".

Sorry Joe and good luck.


Quote from: grolled on January 22, 2010, 12:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jim Johnson on January 21, 2010, 02:52 PM NHFT
I don't mean disrespect, but if your not going to help Joe you don't need to question him or his affect.
At the very least, Joe keeps a light on Ed and Elaine, which is a lot more than most people do.

In fact, I have helped Joe. I've pointed out that one of his errors was to continually talk about 40USC255 when it was no longer in existence but was now 40 USC 3112 (on October 28, 2009). ****

My point was that perhaps Joe needs to focus differently since his tactics don't appear to be working.

But I guess I'll just not "question" Joe or his "effect".

Sorry Joe and good luck.

Keep those questions and comments coming in folks.  Elmer Fudd has yet to say:  "That's All Folks".

Plus in regards to:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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Re: Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS
« Reply #9479 on: Today at 01:17 PM »

    * Quote
    * Split Topic
    * Thank You

Has Ed talked about his time in prison?
Does he have friends?  Does he have visitors?*
Does he have a job?
Has he been assaulted by staff/inmates?  Has he been treated better in the Federal Prisons than the jails?**  Has he been given/denied medical care?
Has he had to file any grievances?

Elaine too of course.  What's her life like?  job? friends?  church? ***

Just curious.
« Last Edit: Today at 01:22 PM by jzacker »
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

--* visitors to Dover: Marie and Bernie

-** He liked the Dover place the best.

*** "American Free Press" of D.C.  has asked the Texas facility to interview Elaine, who just wrote to say that she said: yes, and so them going through the approval process.

- - Joe

**** Yes, I've been meaning to call back to Ralph Conner of the G.S.A. at (202) 501-1609 for several days now (like again on my cell phone from Gregg's office), but that I've been so busy with these Legislative hearings.  Maybe somebody or any or all-buddies  here might like to "check-in"  8) with him morning, noon, and afternoon every day for a week or two through the month of February for a Progress Report of when his boss Mr. Leeds does finally plan to file those 40USC3112 papers. _________ ( on the to do list.) with Bill Gardner's RSA Ch. 123:1 N.H. Office of Secretary of State from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution.


correction: not Elmer but:

"Porky Pig Cartoon Ending "That's All Folks!""

http: // www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=gBzJGckMYO4&feature=related

of: eight (   8    ) seconds, seen 102,646 times.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


Which judge was on Danny's case #2007-045 there at the N.H. Supreme Court who is now retired?  Galway?

Reference their opinion in the case that the Feds be allowed to PULL the case as an intervenor* to there when the law reads at: (1) the federal level by Title ____ U.S. Code Section ____ that only the defendant* can PUSH it to there; and at: (2) the state level, that such Codes are NOT applicable to us Article 12 "inhabitants" who have never given our 1-8-17 "Consent" either individually or as a group of by the Legislature or General Court of the state, such as for here in N.H. we did give the Feds a Conditional Consent or offer of jurisdictional authority "controllable" OVER us, on June 14, 1883, but that, as spelled out in that Adams case of 1943 at the U.S. Supreme Court, it takes two to tango, in that an offer un-accepted, is NOT Consent!  There being no 40USC255 to 40USC3112 federal filing to our N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 Secretary of State that is required  by the "shall" word that the governor is also required by another "shall" word as charged to "enforce" all legislative mandates, by Article 51, N.H. Constitution, Part 2 for which he SHALL be Article 41 "responsible for" and by the ruling of the N.H. RSA Ch. 5451-B:1-23 State Board of Claims only to those directly harmed as victims of such, and NOT their family nor friends affected in-directly, who volunteer to crack the whip on the governor to do his job, but when the strands of the whip need replacing, the cost of such attempt at "law enforcement", since neither the local, county nor state police to whom the property tax and other monies was paid for such "protection", are borne by the Indiana Jones on his own Crusade.

Thus WHEN Galway's annual review of his retirement is scheduled for: February __, 2010 @ __:__ o'clock a.m./p.m. in Room 208 of the House Judiciary Committee per their notice to him as an amendment to House Address #____ against Judge __________ on an Article 31+32 Petition for Removal, that because of this wrong done while he was judge, then to let that be a debit against him in the amount of: $_______ being deducted from his retirement per year until the day he dies.

Maybe this latest posting over at "The Concord Monitor" might get things going in the Executive Session of HB #1664 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2010/HB1664.html reference paragraph #57 of 58 for a reduction in the Judiciary, cc: to the members thereof the full committee BEFORE it is sent over to The Senate. See also: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/bill_status.aspx?lsr=2565&sy=2010&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2010&txtbillnumber=HB1664&q=1 and: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/bill_docket.aspx?lsr=2565&sy=2010&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2010&txtbillnumber=HB1664&q=1 for the "Full Committee Work Session: 2/2/2010 10:00 AM LOB 210-211 " Two Tuesdays away.

Here's the copy and paste:

RE: http://www.concordmonitor.info/comment/reply/115866/104409

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100123/FRONTPAGE/1230316#comment-104446

entitled: "Time to raid the judiciary! $________ a year to those unlawfuls."

of: "Thanks jseavrer, re: your paragraph #2 of: "Now we know why he could not use the rainy day fund to save the jobs (and possibly the home mortgages) of 250 state employees."

WHO is the head of the S.E.A.? State Employees Association?  And why not put it to a vote of the members of to go against the State "Officials" Association if such even exists?  It DOES exist, but hidden withIN the N.H. Bar Association of attorneys who become judges.

Article 36 of the New Hampshire Constitution  http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html   reads that: "Economy being a most essential virtue... NO pension SHALL be granted, but in consideration of ACTUAL services; and such pensions ought* to be granted with great caution, by the legislature, and never for more than one year at a time." ...

[emphasis ADDed for the shall or must word, etc., and notice the "ought"* word for an annual review, or check-up, but in reality, this is included withIN the biennial budget for the judiciary, every two years, with Legislative Accounting (1st floor State House, SE corner office) having been notified by me as a citizen, but needing some State Rep. to get the details, because by RSA Ch. 91-A, all such financial matters are forbidden (as in "exempt"ed) to us as the master who is supposed to be OVER these "public servants".]

...Then WHY are the widows of the judges being paid the retirement of the spouse?  They did NONE of the ACTUAL service!  The payments to them are unlawful! These judges, when working, made good money, like over $100,000 a year, and could have easily have afforded a life insurance policy for their spouse, +/or invested properly for dividends in whatever form in their retirement. Plus: how many of them really NEED such? Do we need to pay the widow who did NOTHING to earn it when they already have a house fully paid for and the income from the 20 years of work at say $100,000 x 20 = $2 million, with $xx,xxx invested from the beginning per year, compounded, with them at a net worth of what?  I think that those figures ought to be included in any and all annual reviews.

Plus what about Mrs. Huge Gallen, as just one case in particular.  Her governor husband was too stupid not to provide for his own family, like to have bought a life insurance policy for her.  When he died she was left almost penniless.  The Legislature voted her an annual pension, payable every fortnight, like all the others, but again: has there been any annual review of such since the 1980s?  If so, please tell me when. Or even a decade review. Is she still living? Where? Has she won the lottery in some other state and using this N.H. pension now as gravy?"


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100123/FRONTPAGE/1230353&template=single

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100123/FRONTPAGE/1230353#comment-104463

entitled: ""Stranger Than Fiction". "

of: "Thank you Joe Stephens of "The Washington Post" and The "Monitor" for printing this too.

I have a TLS/ typed letter signed from both Hoover and Kelly in my autograph collection. The one from the latter writing to me when I was in Lincoln, N.H. of that the picture of those two F.B.I. agents escorting that supposed "alien" from "outer space" as alleged to be true in either or both of that ARGOSY or SAGA Magazine at the time was a fake.

See: http://mystrangeblog.com/2009/04/30/history-of-my-favourite-martian-photograph-part-2/ for the photo and mention of Dr. J. Allen Hynek of the government's "Project Bluebook" who I met out in Lincoln, Nebraska in Fall 1984 when they had that World Meeting of MUFON.   http://www.mufon.com/

Plus: http://www.magazineart.org/magazines/a/argosy.html and http://www.answers.com/topic/saga-ufo-report

Today's FBI in N.H. and another "boundary" case?  What you will NEVER read in The "Monitor" here is of the DETAILS of that case just last week, on Monday morning, January 11th to be exact of the F.B.I. agent who made some calls withIN N.H. and to Florida of all places in regards to the Ed Brown case of some cylindrical object attempting to block the car driving Mr. Brown into the driveway over there at the Federal Building at about #5 South Street, here in Concord, N.H.

I did meet with F.B.I. Agent Christino outside the City Library on this report and that he then disappeared BELIEVE IT OR NOT! And so did the cigar shaped object that even landed in one of the parking spaces over by N.H. State Trooper Barracks D over on Iron Works Road, off of Clinton Street by Exit 2 off of I-89."


Here's another copy and paste from my e-mail account:

"RE: [Title 26 for the I.R.S.]
From:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail.com)
Sent:    Sat 1/23/10 6:12 PM
To:    _________________
Cc: ___________________
Bcc:  __________________

Great! "No...

contents of this title (shall) be given any legal
effect. "

Pass it on, I will do, right now...

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 16:01:36 -0700
To: carl__________________
From: carl____________

Hi Everyone,

What do you think of 26 USC 7906 (b) below:

Title 26 § 7806
26 USC § 7806

    26 USC Sec.

    Subtitle F - Procedure and Administration
    Subchapter A - Application of Internal Revenue Laws

    Sec. 7806. Construction of title

    (a) Cross references
      The cross references in this title to
other portions of the
    title, or other provisions of law, where the word
"see" is used,
    are made only for convenience, and shall be given no
legal effect.
    (b) Arrangement and classification
No inference,
implication, or presumption of legislative
    construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the
location or
    grouping of any particular section or provision or
portion of this
    title, nor shall any table of contents, table of cross
    or similar outline, analysis, or descriptive matter
relating to the
    contents of this title be given any legal
effect. The preceding
    sentence also applies to the sidenotes and ancillary
    contained in the various prints of this Act before its
    into law.


Carl R...."


Another needle into "their" side:

RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100124/NEWS01/1240350

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100124/NEWS01/1240350#comment-104642

entitled: "The COPs are "on the take"."

of: "They took an oath alright, but the WRONG one!

The " state police" out of what barracks? Troop D? right there off of I-89 at Exit 2 onto Clinton Street, to Iron Works Road.

What trooper?

Did the officer take the same RSA Ch. 92:2 oath as those who are on "the force" at the Concord P.D.?

If so, you can argue your arrest was unlawful, AND illegal, in that they are supposed to RSA Ch. 42:1 subscribe to the wording in Article 84 of the N.H. Constitution that they have NOT done.

We live in a world of "The Rule of Law" that guarantees you both substantive and procedural due process of law, as in your rights supposed to be protected by the 5th + 14 Amendments with the promise they break all the time in that: the end does NOT justify the means.

A technically?  You're darn right!  That's what rules are for. So for the C.O.P. to break the rules and then say that you have broken the rules too is hypocrisy at its worst!  You might have broken some statute, but that he did break the law! As there is no such thing as an unconstitutional law, because the law IS the constitution!

Two wrongs do NOT make a right! 

Thus the bottom line: check his oath to see if lawful and legal, and if not, then to file a Motion to Dismiss.

THEN if enough people do so, then finally the COPs might wake up and DO the law they are supposed to be doing! Art. 12 protecting our "inhabitants"! "


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100127/FRONTPAGE/1270337

and: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100127/FRONTPAGE/1270337#comment-105421

plus: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100127/FRONTPAGE/1270337#comment-105422

entitled: "Look at who let him out: disgusting!"

of: "How fast do these Segway's go?  Maybe he was trying to apply that technology to the handicapped scooters to go #____ m.p.h. and needing this landing permit.

Reference: "PhilCheezSteaks (5 months ago) ...Reply...Messed up but hilarious. I'm in a wheelchair but I love this guy. I'm thinking? of getting a shirt that says "I'm Not Crippled, I'm Just Lazy." Lol." over at: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. of 3:04 minutes  9,457 x.

Seriously though: 1-4 for the DHL theft, and 3-7 for the Segway theft, both in 2005? to the 2006 trial of convictions?, so part of 2005?, all of 2006 + '07 + to  "In September 2008, Desroche left the prison on parole. " = to the minimum of 3 concurrent?

And now maybe 3.5 for this one piece of paper!? wow! and then to Connecticut for #__ more years for " the theft there (in Windsor) of a tractor trailer full of high-end work shoes and boots."

WHO taught him WHAT, if anything  and for how long while in the N.H. State Prison? ________ + ________ + _________ and HOW could he have bluffed #__ Parole Board members that he had been rehabilitated?  ______ I don't think that we're getting our money's worth! http://www.nh.gov/nhdoc/divisions/parole/index.html [ * ]

Now it's going to cost us: $__________ per year x maybe 3.5 to house him if convicted and re-sentenced before being transferred to Connecticut.  Does this guy have a home? What about his family?  Does he have any? Maybe to gain early release on parole we ought to change the rules to include responsibility:  yeah, we'll let you out early, so long as you remain of good character, on like a bail or bond of $xx,xxx that if (and when) you screw up, that the equity of your parent's house that they put up for collateral be forfeited and that they start their 20-year mortgage all over again. Or in other words: $xx,xxx to pay for room and board for your screw-ups! Hey! If the relatives won't come to help, why should we? Do THEY know something we don't? Reference those cases where they can, but won't. Maybe THEN these parents will take final "responsibility" for their children!

WHERE did he get his education? _________  WHO were his teachers? __________ and __________ What grade did he graduate? ______ if he ever did.

[ * ]  " Parole Board Members: George J. Khoury, Chair, Alan Coburn, Gregory Crompton, Robert F. Hamel, George L. Iverson [ ** ], Pierre J. Morin, (One vacancy)"

[ ** ] Now there's a name I recognize: George L. Iverson, who enlisted as a trooper on June 13, 1955 and "advanced" through the ranks to finally as Colonel and Director from 1986-89.  According to:   he is "most proud of the fact that the relationship of the State
Police with local police, state and FEDERAL agencies was greatly improve" or was it!? "Upon retiring from the State Police in 1989, (he) became Director of the Governor's Office of Emergency Management (OEM). In this capacity I(he) worked with the FEDERAL
Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) on grants and many disasters, floods, hurricanes, etc. that occurred within the state. OEM was directly responsible to the
Office of the Governor". (emphasis ADDed for both federal words, in that while Director of the N.H. State Police his job was to serve and protect! to protect our N.H. "inhabitants" from being "controllable" by any OTHER laws than what we as an individual or group "Consent" to!  It's the law! in Article 12:   http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html     On June 14, 1883 we gave a conditional consent or offer to the Feds, but that by the "shall" word in RSA Ch. 123:1 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm they have yet to accept, by the filing of their 40USC255 to 40USC3112 papers with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State.  Reference the Adams case of 1943 in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Thus this retired trooper collecting $xx,xxx in retirement pay for a job never done of this protection by him NOR any of his successors but who deserves to be on this board telling others to obey the law when he, himself, never did so!?  What a hypocrite!  I protest him being there to make these decisions UNLESS he tells the current director that he too made a mistake and to Wise Up! "


From: Reno (170785320)
To: (138969705)
Date: 1/27/2010 1:39:46 PM
Reno: Father Sends Tip to FBI of US Marshals Misconduct

Below is the jpg. of my report to the FBI.
The text is:

I have information demonstrating that U.S. Marshals falsified documents effecting the outcome of:
Immediate attention is required, as the lives and well-being of law-abiding people from coast to coast may be at stake.
Local authorities refuse to hear or file a complaint on these matters and suggest going to the FBI.

:{ jmg


Dear Mr. Gonzalez,


Thank you for your submission to the FBI Internet Tip Line.  It is being evaluated for its strategic value, and will be disseminated, as appropriate, for further action.

It would be of great assistance to the FBI if you could provide us with additional information, so that we may further evaluate your tip and/or follow up on your tip.  Please submit a new tip to the FBI Internet Tip Line at https://tips.fbi.gov/, referencing Internet Tip #. XXXXXXX.

For your information, the Internet Tip Line (ITL) was created on 9/11/01, in response to the terrorist attacks upon America.  We quickly established a mechanism for the public to submit information to the FBI via the Internet, and we have thus far received over 2,000,000 tips from around the globe.  Our operation is completely automated and paperless.  Professional Support personnel and Special Agents review tips within minutes after they are received and set leads to FBI Field Offices or Legal Attaché offices, as appropriate.

We encourage you tell your family, friends, and co-workers about this service, and we hope that you will continue to utilize it to submit information that may be of interest to the FBI.  Again, thank you for taking the time to forward this report to us.


The FBI does not maintain an email address to submit information or attachments to directly; therefore, please do not reply directly to this message via your email client.  The FBI maintains an automated system that is designed to track all information received, to ensure that all tips are addressed in a timely and efficient manner.  Therefore, please visit the FBI.GOV Web site again should you have occasion to submit additional information.  We WILL NOT open or respond to "reply" email.


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on January 27, 2010, 07:01 PM NHFT
Dear Mr. Gonzalez, ...

Thank you for your submission to the FBI Internet Tip Line.  It is being evaluated* for its strategic value, and will be disseminated, as appropriate, for further action....


* "is seen by two different analysts, carefully vetted**, and acted upon if necessary."

The act ONLY occurs when there is a need vs a want.

The need is for our tax money not mis-spent on illegal 18USC3232 travel, as I've reported to the federal fraud unit withOUT any action!

When the federal government comes into N.H. their agents must not only obey our speed laws (minor laws, as in the state statutes) for on the highways as NOT exempt, (they are NOT diplomats with immunity, but our public servants to work withIN the law) but to obey THE law too: Art. 38 of the N.H. Constitution, Part First & Bill of Rights since we "have a right to REQUIRE of" our lawGIVERS (at both the state and federal level) -- this includes both Gregg AND Hodes in Concord, and both Shea-Porter AND Shaheen in Dover, that their "magistrate" Muirhead in Concord (of their Article III, Section 1 "inferior court of Congress" per the U.S. Constitution) not allow to have his Clerk James R. Starr, NOR Deputy Clerk Dan Lynch, to issue for execution any UNLAWFUL precepts by THE judge on the magistrate's recommendation to the U.S. Marshal who is supposed to grade it as lawful or un-lawful BEFORE execution!  This both Monier AND David Cargill, the new U.S. Marshal have FAILed to do, and so are in non preservation of "the blessings of liberty and GOOD government" for us! Emphasis ADDed, because they are of BAD government, and as such need a good spanking!  Just like a child gets the leather to their rear, these agents of ours who have gone rotten and sour need  to be taught a lesson too.  They need to be dragged out into the courtYARD of justice and spanked: whipped, flogged, until they "Cry Uncle"! Now WHO to do this?  WHO is the official oversite officer? 

The FBI to investigate "criminal matters" as in this CRIME of illegal transport of our Article 12 N.H. "inhabitants" over to Maine when there be no OTHER laws supposed to be controllable OVER us but are! withOUT that 40USC255 to 40USC3112 filing to Bill Gardner's N.H. Office of Secretary of State per N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution and the Adams case of 1943 at the U.S. Supreme Court that a conditional consent or offer un-accepted is NOT consent, and so relays no jurisdictional authority. 

The Feds over at 53-55 Pleasant Street in Concord who extend themselves off their turf and against us on their illegal and unlawful maneuvers must be taught a lesson! Thus I do hereby claim that you federalies reading this report who KNOW you did WRONG go to the principal's office for to sign up for when you are available for this public spanking. The principal being us through our agent we have told you to report to: Room 204 of The State House being the Office of N.H. Secretary of State.  And since your landlord "head" won't do it, then you as his subordinate. Do not pass Go do not collect $200, do not issue any more papers against any more of our inhabitants. THE papers you are to dish out have already been explained: do it, or suffer the consequences!

The re-action to your non-action by somebody other than me to whom can be appointed to be the punisher: to inflict punishment upon you in your travels on state soil to be dealt state justice.  Here in N.H. that is an Article 10 Declaration of Revolt against you. I declare you in violation of the law: our law, and recommend that a citizen's arrest of you be effected immediately! You bound and delivered to the FLOOR of the N.H. Secretary of State's Office and to stay there in a lateral position, head ON the floor, feet in the air, in your topsy-turvey world of which you live until your landlord, GSA Agent Leeds as the "head" of agency finally delivers those documents, thus providing THE evidence that should have been THE exhibit # in the Ed Brown case against the IRS here.  The related document of the Art. 49 petition REFUSED by YOUR* court judge Singal from Maine, appointed by McAuliffe to hold ALL proceedings including pre-trial as a part of the trial withIN the district of where the crime charged occurred! (Art. III, Sec. 2, Clause 3, U.S. Constitution) This was violated and so you needing to be violated too: FORCEd to a position of lying flat on your back, and talking UP to us standing OVER you that since you did not bend your knee to our commands, that you live below the knee: our knees!

The YOUR* and you here being ANY and ALL agents of destruction to our rights who participated in that unlawful and illegal raid over there in BOTH Lebanon and Plainfield.  The CHIEF culprits here being Gregg and Hodes in Concord who can be easily PUSHed to over there at 107 North Main Street to the Capitol Building, 2nd floor office. They were told of these illegal and unlawful acts by their inferior officers of THEIR court and courthouse of the papers issuing therefrom, and so like an issue of "The Golden Emerods" from their assholes, to bring their ass to the seat of justice for a thorough washing! The purpose of NOT to commit any unlawful nor illegal acts by any of us included to put a citizens arrest upon Gregg or Hodes, but to effect the duty as a citizen playing by the rulebook here on an Article 10 action to a clean-up of this corruption!

Our servants are REQUIRED to follow the law.  When they refuse to follow, then we get behind them and push!  (to try some more verbal pushing BEFORE the physical pushing, give them time to act in a "prompt" Art. 14 time frame) That PUSH was what was supposed to have happened in the Dan Riley case #2007-0745 at the N.H. Supreme Court: a push by the defendant to the U.S. District Court IF the U.S. Code was adopted here in N.H. that it has NOT been.  Instead even the U.S. Code of this pushing was violated by the U.S. Attorney in his PULL of the case to there as an intervenor.  Thus these N.H. Supreme Court judges ought to be impeached! by Articles 17 + 38 of the N.H. Constitution, Part Second. A copy of this to the ___________ Committee when those House Bill of Address actions occur there as filed into LSRs by State Rep. Dan Itse of Fremont, N.H. against certain state judges to be removed, and so to add this in as an amendment.  There are more bad apples in the barrel, and so like they say: to kill two birds with one stone.  To lien or remove these five (5) N.H. Supreme Court judges too! They were supposed to be the check and balance against a corrupt federal judiciary AND executive branch, but instead joined the federal corruptors!

See also: for "law enforcement"?  WHERE was the local C.O.P., County Sheriff, and State Police on this? What a joke! They are ALL worthy of a citizen's arrest too! To be brought before their Selectmen, The County Delegation of State Reps when they next meet, and the governor for that agency under the Dept. of Safety, and so since our governor has FAILed in his Article 51 duty too to enforce all legislative mandates by the SHALL word in 123:1, that he SHALL be Art. 41 "responsible for" to those harmed as victims in the RSA 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims for damages of up to $50,000 each or to the County Jury for up to $250,000, then it's suggested that there be also an arrest of Barthelmes as the Respondeat Superior of the Dept. of Safety,  be that of him to be taken and dropped before the Governor and Council that meets every other Wednesday at the State House.

Get to it! Is there somebody reading this who wants to make history here in New Hampshire?  The F.B.I. to investigate and give you a letter of APPROVAL before you act, or to act upon default of no report within #__ business days.

I, _________________________, F.B.I. agent, agree with all of the above, and do hereby endorse any citizen's arrest against: ______________________ (fill in the blank with THE name(s) of WHO you think is/are the major and minor culprits.)

When is Leeds ever going to visit this state? The "head" of the GSA, or do we deal with our "arms" against his "arms" being his subordinates such as Mr. ___________, the GSA Agent over there at The Warren B. Rudman building. Maybe to spot him someday outside the building and arrest him and take him to Bill Gardner's office for him to yell back to his boss that the state is demanding that because of their illegal and unlawful operations therefrom that monstrosity over there that the landlord of such or his deputy  be taken captive and held until the release of the victims thereof have been returned home: Ed Brown, Elaine Brown, Cirino Gonzales, Dan Riley, and Jason Gerhard.

** http://www.thefreedictionary.com/vetted of: "To subject to thorough*** examination or evaluation".

*** thorough: fully done; completely; and PAINstakingly careful.


Here's a copy and paste from over at: https://tips.fbi.gov/   "Tips Graphic
Please use this website to report suspected terrorism or criminal activity.  Your information will be reviewed promptly by an FBI special agent or a professional staff member. Due to the high volume of information that we receive, we are unable to reply to every submission; however, we appreciate the information that you have provided.
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Illegal travel against the law: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232 and Article III, Section 2, Clause 3 of The United States Constitution.

For details check with the issuer of the checks: First Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey R. Howard of the 4th floor of The Warren B. Rudman Building at 53 Pleasant Street in Concord, N.H. He has my paper of protest of him paying Laconia Attorney David H. Bownes, the court-appointed attorney for Cirino* Gonzales in that part of the Ed Brown v.s. the I.R.S. case that backfired, and especially when Assistant U.S. Attorney Arnold Huftalen tried to get Reno* to waive his rights that he REFUSED to sign, but still was transported across state lines.

Hey! I remember that across state lines and THEN the F.B.I. enters the case from watching Efram Zimbalist, Jr. in The "F.B.I." T.V. series of the 1960s.

A copy of my complaint is in the PCC files here too: The Professional Conduct Committee that's really a "cover-up" agency!

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Mod: "The tip you submitted either contained no data or processed incorrectly!" - yeah: a typical government response!  :deadhorse: