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Freedom to Travel Event, Part 1

Started by Kat Kanning, May 17, 2005, 06:37 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

They did not read my Miranda rights when I was arrested.  I planned to plead guilty anyways, but I'm not surprised by this at all.

The real question is whether Russell will plead guilty.

Kat Kanning

Michael Fisher

Google News Alerts are sweet.  They tell you as news happens.

Unfortunately, I might regret setting up a Google News Alert for anything matching "Russell Kanning".  When he pulls off his event, I will be e-mail-bombed with news stories.  ;)

Kat Kanning

Good problem to have :)  How did you say the Portsmouth Herald found out about this?

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on May 25, 2005, 09:27 AM NHFT
Good problem to have :)? How did you say the Portsmouth Herald found out about this?

She called me a few times and I think I may have mentioned it to her once and she did not ignore it.

If not, then she must have read about it on NHFree.com.

Now, it's time for me to call all of my press contacts!

Russell, are you going to put your letter online?

Kat Kanning

Sent the press release to a couple of NV papers telling them that Russell recently moved from there.

Michael Fisher

I sent the press release and article link to my contacts at Foster's, Exeter Newsletter, Union Leader, and the Boston Globe.

When it makes the front page somewhere, I'll call everyone, including WMUR and the AP.

Michael Fisher

We need to see if we can get a reporter contact at the Concord Monitor through Bill Dampier, the author of that positive column in the Concord Monitor.

If anyone gets in touch with him, see if you can get the name, e-mail address, and/or phone number of a reporter at the paper and please send it to me.  :)

Kat Kanning


Russell Kanning

I will probably plead guilty to an immoral law.....if there is one.....or I won't acknowledge that they have any right to charge me or try me......depends on what they actually do I guess. :)

Michael Fisher

Very interesting, Russell.  But I would plead guilty, even though everyone and their dog tells me not to.  ;)

president, thanks for the info.  I do not usually Google any press contacts because of the extreme value of networking.  Networking with my business contacts is how I actually found almost all of my press contacts.  Networking for contact info is far more effective than Googled contact info, especially in this instance.

Thanks, though!  :)



Doesnt a misdemeanor require the possibility of jail time? Which is what separates it from a violation/fine. Also I was wondering if the burning id cards idea that was posed awhile ago would be happening in conjunction with this event or was that idea scrapped/ postponed.

Russell Kanning