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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Freedom to Travel Event, Part 2

Started by Dave Ridley, May 26, 2005, 10:56 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on June 07, 2005, 09:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: russellkanning on June 07, 2005, 07:36 PM NHFT
Interesting...but not quite right.....keep trying. 8)

I was about to acuse you of being hard to please.? I meant my offerings in reference to Things to say while waiting in line at the airport, not, soundbites for the radio. ;D
ah yes....we could come up with tons of those.......what would happen if we just had thousands of people making jokes in line?


Well this is sure a bit to get caught up on . . . Anyway, call me nuts but two things come to mind:

Russell if you are thinking of driving to the airport, expect (big) delays on the way.  "They" could stop you for this, that, and/or the other thing just to ask for your "papers" and see if they can throw you off schedual . . . etc.  (If someone else is driving, you might expect the same.)

And, They may let you fly (away from media and friends) and then hassle you on the other end.  (If they do that , I'm sure it will all be on the up-and-up.  Nothing like trying to F#@% with you or anything - I'm sure it will be all about "SAFETY".)

P.S. I might have sent this as a PM but, I think it is reasonable to think that Pmail is now being read anyway.  "They" might as well read it here on NHfree.com

Russell Kanning

You might be right.... the FBI was very interested in how I get around without a license. They told me....if you can't fly, just drive.....but I can't legally do that either. :-\


I think they have a big thing now . . . where they ALL work together  to "protect" us.  But, I'm sure they would never abuse that POWER.

It would be so unlike government to walk all over peaceful folk who are just trying to get along in life.

Dave Ridley

hey we are really gonna need a video camera on saturday....  anyone bringing one?

Lloyd Danforth

If you can't find someone with one, you can, now, buy a disposible video camera at CVS. Good for a half hour.  $30.00 + about 13 more to have CVS put it on DVD or something.  I believe you can see the video on the small screen in the camera.

Dave Ridley

Dave Ridley


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 08, 2005, 08:15 AM NHFT
hey we are really gonna need a video camera on saturday....? anyone bringing one?

BTW, who has the "right" to take pictures and of whom and where?
Should I plan on getting arrested - and having my (still) camera stolen - by our new friends?  ;D

If I get arrested, I'm not going to cost the tax-payers much in food.   ;)

Russell Kanning

That is an issue ....they don't like people taking photos of the screening area do they.

Russell Kanning

Just talked to the reporter from Wired. I forget.....is that a NH specific place or is it the techie magazine?



Russell Kanning