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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Freedom to Travel Event, Part 2

Started by Dave Ridley, May 26, 2005, 10:56 AM NHFT

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Quote from: LeRuineur6 on June 02, 2005, 12:40 AM NHFT
Quote from: John on June 02, 2005, 12:34 AM NHFT
I've been having a hard time because of some issues wich are quite difficult and personal

Feel free to talk about these issues if you wish.? You are among friends!

Thank you!  8)
I'll be Ok.
I am having fun - even when/if times are difficult.
Things will get better.
We're home now.   :)

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

If all you had to do was show individual polititians were immoral......Ted Kennedy would not be in office.


Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: ethanpooley on June 01, 2005, 11:27 AM NHFT
Btw, I loved this line from the article on the Freedom to Travel event: "Kanning?s ... inspirations, he said, are Ghandi and Fisher."

Talk about a perfect example of how activism snowballs! Fisher is inspired by Ghandi, and takes action. The very next person to take action cites Ghandi AND Fisher. I love it.

How about Ghandi's muse?: Thoreau

Russell Kanning

I know I got here through "Civil Disobedience" mostly.....just because I was born here doesn't mean I owe this government taxes. :)


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on June 02, 2005, 07:17 AM NHFT
How about Ghandi's muse?: Thoreau

Oh, Thoreau is my personal favorite by far. But he didn't really practice the same brand of civil disobedience that Ghandi and King did. He didn't consider the government to be his to look after; he considered it the government's own duty (like the duty of its constituents) to stay out of his affairs. He acknowledged no obligation to government, but only to his neighbors. When he referred to "civil disobedience" he meant "disobedience to civil authority", as opposed to other kinds of authority. Ghandi and King mean "disobedience in a civilized manner". Thoreau was simply a free Man living his life without apology to anyone. He never really took on anything like the roles that Ghandi and King did, and to do so wouldn't have appealed to him. My impression is that if he were not naturally nonviolent, Thoreau might have been quite violent when confronted by the State. He had nothing but overflowing praise for John Brown, for example. Called him the only real Man in the Nation or something like that, if I remember correctly.


Quote from: russellkanning on June 02, 2005, 07:39 AM NHFT
I know I got here through "Civil Disobedience" mostly.....just because I was born here doesn't mean I owe this government taxes. :)

What, you didn't sign the "social contract" where you pledge your life's labour to the state?

Kat Kanning

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on June 02, 2005, 10:44 AM NHFT
The Monitor called to talk to Russell :)

I gave them your number.  ;)

Dan Barrick at the Concord Monitor called 3 hours ago and we talked for a long time about the manicure event, Russell's event, and other possible events and activities planned for the future.  We also talked about the current status and future of the movement.

Dan just called back about 10 minutes ago and asked even more questions about the manicure event.

He specifically asked why we use the analogies of Gandhi's movement, the civil rights movement, and the women's suffrage movement when our situation is nowhere near as bad as India's situation during the occupation.

I told him the only real difference between those movements and ours is that we want far more freedom than Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr ever envisioned - even more freedom than the founding fathers thought possible.

Michael Fisher

He also asked to be put in touch with Sidney in Kentucky so I just sent Dan's info to him.

This is going to be HUGE.   :o

Russell Kanning

The American colonists and Gandhi started out just looking for their rights as British subjects......and got more radical.
We have been asking the government to be nice to us for a while now..........so the time has come to force the issue.

Michael Fisher

Gandhi's epic success with civil disobedience was unprecedented in the history of the world.  Gandhi derived all of his energy from within.

He believed so much in the power of truth and self-suffering that he was able to gather enormous spiritual strength from within himself - more power than he could control.

Two people today brought up the general idea to me that true freedom has never been possible before and is not possible now.

History and assumptions are irrelevant to what is possible.  We are attempting to do something that has never been attempted before.  For that reason alone, we cannot doubt that it can be done.

Gandhi's life is proof that freedom is within our grasp regardless of the power of the system that enslaves us.  Boundless spiritual power derived from within can defeat any tyrant.  Every tyrant falls - there are no exceptions.  If and when we are successful, our feat will also be unprecedented in the history of the world.  It can be done and it will be done.  We will be the ones to do it, right here, right now.


Damn you Russell.

So this am I was on a flight at 7am from Vegas to Salt Lake City. 
They asked for my id and I gave it ( feeling guilty the whole time).
I did not take my shoes off.  I got the 'extra security'.  They asked me to turn my belt buckle down.  I said 'No, if you want to pat me down pat me down but I won't help you.'  He then got mad asked me again.  I refused.  He called over a supervisor.  The supervisor asked me.  I refused tell him that the 4th Amend. says I don't have to.  He asked me what the 4th Amend was.  I told him to look it up. ( I still haven't got my metal ones yet).   He said that TSA does not have the authority to do it and that I would have to leave and reenter security.  I was getting a little pissed.Big stink.  20 minutes later Vegas pd appears.  I explain that although I don't agree with patting me down I am allowing it to happen I just don't want to help them do it.  Vegas PD then pats me down.  TSA got my name and flight etc.  We shall see what happens.

I plan on writing a letter asking for all the rules of TSA.  I am going to send it to TSA, my Senators and Congressman.  Maybe if we got a couple hundred letters going we can find out the 'secrets rules of TSA'.

Russell are you trying to make me a radical >:D?  ( You too Mike!!)


Kat Kanning