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Kelo Report, Part 1

Started by FTL_Ian, August 27, 2005, 03:38 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Pat K on September 24, 2005, 08:56 PM NHFT
Man these guys could be on the Bush spin team- they take one off the cuff remark by a husband under stress and want to tar every one ?who opeses Kelo as advacating violence. ::).

Thats a bit of a jump! :-*

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 24, 2005, 07:45 PM NHFT
They didn't just refuse to let in anti-ED people, they simply ran out of space.

The meeting had nothing to do with ED!

The gov is not picking apart her actions as not pure enough!? They don't care! They're just treating her the same way they would anyone else who wouldn't just give their name, get fingerprinted and sign themselves out.

If she had claimed to be Shorty Dawkins, I would be impressed!

You can't speak for her because you only assume you know why she is doing this.? As I said on the other forum, for all we know, she may have had a stroke and can't talk.



Quote from: Pat K on September 24, 2005, 08:56 PM NHFT
Man these guys could be on the Bush spin team- they take one off the cuff remark by a husband under stress and want to tar every one  who opeses Kelo as advacating violence. ::).

Huh?  We all oppose Kelo... stop making "We're for liberty, you must not be" bull.
Jim might be stressed, but the sheer fact that he's shooting himself and Lauren in the foot in the media is no reason to let him shoot the rest of us in the foot as well.  When he claims that Lauren or he are speaking for 6700 people, he's pointing that at MY foot, and the rest of us have the right to say "What is this 'we', Kemosabe?" and pull back.  You wanna get shot in the foot, you are welcome to join him as comrades in (teddy bear) arms.  It's unlikely to be pleasant, and it's not going to help you change the world.

Kat Kanning

Oh, and Alan Weiss can kiss my ass too.



I don't have any concerns.  I just don't think Lauren's planned incarceration over absolutely nothing is worth my protesting.

I understand the guy above wore a skirt to an all woman cars wash.

So what if he did?   Are you implying that men that wear skirts, or kilts, are unmanly or that they are unworthy because of that?

This is the 21st Century.  Lets all try to remember that.


Lloyd Danforth


I've noticed that nobody has, actually, refuted any of the points I have made here, but, the above is pretty stupid.

Mike, I thought of this earlier when you claimed you were going to CT and get arrested and did not say anything because it seemed sophmoric, but, in light of ? ::) ?I will ask the question.

Do you have your wife's permission to get arrested?



    Her protest was absolutely related to ED.  She was attempting to attend a meeting dedicated to the decision about whether or not the heads of the NLDC would be ousted.  She wasn't being violent, she simply wanted to get into the meeting.  You may have your opinion, and the Kelo Seven has theirs.  They appreciate what Lauren has done.  We had one of the property owner's friends on the show tonight, praising Lauren.  Her actions have brought more press to their situation, in a time when coverage was waning.

    You say you'd be front and center in the meeting, but you don't understand what happened.  The guy we had on tonight DID make it into the meeting, but there were only a few supporters of the Seven that did, because the NLDC literally stuffed the room with goons via the back door!!!

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: WinBear on September 24, 2005, 09:08 PM NHFT

I don't have any concerns.? I just don't think Lauren's planned incarceration over absolutely nothing is worth my protesting.

I understand the guy above wore a skirt to an all woman cars wash.

So what if he did?? ?Are you implying that men that wear skirts, or kilts, are unmanly or that they are unworthy because of that?

This is the 21st Century.? Lets all try to remember that.



Assuming you are male, If I have in any way offended you or your sense of style, i apologise.



This from property owner Richard Beyer:

Bill Vonwinkle the owner of 33 Smith Street has volunteered to purchase everyone lunch who protests at York Correctional Facility tomorrow in support of Lauren Canario. Bill can be contacted at 860/861-1712 or email at DollarBillShort@aol.com
Time and place to be determined based on number of responses.

Kat Kanning

One of them said the same on the phone with Russell tonight. 


Quote from: katdillon on September 24, 2005, 09:06 PM NHFT
Oh, and Alan Weiss can kiss my ass too.

So anyone that disagrees with you can kiss your ass?

Please remind us all when you picked up a rifle and fired a shot in anger.  Are you prepared to do that?  Or are you just all talk?  Because unless you're ready, trained, and able to prosecute a war, and win, you're just a wingnut with a big mouth.  Good thing is, you're attracting all the JBT attention like a bad magnet.  Makes it safe for those of us really fighting to win to do so.  Enjoy your organ-grinder.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 24, 2005, 08:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: russellkanning on September 24, 2005, 07:59 PM NHFT
you need to listen to the mp3 from FTL from the first night ..... they packed the room so that none of the residents could be in the meeting

Had the meeting been about EM, which it wasn't, and, I was one of the owners effected, I would have been at the door when it opened and in the front seat!
What did they pack the room with, if not residents?

listen to the mp3 .... Ian posted it here.

Michael Fisher

Funny how Seth, Weiss, Sorens, and others don't come out and tell the media something like "oh, I'm sure he didn't mean it because we're a nonviolent organization, I've met these two and they're very nonviolent people, and his wife is clearly using nonviolent methods. ?he was probably just frustrated. ?perhaps if you call him back he'll verify that's NOT what he meant to say."

Instead, you see these guys assuming that one single media article of an interview with her husband somehow represents Lauren's point of view - a tremendous logical fallacy that Alan Weiss uses to distance himself from her.

I don't have to tell you that Jim was not in a "state of mind" conducive to a good press interview. ?Why don't you call him yourself and ask him why? ?PM me and I'll send you Jim's phone numbers so you can verify this for yourselves.

My wife was somewhat upset when I went to jail for a manicure. ?Luckily the press didn't interview her. ?We didn't see eye to eye that day.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: WinBear on September 24, 2005, 09:13 PM NHFT
So anyone that disagrees with you can kiss your ass?


I don't have a gun and don't know what you're trying to say.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 24, 2005, 08:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: russellkanning on September 24, 2005, 08:01 PM NHFT
they should not hold anyone for failure to testify ..... you are innocent until proven guilty .... she has not hurt anyone or threatened to do so ..... so she should be free until they prove that she has hurt anyone.


the stinkin government