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Eminent Domain Seminar Protest February 8th Wednesday

Started by Kat Kanning, December 14, 2005, 08:47 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 07, 2006, 09:38 PM NHFT
Between time constraints, the costs of two trips to MH in one week and the unlikelyhood of getting near the radisson, I'm going to have to pass on this one.
Yea we don't know what will be going on there. The good thing is we can hassle Bush when he comes here.

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

I've got a bunch of eminent domain signs and two for Bush:

Bush, Feds = Fascists
NH To Seceed

Dave Ridley

Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

I must have gotten there right after you guys were arrested. Sorry I missed your action. :-\

Kat Kanning

We got a photo of the people registered for the eminent domain seminar.

Russell Kanning

Pat McCotter

Oooo...Upton & Hatfield sent 3 people. These were the guys that helped take Salty's property.

Pat McCotter

As well as Mark Hodgdon speaking there I see the AG's office sent Edith Pacillo. She was attorney on AG's amicus curiae brief for Pennichuck v. Nashua.

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

Yeah, it's kind of fuzzy.   :(  We were in a hurry to gather evidence before we got kicked out :)

Kat Kanning

I've put the photos I got from the seminar up full-sized, so you can see if you recognize anyone.


This guy sitting down didn't want his photo taken and hid his face in the first one, like a criminal.