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Lloyd Danforth passed away

Started by jaqeboy, August 15, 2012, 10:31 PM NHFT

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I just read this from a post by Vamp Zim on Facebook:

QuoteLloyd Danforth is dead. Apparently he passed away earlier today while sitting in his chair in the front room. The police chief is here and we are waiting for the medical examiner to arrive to determine the cause of death. Likely heart failure.

Can anyone confirm this? Very sad news.


Such a nice man - I am glad to have known him.  He was active until the end, having attended the trial for Ademo on Monday.




He died a freer man, with many friends who will mourn his passing, and he took a great many actions to help others and make the world a better place, and will be remembered fondly.  A better epitaph does not exist.  RIP Lloyd.

His profile says he was active on the site today.  He posted a joke as his last post... and his shining image lives on:

Jim Johnson

Becky Thatcher

I'm so sorry to hear this...I always looked forward to hanging out with Lllloyd.  He was my favourite curmudgeon and I will miss him. :'(


If this is confirmed... wow.

I had a Facebook message from him today. I'd asked him if he was interested in doing a job for me, and to give me a quote if he was. He asked me to send him some photos, and said he was working on it.



Pat K

Well I did not see that coming.
Damn, he was a good friend.

Jim Johnson


I just got back from the club and have a couple drinks in me. Can't tell if that's good or bad for receiving news like this. I'm quite stunned. Lloyd joked (or not?) about how he didn't expect liberty in his lifetime but wished it for the rest of us. RIP Lloyd.


I heard about the U.N. Flag burning and memorial for Lloyd in December. Does anyone know of anything sooner?

Tom Sawyer


My Fedbook status update:

It will be some time before we know the funeral details for Lloyd Danforth.

The wake, though, is happening right now, all over the internet, wherever people have known of our beloved curmudgeon.

I will miss you, you crusty old bastid.

I think his wall is visible to those without Facebook, and there's quite a wake going on already. Some wonderful tributes, quotes, and photos, from all corners of his world.



As some of you know, I'm pretty much out of condolences and such, right now.  So I'll have to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

Nor did Lloyd and I get along particularly well, and it would be disingenuous to try and pretend that he was a close friend, now.  I felt no enmity towards him, but we generally seemed to both be too curmudgeonly to get along well.

Both things said, therefore, my thoughts right now are on the positive impact he had on the lives of others around me.  Friends, acquaintances, and even many whom I dislike, personally, but wish no ill towards.  Regardless of personalities, I'm glad that he was around to increase the joy in so many lives.  And maybe that's an important thing to be said: that his impact was enough that it was recognized not only by his friends, who felt it themselves, but even by others who simply saw the effect he had on those around him.