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Let's start a fun list of strange things that have happened to you

Started by Raineyrocks, October 04, 2012, 02:41 PM NHFT

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when you've been stoned or wasted.  It doesn't have to be anything recent, it could be stuff from when you were a teenager or whatever.

Here goes:

1. I saw an airplane crash right in front of me, (but not for real), I was tripping years ago.

2. I saw the Star Trek Enterprise fly out of the television and dove on the floor as I yelled for everyone to get down.  My aunt didn't even think anything was odd about my behavior.  Gosh, I love that woman. :)

3. More recently, I forgot how to write the change part on a check and I was trying to keep my shit together so I kept making up excuses, like the pens weren't working and stuff, so the pharmacist lady got mad and helped me fill out the check.  So cool!  :D

4. I was at the doctors with my sister and they said I needed identification for something and I said, "Oh my gosh, I didn't even put make up on today."   The receptionist and my sister looked at me wierd and I thought to myself, okay something isn't right here, what did I say now.  Well it turns out she needed to see my license not take my picture. ::)

That's it for me now, my brain is starting to hurt.

Russell Kanning

This one time
I was I was soooo
I was so wasted
That Rainey started making sense:-)
Dude what a trip
She is one fun chic

Jim Johnson

I once read one of Rainey's posts, all the way through, and it made total 100% sense, and I'd never fallen two stories on a ladder before, and even though I could only see out of one eye, cause my wrist was broken, that was really strange.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 04, 2012, 05:50 PM NHFT
This one time
I was I was soooo
I was so wasted
That Rainey started making sense:-)
Dude what a trip
She is one fun chic

I dig it Russell!  :D


Quote from: Jim Johnson on October 04, 2012, 07:35 PM NHFT
I once read one of Rainey's posts, all the way through, and it made total 100% sense, and I'd never fallen two stories on a ladder before, and even though I could only see out of one eye, cause my wrist was broken, that was really strange.

Ha, ha!  Yeah, I remember when you fell off that ladder, ouch! :o