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For a nickel apiece....

Started by KBCraig, November 29, 2012, 06:53 PM NHFT

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It's sad that this woman lost her son, and that her grandson lost his father. But despite that sadness, it doesn't change the fact that she co-signed his students loans, promising to repay them if he didn't. Her obligation doesn't change based on whether he doesn't pay because he's a slacker, or he's deceased.

That said... Look at this article and see what jumps out at you. She started a change.org petition to forgive the debt, because everyone knows banks are filthy rich and won't miss the money. But the 200,000 people who signed in support apparently didn't think about putting their own money into play, the selfish bastards!

Lessee, $10,000 split amongst 200,000 who really care equals...



Excellent observation.  Someone should start one of those online pledge things: "I will send a nickel to her, if 199,999 other people do the same thing."

Also, since the article makes a big deal of mentioning that the Federal student loans were forgiven, but the private loan was not, I have a question: did she co-sign the Federal loans?  If not, then that's showing pretty blatant bias.  "Of course, the wonderful Feds forgave the loans, but the evil private lender did not" is very different from "all of the loans that she did not co-sign were forgiven, but the one she co-signed was, obivously, still her responsibility."