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I don't particularly care about the shooting

Started by dalebert, December 15, 2012, 09:45 AM NHFT

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"And if you do, then you're racist, or a nationalist which is at least as absurd.

I didn't say I don't care. Of course I care about children dying. I just don't particularly care. I don't actually know them or their families. Children are dying violent deaths every day all over the world. I don't mean to be dismissive about it. I literally cannot mourn them all and still be a functional human being. What is disturbing to me is the sense that this event is deserving of special recognition all over the country, and to only a slightly lesser extent in other countries with predominantly white populations. I would hope folks would appreciate my honesty but I don't expect brownie points for it."

Jim Johnson

I didn't see any particular outrage when Anakin Skywalker did this thing in a Star Wars movie.


In 1980 2000, the Clinton administration released previously classified accounts of the bombing of Cambodia, and it turned out that we had dropped about six times the tonnage of bombs on that country as we had previously admitted, so all of a sudden, the estimates of innocent Cambodians inadvertently killed roughly quadrupled.  I wish I could say the world yawned, but it would have to have noticed to yawn.


i didn't drop any bombs. never have. never will.


Quote from: John on December 15, 2012, 09:32 PM NHFT
i didn't drop any bombs. never have. never will.

I caught myself about to "we" in the article but corrected it.


Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on December 15, 2012, 02:19 PM NHFT
In 1980, the Clinton administration released previously classified accounts of the bombing of Cambodia, and it turned out that we had dropped about six times the tonnage of bombs on that country as we had previously admitted, so all of a sudden, the estimates of innocent Cambodians inadvertently killed roughly quadrupled.  I wish I could say the world yawned, but it would have to have noticed to yawn.

I assume you meant 1990?  1980 would have been Reagan.


Actually, it was 2000.  I don't know how I came to type 1980.