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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Russell arrested

Started by Kat Kanning, December 22, 2012, 11:10 PM NHFT

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i info porc411 last night and just now


Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 31, 2012, 09:52 AM NHFTMaybe he won't get the letter I just sent then.

Maybe he will. :) <3

Woman said if it gets returned to sender it is because he has been moved

firecracker joe

 :( Im really sorry about what this govt. is doing to a peaceful chalker . the feds have no scruples. id bet they drive him around the coutry abit in paper clothes with no insulation for the cold, walking in slippers with a happy face on them, there are really no moves during holidays cause the feds need there time off. hell probably go to oklahoma which is a transportation hub  and then probably work his way back east. Id bet when its all said and done he will get time served. Kat my thoughts are with you guys.  Firecracker Joe


Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 31, 2012, 09:11 AM NHFT
Thanks!  I wonder why there.

That's a branch of the U.S. District Court, Western Missouri. The marshals will have an office there too, and they contract with the local jail.


Quote from: firecracker joe on December 31, 2012, 10:14 AM NHFT
:( Im really sorry about what this govt. is doing to a peaceful chalker . the feds have no scruples. id bet they drive him around the coutry abit in paper clothes with no insulation for the cold, walking in slippers with a happy face on them, there are really no moves during holidays cause the feds need there time off. hell probably go to oklahoma which is a transportation hub  and then probably work his way back east. Id bet when its all said and done he will get time served.

I'm sorry to say this is true. The real charge is "contempt of the system".


I have a friend who, every time he hears Russell's name, likes to tell me he doesn't approve of Russell's kind of activism, and other friends who do it to a lesser degree.
I'm wondering how many people found the FSP... and are already in NH as a DIRECT result of Russell and/or Russell's kind of activism vs. - well, how shall I put this - well, vs. them personally and/or their kinds of activism.

"Sometimes I'm right then I can be wrong
My own beliefs are in my songs
...I am no better and neither are you
We're all the same whatever we do
You love me you hate me
You know me and then
Still can't figure out the bag I'm in
I am everyday people

...Different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on scooby dooby dooby

Ooh sha sha
We got to live together ..."



I moved here early because of Russell, Ridley, Kat, and Lauren.

firecracker joe

i found fsp thanks to FTL but was drawn towards the winchester, keene crowd cause i liked their activism and not being afraid to stand up. Due to my scrapes with the armed thugs i might not be an asset to the fsp but everyone does things different i choose not to tell them when im breaking their laws but rather to make them do what they are paid to do and investigate, or get lucky when my crazy side comes out , which is every couple years , the problem is the thugs dont forget and its always on the record even if its 20 years.I wish russell all the best , I hope this isnt the only way we can get the Kannings back east.  ;)


Quote from: firecracker joe on January 02, 2013, 09:45 AM NHFTI hope this isnt the only way we can get the Kannings back east.  ;)

Funny you say that Joe.

1st line in my song "The Peaceful Rebel," which I wrote while Russell was in prison, was originally poking fun at the idea that Russell "moved" east - to Dover.
Most people now would never know the the line, "At a prison out in Dover" is kinda an inside joke about Keene vs. Dover, and Russell "moving" there.
Some very early movers got it, and we talked about it. :)


Oh, Another fun story about "The Peaceful Rebel":

Russell was refusing to process and was not allowed visitors, but could receive and send mail.
I mailed the lyrics to Russell.
Later, knowing Russell's view from inside, I went and played the song (over and over) from where he could see - until he did.

Soon, a nasty guard came out to hassle us so we just left, since every objective for going there had been reached.

We had just visited Russell - - - despite their rules.

As we rolled out of the parking lot, the police were quickly arriving. We just kept rolling.


Quote from: John on December 31, 2012, 04:43 PM NHFT
I have a friend who, every time he hears Russell's name, likes to tell me he doesn't approve of Russell's kind of activism, and other friends who do it to a lesser degree.
I'm wondering how many people found the FSP... and are already in NH as a DIRECT result of Russell and/or Russell's kind of activism vs. - well, how shall I put this - well, vs. them personally and/or their kinds of activism.

Let me preface saying I see nothing wrong with Russell's activism but playing the devils advocate I know quite a few people who are exactly like you describe above saying they don't approve of it.  I've heard more then one person argue that Russell and others cause more harm then good.

And here's the true devils advocate question, for every person who moved here because of his activism how many others were turned off enough not to move?


Quote from: lildog on January 02, 2013, 02:00 PM NHFT
And here's the true devils advocate question, for every person who moved here because of his activism how many others were turned off enough not to move?

No one who was ever really intent on moving in the first place.


Quote from: KBCraig on January 02, 2013, 02:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on January 02, 2013, 02:00 PM NHFT
And here's the true devils advocate question, for every person who moved here because of his activism how many others were turned off enough not to move?

No one who was ever really intent on moving in the first place.

Yep - people who would judge a movement of hundreds for the actions of one.  Not sure those folks were ever good prospects.

Kat Kanning

Cole Co. Jail says Russell isn't there any more.  I guess they moved him again?


Thanks for that update Kat. My heart is with you.
Maybe he is heading to NH.