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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Going to the rim

Started by John, April 02, 2013, 07:09 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Hey John, I felt it would be wrong to let this pass without commenting. I mean it is a rather significant thing to lose your investment, home and place in the community that you have created. Of course in the end they are your choices to make, of course.

Not knowing your actual course of action or inaction for that matter...
I'm wondering if the "powers that be" taking a place of worship over the property tax issue perhaps has the potential to be a rallying point for others to help bring attention to what I believe is the most onerous of taxes.

Many folks bitch about the income tax and think the property tax is just ok.


Thanks, Tom. Things will be as they should be.
As "one famous guy"  ;D put it about 45 years ago; "I just want to do God's will."  ;D
I'm staying busy doing what i Love to do.
fyi - this part of a recent conversation with one of my kids shows that i have some support from family:
"Theresa Rose
i just read your post. whats going on 120 days from now?

John Connell
This is not big news. i've know their deadline for years. ... i REFUSE to pay tax on a church - and i WON'T BEND to "Ceasar".
the govthugs don't see it the same way...

Theresa Rose
so this means...they can seize it? you'd have to sell it? what's the plan?

John Connell
Looooong story. no solid "plan" in place...
One thing you can be sure of, and i've said it over and over - various ways: they may be able take everything if i won't bend - - - BUT they can not take my soul...

Theresa Rose
im glad youre standing your ground but it must be stressful. im sorry for that.

John Connell
i'm NOT very stressed. I'm living as i know i should. ...
i've not yet said it "publicly" but i WILL NOT let them take this property. I'd give it away befor they can get their greedy hnds on it
"Live Free or die. Death is NOT the worst of evils." - John Stark
Pardon my putting it this way but - ummmm - FUCK THEM!
I've got better things on my mind than them. Like Peace, Love, and 4Giveness.
Have you seen my resent pictures of my painting/snow sculpture?
THAT is what i'll keep doing.

Theresa Rose
i love your pics
and agreed on all fronts
keep me posted..."


Pat K

I hope your there for many more years to come John.

Russell Kanning

And some of us can come and let the bad guys know how many friends peaceful folk have.:-)

Kevin Bean

Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the highest heavens, the earth and all that is in it.
Deuteronomy 10:14

"If we rendered unto God all the things that belong to God, there would be nothing left for Caesar." - Dorothy Day

Peace and blessings to you, John.

Russell Kanning

Amen brother and passed sister