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All My Sins

Started by Alex Libman, May 25, 2013, 12:13 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

was the correct response... thanks for playing.

Jim Johnson

Crap.  You know, I was gon'a go with the question mark, but then I was like, its more scary then WTF.  But I still wouldn't a got the purple.

I should a least get a copy of the home game. 

Alex Libman

It's my thread, and the correct answer is...


It's a unicode character, but the forum isn't accepting it...  When pasted, it turns into a question mark.

Tom Sawyer wins!

Jim Johnson

Ooooh, sure it is.

I still get a copy of the home game.


Quote from: Alex Libman on June 26, 2013, 09:06 PM NHFT

It's my thread

You still haven't gained clarity on the issue of "ownership" on a forum, I see. I seem to recall that was the source of your raging breakdown over the FTL forums.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: KBCraig on June 26, 2013, 09:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: Alex Libman on June 26, 2013, 09:06 PM NHFT

It's my thread

You still haven't gained clarity on the issue of "ownership" on a forum, I see. I seem to recall that was the source of your raging breakdown over the FTL forums.

Why you bringing up the whole memory hole incident? I mean some folks havin' stuff to bury... ohhhh, never mind, we be playin' "All My Sins" with our Host Alex "Tent City" Libman.

Jim Johnson

This is my dream... and y'all screw'n wit it.... What about my copy of the home game?

Alex Libman

Quote from: KBCraig on June 26, 2013, 09:26 PM NHFT
You still haven't gained clarity on the issue of "ownership" on a forum, I see. I seem to recall that was the source of your raging breakdown over the FTL forums.

Ian Fraudman's crimes against science, reason, history, and truth aside...

I was obviously using the word "my" in a possessive "Ayn Rand's cat's sandbox" sense.  The cat doesn't own the sandbox, but it's still the cat's sandbox.

Now will you please get just a milligram of decency and stop polluting this personal thread with your childish delusions of wit?!



Quote from: Alex Libman on June 27, 2013, 11:07 AM NHFT
Now will you please get just a milligram of decency and stop polluting this personal thread with your childish delusions of wit?!

But I repeat myself...
Quote from: KBCraig on June 25, 2013, 12:16 PM NHFT
Whatever it was, you can be sure it was All About Alex.

Russell Kanning

Well if it makes you feel any better Alex you can move to NH and hang out with about 20 identical twins.
Some of us might still make fun of your selfishnish but that happens anywhere in the world.

Alex Libman


Malicious comments will not deter me.  Like I've recently said on another forum:

QuoteThanks for words of encouragement.

Yeah, it is a dream of mine to build a new Hemp City in New Tentshire, err, to build a new Tent City in New Hampshire...  :)

I'm a Free Stater, but got discouraged through a lot of negativity I've experienced on the forums and never made the move...

Someday I'll get over it...  "Damn the trollpedoes, full speed ahead!"  ::)

But... One battle at a time. Not giving up Lakewood, NJ to the Bulldozer Bullies just yet...

And this thread will continue with a dramatic opera about me signing up for "General Assistance" in Nov 2011.  I'm still warming up for that one...  I really did it as an act of self-destruction, in spiritual rather than material desperation, to forever kill my integrity and let go of my libertarian dreams...

Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 29, 2013, 03:14 PM NHFTSome of us might still make fun of your selfishnish but that happens anywhere in the world.

Selfishness is not a "sin".  I am indeed a very selfish person.  All of my selfishness has been in pursuit of my values, which I consider to be quite rational, challenged and examined thoroughly and openly over the past few years.  Selfishness is why I "dropped out" from a career in IT security (though, perhaps unfortunately, too soon to be a Snowden).  Selfish concern for my reputation among other rational minds (if any shall ever exist in this world) is the reason why I've said many of the things I've said over the years, even when they resulted in nothing but scorn from my immediate observers.  Selfishness is why I live in a tent in the woods, and do my laundry in a bucket.

Today I'm setting my social phobias aside and going to the NJLP "Liberty Picnic".  Beta testing for next year's PorcFest, maybe.  ;)

Kat Kanning

Deed to this thread is hereby given to my friend Alex Libman.

Alex Libman

Hehe.  I know I'm a guest here, and I have a very gracious host.  :)