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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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FSP First 1000

Started by JonM, January 13, 2006, 11:30 AM NHFT

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I did not write the pledge, but I think it's a great idea, so I put my name to it.  It makes me a little uncomfortable saying "only if" because I'll be there no matter what.  That appears to have been put in there to make fence sitters more comfortable.

I think this is the best idea the FSP has had since the state vote.


It appears all pledgebank pledges are worded "only if"


Quote from: Dreepa on January 13, 2006, 01:50 PM NHFT
Quote from: dead president on January 13, 2006, 11:55 AM NHFT
If you are going to move...just fucking move.
Are you down? Don't talk it, put it down.

I agree 100%

true dat


Quote from: eukreign on January 14, 2006, 11:56 PM NHFT
Looks like at the rate we're going we should reach 2142 pledges by Dec 31st.

I think that the rate will slow a little.
Many of the people who signed up right away are people who already moved.
Others are the ones that were planning on moving soon.

We need to reach out to the fence sitters.


I can't see the point in anyone waiting 'until' such and such many people arrive before them.
If they agree that NH is 'the' place, why don't they just 'move' and not wait for others?
If people start waiting for anyone or anything, other than perhaps finding a job, no one will ever get here.

Pat K

This is just trying something to get a buzz going, to get publicty and as such I think it is a good idea.

The bus has been creeping along and needs a tune up. If we can get 1000 folks over the next 3 years think of how much more fun could be had.


Looks like signups are going down linearly:


Hi guys, give it a little time to percolate.

While hearing about the Free State Project I started asking myself questions about making the move, but as I studied the rate of growth for the project it looks like it would be 14 to 15 years before it activated. I just don't see people maintaining interest that long, and with the way things are going I think the opprotunity to turn the beast around through peaceful means will be lost by then. So I never signed on to it as I'm not making a commitment I might be called to honor 20 years from now.

1000 in a year then go in 2 seems more attainable, thats about the growth rate for the FSP now isn't it? It's also more immediate.


Quote from: Clyde on January 17, 2006, 08:18 PM NHFT
Hi guys, give it a little time to percolate.

While hearing about the Free State Project I started asking myself questions about making the move, but as I studied the rate of growth for the project it looks like it would be 14 to 15 years before it activated. I just don't see people maintaining interest that long, and with the way things are going I think the opprotunity to turn the beast around through peaceful means will be lost by then. So I never signed on to it as I'm not making a commitment I might be called to honor 20 years from now.

1000 in a year then go in 2 seems more attainable, thats about the growth rate for the FSP now isn't it? It's also more immediate.

Well, if you really want freedom it shouldn't matter how many people are moving. NH is ALREADY pretty free and there are already lots of people in NH who love their freedom and will fight for it.


*grins* So you say... but I don't live in New Hampshire. So it's outside my experience. In itself what I've heard of NH so far is insuffient for me to uproot myself. America is touted as being free and freedom loving and yet that hasn't been what I've seen in the other places I've lived. Without some critical mass, my moving is as likely to gain success as my staying where I already am, and it's cheaper to stay. If I don't meet your standards... well... I don't really care enough except to type up this quick reply. I'm not entering a competiton.


Not an unusual response. It does sadden me, though. In strictly financial terms, our moving was very costly. And as far as "success" goes, undoubtedly, our chances aren't really better yet. Maybe the requisite numbers would change that, but maybe not.

We had to choose our own future regardless of what others do or what may or may not happen. We gained so much by moving. Comparatively speaking, I live in liberty now. And I don't mean those measures that are trotted out in order to convince people. Statistics are numbers. Numbers don't express the relief I feel here or the comfort of meaningful friendships or the excitement of daily activism or the hope and anticipation for what each new day brings. That is my reality and it is worth every penny that the move cost us. I only have this one life and I like living it with a joy I couldn't attain before moving.

If you have that, and see as bright a future for your children, then congratulations and may your and my luck hold.



Quote from: cathleeninnh on January 18, 2006, 08:49 AM NHFT
Not an unusual response. It does sadden me, though. In strictly financial terms, our moving was very costly. And as far as "success" goes, undoubtedly, our chances aren't really better yet. Maybe the requisite numbers would change that, but maybe not.

We had to choose our own future regardless of what others do or what may or may not happen. We gained so much by moving. Comparatively speaking, I live in liberty now. And I don't mean those measures that are trotted out in order to convince people. Statistics are numbers. Numbers don't express the relief I feel here or the comfort of meaningful friendships or the excitement of daily activism or the hope and anticipation for what each new day brings. That is my reality and it is worth every penny that the move cost us. I only have this one life and I like living it with a joy I couldn't attain before moving.

If you have that, and see as bright a future for your children, then congratulations and may your and my luck hold.

Well said Cathleen!  :D


If Kat and Russell hadn't arrived here and started this forum, Shorty Dawkins might never have appeared.  ;)


Quote from: Clyde on January 17, 2006, 08:18 PM NHFT
Hi guys, give it a little time to percolate.

While hearing about the Free State Project I started asking myself questions about making the move, but as I studied the rate of growth for the project it looks like it would be 14 to 15 years before it activated. I just don't see people maintaining interest that long, and with the way things are going I think the opprotunity to turn the beast around through peaceful means will be lost by then. So I never signed on to it as I'm not making a commitment I might be called to honor 20 years from now.

1000 in a year then go in 2 seems more attainable, thats about the growth rate for the FSP now isn't it? It's also more immediate.

Clyde, I completely understand your hesitancy to make a commitment that you might be called to honor 20 years from now. I'm glad that the new First 1000 campaign has got you to reconsider joining the FSP.

I moved here from California last spring.  If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.  Also, if you'd like to come to New Hampshire for a visit and meet some of us in person, just let me know when you're coming and I can make sure that happens.  Most people have a very positive reaction after meeting the in-state crew of early movers and seeing that we're not all a bunch of nutcases.  :)

Dave Ridley

The advantages that immediately accrue to a liberty lover moving to New Hampshire are:

Fewer laws
Fewer taxes
Ability to pay for more services in silver or gold
Social network
Easier to get rides if you don't have a car!
Ability to physically be a part of something bigger than oneself
Ability to open carry or concealed carry with minimal licensing
Ability to concealed carry in 18 other states once you get the NH concealed carry license
Moving party when you get here.
Various other parties when you get here!