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Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their "Off The Gr

Started by Silent_Bob, May 09, 2015, 04:13 PM NHFT

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If the government does not like the way that you are raising your kids, they will come in and grab them at any time without giving any warning whatsoever.  Of course this is completely and totally unlawful, but it has been happening all over America.  The most recent example of this that has made national headlines is particularly egregious.  Joe and Nicole Naugler of Breckinridge County, Kentucky just had their 10 children brutally ripped away from them just because the government does not approve of how they are living their lives and how they are educating their young ones.

Let's be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever.  All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent.  But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their "off the grid lifestyle", they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

A lot of readers also lead "off the grid" lifestyles similar to what the Nauglers had been enjoying.  The Nauglers  own 26 acres in a remote area of Breckinridge County, and their family has been described as "extremely happy".  But despite never giving them a single warning or a single indication that anything was ever wrong, Kentucky police raided their home on May 6th.  The following is how the raid was described on a website dedicated to this case...

    On May 6th, 2015, Breckinridge Co. Sheriff's officers came to their home, acting on an anonymous tip, and entered their property and home without a warrant and without probable cause. Nicole was at home with the two oldest children, while Joe was away with the others. When the officers left the home, they attempted to block the access road to the family property. Nicole and the two boys got in their car to leave the family property. The got only a short way down the road before the officers pulled Nicole over.


    During this stop, sheriffs deputies took their two oldest boys from Nicole's custody, providing her no justification or documentation to support their action. Nicole was able to contact Joe briefly by telephone, but only for a short period of time, because she needed to use her phone to record the events.


    At that point, Nicole had been taken into custody for disorderly conduct (for not passively allowing the Sheriff to take her boys) and resisting arrest. Even though she is 5 months pregnant, she was slammed belly first into the cop car and bruised and scraped on both arms.

And people wonder why there is such an uproar about police brutality in this country...

How in the world can a police officer ever justify treating a pregnant woman like that?  The police officer that treated Nicole like that should immediately resign.  Talk about an utter disgrace.  You do not ever treat a pregnant woman like that.

But this is America, where we are turning a little bit more into Nazi Germany every single day.

You can listen to audio of Nicole's shocking arrest right here.

When Joe arrived on the scene, the police continued to act like Gestapo thugs...

    Joe was able to arrange transportation to meet his wife where the stop had taken place. Joe attempted to get out of the car to speak with the officers and his wife, and to recover the vehicle Nicole had been driving. The Sheriff, with his hand on his sidearm, ordered Joe back into the car. Joe complied with that request. The sheriff informed Joe that he had every intention of making this as difficult as possible for them and that their car would be impounded, despite the fact that Joe was there on­site to recover it.


    A friend, who had driven Joe to the location, got out of the car to speak with the Sheriff. She was able to convince the Sheriff to let Joe recover the vehicle. Joe also recovered Nicole's cell phone, which had been recording audio the entire time.


    The Sheriff ordered Joe to turn the remaining eight children over to Breckinridge County Sheriff's deputies by 10:00 a.m., and threatened him with felony charges if he does not comply.

Joe did comply with the Sheriff's order, and now their kids have been scattered by CPS among families in four separate counties...

    As of now, officials have placed the children with four families in four different counties, and as of Friday morning, the parents had not spoken with them. The four families are families that CPS chose – families the Nauglers don't know.

Shame on you Kentucky.  You are supposed to be better than this.

One of the most disturbing elements of this entire incident is that Child Protective Services never visited the Nauglers a single time and never gave them any indication that anything was wrong.  The following comes from Off The Grid News...

    Child Protective Services never visited the home, said Ellsworth, who believes the arrests took place because of the parents' choice of "unschooling" for their children, and because of their simple way of life that some would call backwards. The family's Facebook page calls it a "back to basics life." They have a garden and raise animals. Deputies apparently were concerned about whether the children's needs were being met, but friends say they personally have no concerns — and that the children are blessed to have Joe and Nicole as their parents.

How would you like it if government thugs raided your home and took your children away because they considered your lifestyle to be "backwards"?

What in the world is happening to this country?

Like I said earlier, what happened to the Nauglers is not an isolated incident.  These kinds of things are happening all over the nation.  For example, just consider the abuse that one homeschooling family received in New Jersey...

    Meanwhile, in New Jersey, a WND report highlights how parents were interrogated by a CPS caseworker who questioned Christopher Zimmer and his wife Nicole, "on everything from their son's homeschool education to questions about vaccines and guns in the house."


    Michelle Marchese aggressively demanded to enter the property after asserting Christopher Zimmer Jr. was not getting a "proper education." Police subsequently arrived and allowed Marchese to enter the home before conducting a warrantless search.


    The Zimmers are now suing the CPS for $60 million in a case before the U.S. District Court in Trenton.

I very much hope that the Zimmers win that case and collect a huge monetary award.

All over the nation, CPS officials are running around acting like little dictators and trampling the law.  They need the courts to send them a clear message that this is a nation where the rule of law still applies.

If we do not stand with families like the Nauglers, control freak bureaucrats will continue to harass families that have chosen to live a "basic" lifestyle all over the nation.  So let's stand with them and make this case viral all over the Internet.

And Kentucky, get your act together and send those kids back home.  You are supposed to be so much better than this.

Tom Sawyer

Family's Facebook blog

One of the complaints was that there was a pond on the property without a fence around it. Who the hell fences in a pond?

Seems that living "rough" is enough to get your kids taken. Looks clean and they seem to have a happy life.

The idea that without even a hearing they can steal your kids. Guilty until proven innocent.

About the worst thing someone could do is steal your children.

Free libertarian

Tom Sawyer


It should be pointed out for the benefit of the casual reader that while the New Jersey, Christopher and Nicole Zimmer story has been widely reported and a copy of an actual court filed document pertaining to that matter has been posted on the web, the Kentucky, Joe and Nicole Naugler story seems to be single-sourced at present.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on May 10, 2015, 04:29 PM NHFT
It should be pointed out for the benefit of the casual reader that while the New Jersey, Christopher and Nicole Zimmer story has been widely reported and a copy of an actual court filed document pertaining to that matter have been posted on the web, the Kentucky, Joe and Nicole Naugler story seems to be single-sourced at present.

Here Are 7 Surprising Things You Need to Know About Joe and Nicole Naugler

Claims that the father acted in a threatening manner should have resulted in "his" arrest.

Jim Johnson


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 10, 2015, 05:43 PM NHFT
Here Are 7 Surprising Things You Need to Know About Joe and Nicole Naugler

From the above linked article:

"And the inside of the 'cabin.' As you can see, there are only three walls..."

Gee, every room in the homes of the Cleavers, the Nelsons, the Stones and the Huxtables had just three walls.

Tom Sawyer

Quote5. Possible identification abuse
On her personal facebook page, Nicole Naugler states that several of her children don't have birth certificates or other forms of ID.

Think of the trouble it causes the children not to wear their yellow star.


Quote5. Possible identification abuse
On her personal facebook page, Nicole Naugler states that several of her children don't have birth certificates or other forms of ID.

They'll be able to play in the Little League World Series when they are old enough to shave, and then get big signing bonuses just like the shortstops from San Pedro de Macoris


Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on May 10, 2015, 06:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 10, 2015, 05:43 PM NHFT
Here Are 7 Surprising Things You Need to Know About Joe and Nicole Naugler

From the above linked article:

"And the inside of the 'cabin.' As you can see, there are only three walls..."

Gee, every room in the homes of the Cleavers, the Nelsons, the Stones and the Huxtables had just three walls.

I wanted to ask the author: is it illegal to take children camping? Is it illegal to take children camping in the winter? Is there some mandatory time limit upon camping trips? Do you know the family's current living conditions to be permanent?

If the answer to these questions is "no", then please explain where and how you draw the line between recreation and lifestyle.

Tom Sawyer


Upon further read of the woman's blog, I think I have to discount much of her opinion. She feels that because some parents have done bad things that all parents and children need to be under observation and supervised to prevent children being killed and stored in a freezer.


From Maryland Code (state statutes):

(a)   A person who is charged with the care of a child under the age of 8 years may not allow the child to be locked or confined in a dwelling, building, enclosure, or motor vehicle while the person charged is absent and the dwelling, building, enclosure, or motor vehicle is out of the sight of the person charged unless the person charged provides a reliable person at least 13 years old to remain with the child to protect the child.
(b)   A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or both.

I don't remember if this recent story has been posted here, but there is a Maryland family that is at odds with their local nanny state over their having let their ten year old kid and their six year old kid play together in public places.  The kids were picked up and held for about five hours a month or so ago.  It appears to have happened as an extension of a running feud between that family and some local protective authority.

I just accessed and read the actual statute, which is at the top of this post, and not only did that family seem to not have been in violation of it, I think the statute is so poorly worded that it doesn't cover something that it was intended to cover, because if a kid under the age of eight is alone in a "locked" car, or even in a locked house, he isn't ordinarily locked or confined in that car or in that house since all car locks and nearly all house locks are configured to lock intruders out but they do not lock in or confine the occupants, which means you can even leave an infant alone in an unlocked car in a parking lot, such that he could more conveniently be kidnapped, but you can't protectively lock the car under the same circumstances.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on May 11, 2015, 08:48 AM NHFT
From Maryland Code (state statutes):

(a)   A person who is charged with the care of a child under the age of 8 years may not allow the child to be locked or confined in a dwelling, building, enclosure, or motor vehicle while the person charged is absent and the dwelling, building, enclosure, or motor vehicle is out of the sight of the person charged unless the person charged provides a reliable person at least 13 years old to remain with the child to protect the child.
(b)   A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or both.

I don't remember if this recent story has been posted here, but there is a Maryland family that is at odds with their local nanny state over their having let their ten year old kid and their six year old kid play together in public places.  The kids were picked up and held for about five hours a month or so ago.  It appears to have happened as an extension of a running feud between that family and some local protective authority.

I just accessed and read the actual statute, which is at the top of this post, and not only did that family seem to not have been in violation of it, I think the statute is so poorly worded that it doesn't cover something that it was intended to cover, because if a kid under the age of eight is alone in a "locked" car, or even in a locked house, he isn't ordinarily locked in that car or in that house since all car locks and nearly all house locks are configured to lock intruders out but they do not lock in or confine the occupants, which means you can even leave an infant alone in an unlocked car in a parking lot, meaning he could more conveniently be kidnapped, but you can't protectively lock the car under the same circumstances.

I used to live in that area and us kids rode our bikes and played all throughout that area. Hell, one time we entered the storm sewer system and traveled for miles underground.  ;D

The do-gooders are creating a generation of dependent sissies.

Free libertarian

This story has raised a question in my mind, that may be moot (not mute)  since my kids are grown.

What would I do if I were the parent and the stolen kids weren't returned?  I think I'd feel justified in using some kind of defensive force to recover them, which is a very dangerous situation given the obvious response of the thug / state. 

I honestly don't know how I'd handle this if it were me, but in this situation, my emotions are sympathetic to any attempts on the part of the parents and their friends to recover their children. 

I think it illustrates the heinous effectiveness of how government is in these kinds of situations.  The personal blame is hard to assign to any one individual involved in the kidnapping and any defensive force applied by the parents against an individual(s) would be seen as offensive force by most people.

I imagine in any child recovery attempt by the parents the response of many people that think the state is justified would be something like this..."See? See? How these people are? That's why we HAD to take their children!!  etc." 

Due to their conditioning many people would assign the defensive position to the state and the offensive position to the parents. That obedience to authority thing keeps popping up....

I am left with this, Somehow, someway I need to participate in home schooling my grand child.