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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Pastor & Sexton occational report

Started by John, July 13, 2015, 09:00 PM NHFT

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I stay enormously/relentlessly busy with this Peaceful Assembly Church work.
It is a genuine labor of LOVE to continue answering God's calling.  :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:

Been wanting to start this thread for a while.
I'll just stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good and start with today:

Another extremely busy day.
Phone rang after midnight and woke me up. I went back to sleep. Caller (who left a long message) has great big issues with someone I know. Caller somehow (apparently) thought that his waking me after midnight, etc., etc. would win my heart and mind. Not so much. I'm not looking to join their fight to begin with... The fact that the caller seems to likely be conspiring with "Gov-Almighty" in this matter just pushes me away even more. ...
Up at maybe 6:30.
The two most consistent helpers, Tom and James, arrived at 8:00.
We worked together for a couple hours outside. I continued outside for hours after they left.
I interacted with 6 people on the rail trail.
Talked on the phone with someone from the Concord Monitor who is doing a story about another church. Whether he/they choose to do right by me and/or Peaceful Assembly Church is their choice. Either way, I'm sure there is plenty to work with  ;D since we talked for about an hour. ...
I shot a few baskets during the day. Others used the ball and hoop later.  8) ... I was too tired to go out and join them.
:) <3 Peace


3 hours on "Art 4 Peace" related activity
1 hour moving brush
1 hour getting stuff ready for dump
3 hours weed whacking, raking, etc.

1 interaction with rail trailer


Bird joins me in yard
Rain has come again for us
Matthew six two five

Tom Sawyer


Your maintenance of the historic church... a public service. From the tax extortionists perspective I guess it would be better vacant and in disrepair.

Becky Thatcher

Quote from: John on July 15, 2015, 05:23 AM NHFT
Bird joins me in yard
Rain has come again for us
Matthew six two five

Looks like a Phoebe.  We have them here.  They return every year and re-use the same nest.  Good bug-catchers to have around.


Nice note left at front door the other day.
After mom's contact info it is signed "Love & gratitude" and, then boy's name (apparently written by him) followed by the number 4. :)


Today is Sunday... Today was a relatively quiet day - after a busy week.

Been working my tail off:

Gathered up a bunch of wood stuff (and a few other things) (some old signs, etc.) to bring "to the dump" and got rid of it
Tom and James continue to help with that and other related projects...

I spent some hours on each of several days weed whacking, winding new string onto spools, recharging many many batteries...
I cut out the remainder of the birch which had been left from the winter project...
Continuing to move (cluttery looking) stuff toward the southeast corner and making things look (from ALL angles) generally better.
Made some more nice signs ... See some pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/108797145839366/
Spent lots of time making new batches of paint to freshen the 40 X 80 foot PLEASE DON'T TREAD ON OTHERS parking lot  banner
Spent many hours repainting same. Pictures later.

Not only am I getting more visitors and interacting with more and more people as I get better at all of this, but visitors are leaving nice notes when I'm not here...

:) <3 Peace,

p.s. Very soon I'll need to be putting out a "beg letter" because I'm running out of money.
And as one of my brothers and I talked about:
"Some people might get mad if you tell them you need help, while others will get mad if you don't tell them.

Tom Sawyer



This visitor may be rough, tough, and gruff, but he shared some - very constructive/helpful - criticisms...

Even though he may have a hard time with the full "Peace through Forgiveness" message, etc.; he enjoyed the Art 4 Peace, and we shared some guitar playing and some singing.

I should mention that many "tough" guys are way too afraid (of themselves?) to be able to enjoy spontaneous things like singing "Yellow Submarine" (which he started) - right out in the open afternoon air in the center of town.  :D

Anyone recognize this guy?

Tom Sawyer


Tom Sawyer

Mitchell is the fellow in the photo... Our favorite Polish-Inuit!


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on July 30, 2015, 10:06 PM NHFT
Mitchell is the fellow in the photo... Our favorite Polish-Inuit!

:) Yup. :)
And so, some of the music we shared was Polish. :)


As another "birthday" nears: