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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Is it time to stop paying Federal Taxes?

Started by Russell Kanning, January 25, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning


Kat Kanning


I quit paying fed tax a long time ago..I will continue not to,until the 'government' can be trusted to spend this money wisely and responsibly.I guess that means never,huh?


Screw the feds.  I do not consent to their "services".  I won't be paying, and I plan on encouraging others via my radio show to do the same. 

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

.....and time to hide your assets from the government?

When The Taxman Freezes Your Bank Account
by Gary North


Best to keep things cash only.

Don't withdraw too much from the bank at once! Big brother might think you're a TERRIST.


Quote from: russellkanning on February 01, 2006, 11:01 AM NHFT
.....and time to hide your assets from the government?

When The Taxman Freezes Your Bank Account
by Gary North

That's sick.



QuoteEnding Tyranny Without Violence

I just read this. 

Of course you need a sizable minority of the population to refuse to obey along w/ you.

So many people currently benifit from the political structure that I think their's bound to be some violence. It's difficult to teach a police offider that his life would be better if he got a real job instead of extorting money from you when he's got a gun pointed at your head.

Hopefully by the time I get to New Hampshire (or a few years afterwards as I join you people) there will be enough of a culture of resisting government that we'll be able to make significant progress along these lines.

When I get to NH I plan on joining Russle in not paying property taxes. I'll use the extra money to purchase security systems around my property and learn how to use guns properly. If just 5% of the population stood up and oppenly refused, it would galvanize everybody else I think. But you're not their yet unfortunitely.

Perhaps we could set up some sort of insurence network/society/organization or something. Simular to the Save-A-Patriot foundation. People who don't pay property taxes could pay in, and in the event that the local maffia (I lurnde hou too spel Maffia ;D) does come and try to confiscate the property, then this insurence would compensate you for part of it, help you w/ legal battles (if their are loop-holes) and the members could promise to come stand in front of other peoples property when it actually came time for the confiscation.

When said organization becomes bigger then 5% of the population, everybody in the organization starts oppenly advocating to other people to not pay their property taxes. After all, how are they going to enforce it?



"You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up to us. Those
puny, little ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and if they ever figure
that out, there goes our way of life. It's not about food, it's about
keeping those ants in line." ("Hopper" from A Bug's Life)

Russell Kanning

Just because others might want to be violent, does not mean that we have to.
I think it is a better idea to not set up gun defenses of your property. Every day I am more convinced that non-resistence to evil like Tolstoy wrote about is the right thing to do.


I sure do wish that someone would set up a private bank that is privately insured, has nothing to do with the feds, and would ignore freeze orders or any other such order from the state.

I'd move my accounts over right quick.

Russell Kanning

There are places like that, but they are not connected to the rest of the banks in america.


Quote from: russellkanning on February 01, 2006, 11:01 AM NHFT
.....and time to hide your assets from the government?

When The Taxman Freezes Your Bank Account
by Gary North

Yeah, I know I've been thinking of going cash only for a while.  The electrinoc age makes in too easy for people to control your accounts, and I don't mean identity thieft either!  I've had a couple instances of companies billing me twice or just tossing charges onto my account.  Although not having one is a real pain.  But hey, have one credit card you keep paid off with cash and you are all set. 


Good lord folks, I read this thread and I wonder when your going to break out the tin foil hats. :fireman: :duh: