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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Is it time to stop paying Federal Taxes?

Started by Russell Kanning, January 25, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT

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QuoteIt is kinda like servitude.
It's worse than servitude. I don't mind serving, and I don't mind "being of service," but this involves my consent. I was never asked if I wanted to be in social security (though apparently at the beginning, you didn't have to enroll in it--they'd just hassle you constantly if you didn't), I was never asked if I wanted to have $100+ taken out of my pay check. I'll just have to file this one under slavery ;)

QuoteIf it feels any better, all your medicare and ss taxes go into one big pile with your income taxes, then they vote for how much they will spend on these things each year.
lol, good try! No, that just makes me feel worse. Because then I think of how I could invest that money and earn an actual return on it, or even stuff it under my mattress and it would still have more value in 50 years.

And I read that article that you posted a link for, and to a large degree, am still digesting it. It's probably one that I'll have to print out, highlight, analyze, and eventually write a commentary on (if only in my head). This part stood out to me especially:

"from that point on, they contract the habit of obeying him and depending on him to such an extent that they grant him certain prerogatives...What strange phenomenon is this? What name shall we give it? What is the nature of this misfortune? What vice is it, or, rather, what degradation?"

My train of thought on this one has nothing to do with taxes, unfortuntaely for this thread, but rather various co-workers I have at work, who never take any intitiative, never ask any questions for fear of looking stupid or making someone angry, and just live their lives in fear that someone will figure them out. It is to me the epitome of government schools--and they are the most unfortunate results of them. They strive to obey and to please, but know not how and will let anyone walk over them because they cannot think for themselves.


Back to taxes.

I figured out my state income tax and I somehow owe them $69.
This is conveniently the amount I would get back from the Feds.
I hate Kansas, and I still have to pay my County car taxes.

I was really tempted to not file my taxes, but according to my brother-in-law, it might cause some problems when I try to come back into the country later on this year. That and the fact that when I file the immigration papers to bring my future husband over, they want my three most recent IRS forms, or an explanation for why I haven't filied for the last three recent years :(

It's getting rather hard for me to assign priorities to what I want changed first: the school system, tax system, or immigration system. They are all so intertwined. The schools make people docile to pay taxes, you need to pay taxes if you sponsor an immigrant, you can't sponsor if you don't pay taxes....

Russell Kanning

Yep it is all linked up in an endless chain.

Kat Kanning


Kat Kanning

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - FreeMarketNews.com

The White House has just ordered a $6.1 billion makeover from Lockheed Martin on Marine One, the presidential helicopter, according to a Popular Science article cited at the Live Science website.

The intention is essentially to build a mobile version of the Oval Office, with expanded room in the supporting fleet of aircraft alongside it.

Improvements in the makeover include stronger fuselages, extra engines, more efficient rotor-blades, enhanced defense systems, bigger cabins and improved communications, allowing the President to have "secure and continuous access to all White House and Pentagon computer systems and data streams" when he is airborne. - ST

Russell Kanning

$6.1 Billion? I am not paying for that. :protest:

I just looked and that is almost the exact same amount it costs for an airplane at Southwest Airlines ($6.7 Billion).  :evil5:

.... oh wait that is how much it costs for all their airplanes .... and their employees .... and the fuel ..... :plane::icon_cheers2:

Southwest Air can move all those planes and passengers for a year for the price of an upgrade in Marine One! Wait until he fuels the thing up. How much does that gunna cost? :icon_stop:


for a fuckin' helicopter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

oh I think it is for 23 of them .... so that is ok.

Russell Kanning

"The fold-down stair spares the president from ducking during photogenic entrances and exits."


Quote from: russellkanning on February 08, 2006, 06:42 PM NHFT
I agree with Tolstoy that individuals refusing to help evil men is the most moral and most efficient method of turning back their influence.

Tolstoy believed in local property taxes on unimproved land values...


Mr Bill's teeny tiny head still hasn't goten it through its pea sized brain, that just because we like Tolstoy and apreciate his methods, we don't WORSHISP him are agree w/ EVERYTHING he said the same way he worships Henry George. He also hasn't figured out that argument from authority is a logical falicy.

Russel, you probably won your bet this time. Don't mean to disapoint. But Dude, he's posted this same -- almost exact post over and over times all over the entire forum.




this is not some minor issue you are attempting to brush aside...this is fundamental element to understanding the Tolstoy who you quote in your signature in the same post as you say you are not going to pay property tax once you get here.

how can you explain that as a christian anarchist Tolstoy advocated exactly what you disavow?


It's really quite simple.

It's possible for a person to be right about some things. And WRONG about others.

2ndly, people live and sometimes their possitions change. He didn't develope into an anarchist untill much later in his life relative to when he first started exposing civil disobedience, etc.

3rdly, is possible for me to admire a person and agree with some things and disagree w/ other things that person expouses.

You can't seem to understand the concept that people are complex with varying degrees.

Now, please stop hijacking every thread on this forum, and less get back to the topic of NOT paying federal taxes.



Quote from: tracysaboe on May 11, 2006, 02:11 AM NHFT
3rdly, is possible for me to admire a person and agree with some things and disagree w/ other things that person expouses.
You mean like President Bush being a Christian, too. ;) >:D