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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Is it time to stop paying Federal Taxes?

Started by Russell Kanning, January 25, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning


I couldn't take it anymore. Here is the latest article.
"One Man's Opinion: The Emperor's New Chariot"


Quote from: Dreepa on May 11, 2006, 07:48 AM NHFT
Quote from: tracysaboe on May 11, 2006, 02:11 AM NHFT
3rdly, is possible for me to admire a person and agree with some things and disagree w/ other things that person expouses.
You mean like President Bush being a Christian, too. ;) >:D

I'm not sure I believe that, but it's not my place to say. Only God knows what's in his heart.

Clinton was supposedly a Christian too though.



Any person who wants to take from one and give to the other can't be a Christian. God forbade people to rob Peter to pay Paul. Free will allows us to voluntarily choose who we support. My point: most Christians are not.


Quote from: FSP-Rebel on May 11, 2006, 03:04 PM NHFT
Any person who wants to take from one and give to the other can't be a Christian. God forbade people to rob Peter to pay Paul. Free will allows us to voluntarily choose who we support. My point: most Christians are not.
Most Christians are not not christians, they do not follow the letter of God's law to every detail.

I pay my federal taxes because my employer insists on witholding them. I want to get self employed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE out of college, and I sure as hell won't pay federal taxes. All they do is waste them on cushy offices for NSA agents that are sifting through logs of my phone conversations...

Russell Kanning

Oh and those enlighted tsa agents are paid that way too.



I might be all wet, but I think Tolstoy said that it was WRONG for a Christian to own property ...

Even by your theory, I have a right to use land, provided I leave a sufficient amount for others.

What place then, for a tax on something that I have a right to do, and which is a basic human need?  Should we tax food and clothing as well?  What's wrong with a completely tax free society?  I don't need "economic rent" from anyone else.

Not trying to be contentious, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that any tax is theft.  Claiming a tax on land seems to say that I don't have a fundamental right to use the land; but such concepts necessarily make me a slave.  I am a person without a home, dependent for my existence on a monetary system that I may not even agree with.



QuoteI have a right to use land, provided I leave a sufficient amount for others

you can have an exclusive and absolute use of land so long as you leave enough and as good for others as your right is only bracketed by everyone else's equal right to the same.

where you no longer leave enough and as good in common for others your exclusive use must become conditional upon you sharing the economic rent, which naturally attaches to all locations under scarce conditions (even in an anarchy) as two or more people compete for access, directly and equally with your neighbors within your community.

otherwise, if you (the landowner) keep the economic rent  it can only become your property (privatizing what is socially created) at the expense of the absolute property rights of those you are excluding to their labor (wages).

QuoteWhat place then, for a tax on something that I have a right to do, and which is a basic human need?

because if you keep the economic rent (a tax in kind but not in name) it can only come at the expense of those you are excluding's wages - a clear violation of their property rights and thus self-ownership.

whereas the same can not be said of the landowner....

1. they do not physically produce the land itself via their labor.
2. they do not actually create the economic rent via their labor as the tax is on unimproved land value
3. they do not actually purchase land - in a 100% economic rent sharing scenario there is no price to land (which is simply capitalized economic rent).

where exactly are the landowner's property rights to the fruits of their labor being violated?

Quotethe more I think about it, the more I feel that any tax is theft.

then you have to agree that even in an anarchy the economic rent, which is a naturally occurring phenomena that attaches to all locations where two or more people compete for access under conditions of scarcity, collected by the landowner is a tax in kind but not in name on those being excluded.

so there is no choice as to whether or not to "have" economic rent (a tax) or not - just who is going to pay it and who is going to collect it.

QuoteClaiming a tax on land seems to say that I don't have a fundamental right to use the land; but such concepts necessarily make me a slave.

your fundamental right is bracketed by the equal rights of others...
there is no choice in the matter as to whether or not to "have a tax"
you are not made a slave because you absolute rights to the fruits of your labor are not violated.

I know this last one is hard to believe...but think about if the requirement to pay the economic rent only came when the title was transfered - none of the appreciated land value (unimproved) is the result of the landowner's labor...if it were it would be called "improved land value".




I've always wondered... do retype this stuff everytime or do you copy and paste?


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 11, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
I've always wondered... do retype this stuff everytime or do you copy and paste?

100% original thought...


Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 12, 2006, 05:51 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 11, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
I've always wondered... do retype this stuff everytime or do you copy and paste?

100% original thought...

Hmmm... original:

   2. Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine;
      as, an original thought; an original process; the original
      text of Scripture.
      1913 Webster

I've heard your economic rent argument many many times already so you can't possibly claim that it's original...


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 12, 2006, 11:04 AM NHFT
Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 12, 2006, 05:51 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 11, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
I've always wondered... do retype this stuff everytime or do you copy and paste?

100% original thought...

Hmmm... original:

   2. Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine;
      as, an original thought; an original process; the original
      text of Scripture.
      1913 Webster

I've heard your economic rent argument many many times already so you can't possibly claim that it's original...

it is actually an argument for equal liberty based on simply justice...

original meaning not copied and pasted.


I think he wrote it all about 3 years ago and then copies and paistes snipets of it all over the place.


Russell Kanning