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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Is it time to stop paying Federal Taxes?

Started by Russell Kanning, January 25, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT

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The US Gov. is not even a majority Gov. Less than 50% of the voting age population voted for the present regime. Governments CLAIM to represent the people, but who are the people they are claiming to represent? The majority? Not now. Only a minority. Governments like to think they are irreplaceable. They are not. Folks need to stop and think why Gov even exists. The sky will not fall without Gov. Yes, there will be changes, but there will be less oppresion.

Lloyd Danforth

I've never bought the majority thing.  Man!  49% of the people are losers and have to, arbitrarily, go along with what the 51% want!  Whats with that?


Quote from: AlanM on February 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The US Gov. is not even a majority Gov. Less than 50% of the voting age population voted for the present regime.

Have we ever had a government elected by a majority of all the eligible voters? Considering our low turnouts, it would have to be a runaway election (maybe even unanimous).


Russell Kanning

Actually I read somewhere that no president was ever elected by a majority. People throughout American history would rather go about their business and not vote.


Quote from: russellkanning on February 05, 2006, 10:48 AM NHFT
Actually I read somewhere that no president was ever elected by a majority. People throughout American history would rather go about their business and not vote.

It's a good thing when the outcome of elections is irrelevant to the daily lives of Americans. But, sadly, people who "care" tend to want government solutions. When hard-working productive people go about their lives without participating in politics, leaving politics to the statists and parasites (who have nothing better to do to), then the eventual outcome is what we have today: government qua government, a self-perpetuating beast.



QuoteThe guy I read about found an unclaimed island.  That means just that, its unclaimed? hence there no need to buy it as no one owned it.  And as long as it?s within international waters it isn?t governed by any government.
I think you referto the Principality of Sealand? It's a pretty interesting idea really, as long as the UK doesn't decide to invade the place :P How can having an island rife with lawlessness be good for the masses? ;)

As for Federal taxes, I jus filled mine out. Not because i'm a sucker or anything, but because they always take waaaay too much out and I'll be damned if I'm going to let them get away with more than they usually do. So this year I'm getting $69 back, just enough to pay for my new car tags. Nice how that balances out, eh?
I'd rather work within the system, personally, and try to get it changed (with NH as a springboard) then to bailout of it all together and end up in jail. I'm not a martyr.

QuoteWhy was it not okay for the British to collect taxes but it is okay for Uncle Sam to collect taxes?
Better native tyrranny than foreign tyrrany :P

Russell Kanning

So in the meantime how much money did you send the feds this year?


Quote from: Rochelle on February 05, 2006, 07:55 PM NHFT
QuoteWhy was it not okay for the British to collect taxes but it is okay for Uncle Sam to collect taxes?
Better native tyrranny than foreign tyrrany :P

I think it's better to have no tyranny. But then again, I must be crazy or something to think that...


Quote from: eukreign on February 03, 2006, 04:27 PM NHFT
I don't know about you guys but I never consented to paying taxes. Why was it not okay for the British to collect taxes but it is okay for Uncle Sam to collect taxes?

Because you can run for government office and make the changes you want in the type of government we have now.  When the British ruled, you had the king saying what was to be done.

BIG DIFFERENCE between the two.


Quote from: AlanM on February 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The US Gov. is not even a majority Gov. Less than 50% of the voting age population voted for the present regime.

All the MORE reason to see to change the government.... those who don't vote or get involved LET the government do this to them.  If the MAJORITY stepped up and said cut out unnessisary government services, cut back unneeded taxes and get out of our lives other then the specific areas dictated in the constitution then the government would have to listen.

The fact that the majority don't even TRY to get involved leaves the government listening to those who do.


Quote from: lildog on February 06, 2006, 08:22 AM NHFT
Because you can run for government office and make the changes you want in the type of government we have now.  When the British ruled, you had the king saying what was to be done.

BIG DIFFERENCE between the two.

I should run for office so that I can impose my beliefs on everybody else. Sorry, I'm not into those kinds of sadistic activities.


Quote from: lildog on February 06, 2006, 08:24 AM NHFT
All the MORE reason to see to change the government.... those who don't vote or get involved LET the government do this to them.  If the MAJORITY stepped up and said cut out unnessisary government services, cut back unneeded taxes and get out of our lives other then the specific areas dictated in the constitution then the government would have to listen.

The fact that the majority don't even TRY to get involved leaves the government listening to those who do.

Which service or tax do we have today that is not dictated by the constitution?


Quote from: eukreign on February 06, 2006, 09:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on February 06, 2006, 08:24 AM NHFT
All the MORE reason to see to change the government.... those who don't vote or get involved LET the government do this to them.  If the MAJORITY stepped up and said cut out unnessisary government services, cut back unneeded taxes and get out of our lives other then the specific areas dictated in the constitution then the government would have to listen.

The fact that the majority don't even TRY to get involved leaves the government listening to those who do.

Which service or tax do we have today that is not dictated by the constitution?

Which services aren't dictated by the constitution?????   Where to begin?

How about start on a local level and work your way up...

Things like senior centers, town run trash facilities, town run recreational events, historicial preservation committees...

I'd guess close to 70% of what you pay in local taxes is unnessisary.  That's not to say they aren't all good things though.  We all need some place to put our trash for instance... but does that mean the government should take over and run that business?

State level I'm not that familar enough with to list specifics.

As for national, well there we could go on and on and on for days listing the wasteful spending they partake in daily.  Buying condoms from China to give out free in Africa for instance.  Or buying ads on TV to warn kids not to do drugs.  Or how about the entire FCC department of the government?


Quote from: lildog on February 06, 2006, 09:34 AM NHFT
I'd guess close to 70% of what you pay in local taxes is unnessisary.
Over 70% of my property taxes to to public schools.....and I homeschool my kids.....


Quote from: lildog on February 06, 2006, 09:34 AM NHFT
Things like senior centers, town run trash facilities, town run recreational events, historicial preservation committees...

As for national, well there we could go on and on and on for days listing the wasteful spending they partake in daily.  Buying condoms from China to give out free in Africa for instance.  Or buying ads on TV to warn kids not to do drugs.  Or how about the entire FCC department of the government?

US Constitution

QuoteSection. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Quotewel?fare   Pronunciation Key  (wlf?r) n.
         1. Health, happiness, and good fortune; well-being.
         2. Prosperity.
   2. Welfare work.
         1. Financial or other aid provided, especially by the government, to people in need.
         2. Corporate welfare.

on welfare

    Receiving regular assistance from the government or private agencies because of need.

It looks like our constitution states that our government has the power to collect taxes to provide for our health, happiness, and good fortune.

So, lets see. I need to have my trash picked up so that it doesn't pile up in my back yard and make me unhappy.

Senior citizens need to be stimulated so that they don't get bored and become unhappy.

Recreational events are a catch all to make people happy who like to participate in those types of activities.

Historicial preservation committees keep the historians happy.

Since the government must provide for health they cannot allow children to destroy their bodies with drugs. Thus drugs are illegal.

Condoms in China are more than likely covered by one of the other clauses in the constitution. I'm sure if you took the time you can justify just about anything the government does by looking in the constitution.
