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Free Stater Fasting to Protect Souter's Home

Started by Michael Fisher, January 28, 2006, 11:49 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

I'm going to send this out soon.  Did I get all the facts right?   ???


From NHFree.com

Free Stater Fasting to Protect Souter's Home

Weare, NH, January 30, 2006 - Justice Souter's home in Weare may soon be taken by a Free Stater through eminent domain for a "Lost Liberty Inn", but another Free Stater will block those plans by using Gandhi's favorite method of change:  fasting.

Supreme Court Justice David Souter is now being threatened with "poetic justice" for voting in favor of eminent domain in the infamous Kelo v New London decision on June 23, 2005.  In response, Souter's home may be taken through eminent domain by California Free Stater Logan Clements of FreeStar Media, with the help of a Weare non-profit called Natural-Rights.org.

According to Natural-Rights.org, "We hosted a rally in Weare NH on January 21 and 22nd and collected well over 200 signatures [for the ballot initiative] and talked to hundreds of residents."  Souter should have to "live under his own rulings."

Signatures for a very similar ballot initiative were gathered months ago by the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT.org) to turn Souter's home into a public Constitution Park.  CNHT features t-shirts, mugs, and aprons on its front page that boast, "All we want is Justice... SOUTER'S HOUSE."

In addition, in August, the New Hampshire Libertarian Party made national news with plans to take Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's 167-acre property in the Connecticut River Valley in Plainfield, NH by eminent domain for a public park through a similar ballot initiative.  Breyer voted with Souter in favor of eminent domain in the Kelo v New London case.

Clements' and CNHT's warrant articles are slated to appear on the March ballot in Weare, but not so fast says another Free Stater, Michael Fisher of Nashua, who received media coverage last year when he promised to fast against any such attempts by his friends to use eminent domain to steal Souter's property.

Well-known as the "Outlaw Manicurist", Fisher was jailed on May 9, 2005 for selling an unlicensed manicure for $1 in Concord, resulting in significant regional media coverage and the recent introduction of House Bill 1559 named after him.

Through the NH Underground (NHFree.com), an action-oriented libertarian group, Fisher helped organize a protest at Justice Souter's home on July 17 against these varying eminent domain plans.  The majority of those who showed up did not agree to the use of eminent domain to take Souter's home.  One woman at the protest carried a sign announcing, "Poetic, YES!  Justice, NO!"

Fisher began fasting on the morning of Friday, January 27, consuming nothing but water.  "I have entered a prolonged fast as a protest against eminent domain in general, against any attempts to take Souter or Breyer's homes, and to atone for the actions of my friends," he explains.  Though he weighed only 117 pounds on Friday, and believes the result may be a lonely opposition, he plans to fast for more than a week to make his point.

"Evil must be defeated with love, not with evil.  This land-grab is not an act of love, it is an act of unforgiveness, anger, hatred, political greed, and revenge.  Everything about this distresses me to the core.  And to think that influential libertarians are using eminent domain - this is wrong on so many levels that I can hardly express it in words. It is a highly unprincipled position for a libertarian to state, 'Eminent domain is wrong, so let's use it!'"

At the July anti-eminent domain protest at Souter's home in Weare, Fisher's sign was paraphrased from a quote by Thomas Paine:  "Protect even your enemy from oppression."  One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Paine warned, "He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself."

Fisher is also quite open about his Christianity.  "Through his actions, Souter has become the enemy of many people, but Jesus had much to say about how we should act toward our enemies."

Quoting Jesus in Matthew 5:43-44, Fisher said, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'  But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."

According to Fisher, his religion and principles leave him with no choice but to fast and pray.  Monday will be the fourth day of his fast.

# # #


What:  A prolonged fast against three eminent domain attempts in New Hampshire.
How:  Consuming nothing but water for over a week.
When:  Beginning on the morning of Friday, January 27.  Ending a week later.
Who:  Michael Fisher of Nashua, NH.
Why:  Eminent domain is wrong for any reason.







I know you don't want to hear this, but I feel it needs to be said.  I am worried about you.  You are already dangerously underweight, and you're endangering your health by continuing this fasting business.  Have you considered the possibility that you have become "addicted" to fasting, as do many anorexics?  In my opinion, it is NOT an effective political technique; it is merely self-destructive.  Please stop.


Michael Fisher

This is only my second prolonged fast ever, and only my third fast in several months.  It should be said, though, that so far I've found it's not possible for me weigh more than 120 pounds, no matter how much I eat.  And I don't feel like body-building exercises just to exceed my 120-pound limit.

I'm a healthy guy, but thanks for watchin out for me, my friend.  ;)

Quote from: Friday on January 28, 2006, 12:02 PM NHFT
In my opinion, it is NOT an effective political technique...

We shall see about that!  :)

*Edit:  third time.


Does your fast include marijuana? 

Also ... what's this about Christianity?  I thought you were an avowed atheist.




I commend you Mike and I agree with you about eminent domain.  When I first read about the Lost Liberty Hotel I feel uneasy about it and I guess I still do.  I've got to tell you though, I have reveled in watching Logan on Hannity and Colmes and seeing it in major media.  I think he's making a difference and turning some heads all across the country.

Perhaps in the final stage of eminent domain when he knows he has won, Logan can stand up and say "NO, we withdraw - we would never do this", and proceed to a press conference.  :o


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Michael Fisher on January 28, 2006, 11:49 AM NHFT
I'm going to send this out soon.  Did I get all the facts right?   ???

Mike Fisher  (603) 498-7935  fisherm6@comcast.net

From NHFree.com

Free Stater Fasting to Protect Souter's Home

Weare, NH, January 27, 2006 - Justice Souter's home in Weare may soon be taken by a Free Stater through eminent domain for a "Lost Liberty Inn", but another Free Stater plans to block his plans by using Gandhi's favorite method of change:  fasting.

I think this makes Free Staters in general look very stoopid :)  I can see it know.  The press in NH is thinking that those FSP members failed to get close to their 20,000 and know they are fighting each other.  They may be even laughing at how stoopid we look :)

Just my thoughts.

Also, I think you really need to gain some weight.  I suggest that you don't fast again until your 140lb-150lb.  Even though I disagree agree with you on this (and I wish you would not call your self a FSer when you do this, that makes you look less serious in the eyes of the people of NH), I still think you are a great guy and I'd like you to be alive and healthy.

Kat Kanning

Kira and Russell and I just finished a three day fast.  It's not as dangerous as people think.


There have been times when I get involved in a project and forget to eat for 36 hours.  ::)

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: katdillon on January 28, 2006, 07:56 PM NHFT
Kira and Russell and I just finished a three day fast.  It's not as dangerous as people think.

I am sorry Kat, but you know that is not related to Mike.  Mike is dangerously underweight already.


Actually, fasts are good for your body, so long as he maintains proper fluid intake.  We tend to forget that we get a LOT of our water from our food, so when you fast, you need to increase your water intake even above what would be "normal".

Mike probably isn't dangerously underweight.  He has a very small frame.



Quote from: calibaba77 on January 28, 2006, 08:18 PM NHFT
Mike probably isn't dangerously underweight.  He has a very small frame.

Have you ever hugged the guy?

He's nothing but bones.

Kat Kanning

Mike, are you fasting to try and effect some specific purpose?  Until Logan or CHNT stops trying to take Souter's property?  Until the town rejects the warrant articles?  Or is it just a 'prolonged fast'?

I found that I needed less water...you seem to use a lot of water to process your food.

Pat K

All this talk of fasting is making me hungry.

Michael Fisher

Yes, I'm in Nashua now.  Don't want to talk about it online.

Yes, I was an atheist until December.  Now I'm a Christian.  :)

Fasting is not as dangerous as people think.  Short 1 to 3-day fasts are more dangeorus than prolonged fasts because the body consumes its own protein during the first 3 days.  After 3 days, the pain goes away and the body primarily consumes fat in a state of ketosis.  It will remain in this state until there is no more fat left in the body and even the padding on your palms and heels is gone, at which point your body will resume breaking down protein for energy.  If you're going to fast intermittently, it should be for at least 6 days (first 3 days of pain, last 3 days without).  So far, my body has not even cleared up its own toxins yet, which would show up in several distinct ways.

No, you do not need to increase your water intake.  Just do what your body tells you to do.

Animals have been proven to live 20-30% longer with intermittent prolonged fasts.  During a prolonged fast, many of your bad cells are torn down and rejuvinated to be equivalent in age to a 17 year old.  People I know who enter intermittent prolonged fasts seem 30% younger in the long term.

Fasting is not easy at first because it requires discipline.  After the first 3 days, you lose your desire for food altogether.  When breaking a fast after about 2 weeks, I have to force myself to eat because there is no desire for it.

When your body tells you to eat again, do it.  Some people can fast to the death without this feeling, but most people's bodies give signals of when to start eating again.

The truly risky part is breaking a prolonged fast.  A friend I know accidentally consumed too much when breaking his fast and went into shock.  Diluted fruit juice the first day, a small amount of fruit and veggies the second day, and a good diet thereafter are recommended.

The greatest parts of fasting are the many spiritual aspects, major life-changing decisions, highly increased brain activity, and the uncontrollable desire to eat a very healthy diet after breaking the fast.  :)