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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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LTE in Keene Sentinel 1-31

Started by dawn, February 01, 2006, 01:27 PM NHFT

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Did anyone read the anti-FSP poem (using the term loosely) in the letters to the editor in the Keene Sentinel yesterday? I'm trying to get an electronic copy of it to share, but will type it in if I have to.

Edited to add:

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Make your voice heard

To The Sentinel:

After many letters to the editor hoping to energize the voters of Winchester to rally against the dangerous and well organized tactics of the ?Free Staters? (and their cohorts) that we have here in Winchester (and across New Hampshire) I have resorted to the following:

Some Forty-four hundred live here in our town,

A number you?d think where strength would abound.

But thirty or so if they have their way,

Will change forever what we think, feel and say.

Winchester is a beautiful town,

Where land and great people in numbers abound.

It seems just our luck, that unfortunately we?ve found,

Some folks that feel entitled to push us around.

It seems that they have taken a pledge

To push our town right over the edge.

To cut and slash no matter the cost,

For school and town, all hope could be lost.

Organized though this group may be,

It shouldn?t forget there are folks like me.

We work hard for our family, and are proud of our town,

Just speaking for me, I won?t watch it go down!

So off to deliberative session we?ll go

To debate and defend against our new foe.

The people, you see, they have all of the say

To be certain that Winchester will wind up okay.

So you really must come to deliberative that day,

It?s our town, not theirs, let?s keep it that way.

We all appreciate that these times are tough

But now more than ever, enough is enough.

We all want our kids to learn lots in school

We?d all like our roads and nicely tarred too.

We?re all glad to see the police on patrol

Confident that everything is under control.

Imagine the value of your home cut in two.

For who?d want to live here, not me, and not you!

We?d all like to see our taxes go down,

But not at this cost ? the life of our town!

So don?t let them take Winchester down!

Come to deliberate and support our old and fine town!

Look around you and see there?s a lot to defend,

It would mean a great deal, if a few hours you?d spend!

I wish we could send these Free Staters home,

Elsewhere of course, to Paris or Rome!

It?s time we stand up to this deadly threat

So we don?t look back with wonder and feel the regret!

Come one, come all, quite a time it will be

Winchester alive with great unity!

This town?s come so far! Just wait and you?ll see,

Defend your beliefs, your town and your family!

PS: Deliberative session is an open forum at which the items presented on the March ballot can all be changed. This means that although you intend to vote in March, what you?re voting on (dollars, language, new taxes, etc.) are all reworded and finalized at this session.

Even the Budget Committee?s recommendations can be changed. At present, 18 petition warrant articles are before the voters, many with permanent changes to our town, and little public information to explain them. Eleven of these were submitted by a single person. We need your help at deliberative session, at the Winchester Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. (bring a pad of paper to take notes, it helps) and for the Winchester school deliberative session, please come to the school Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m.

With apologies to Dr.Seuss,


90 Scotland Road


Kat Kanning

Nope, but would be interested to read it.

Lloyd Danforth

I just think it is a lousy poem.. Dr. Seuss never entered my mind.


I read Dr Seuss everyday and that poem is not Dr Seuss.

Kat Kanning

Cool!  Dawn on her own is a force of 30 people and is dangerous and well organized.  Woohoo! 


"deadly threat"?  At least there is a name attached to it unlike the last hit piece.

Hope someone replies.

Kat Kanning

Someone already sent a reply to the Keene Free Press and to the Keene Sentinel.


Do you hear that whirring sound?

That's Dr.Seuss spinning in his grave.

Russell Kanning

I will have to ask him to send us letters to the editor.

Lloyd Danforth

I'll try to remember to do it the next time I pass thru springfield.

Russell Kanning

Many of us do not appreciate "pure raw democracy" and feel oppressed by it.

Pat K

Can we get 30 people to pledge to move to Winchester?  ;D


Quote from: Pat K on February 04, 2006, 12:52 AM NHFT
Can we get 30 people to pledge to move to Winchester?  ;D
Yes. The pledge is should be the easy part.
But could you get 30 people to move to Winchester?


Quote from: wholetthedogin? on February 03, 2006, 06:53 AM NHFT
If only to register to vote in your towns to write private citizen petitions---many would recognize the power of the purest form of simple democracy remaining in this country---New Hampshire Town meeting.  IT IS PURE RAW DEMOCRACY.  GIMME MORE....
The only problem with this is... the people at the meeting can vote to totally change all warrant article (except for ones from the planning board regarding zoning - they're unamendable for some strange reason). We just went to our deliberative session yesterday and many of the articles were totally GUTTED! It may be slightly different in an non-SB2 town, but not much. The town employees and elected/appointed officials typically make up a pretty big block of the vocal majority of the attendees, at least in my humble experience.  And they have their "kingdom" to protect, now don't they? The silent majority will get to speak at the polls on 3-14; should be interesting to say the least.


Don't worry Dawn, the looters and loafers are afraid they might lose control of their pathetic little fiefdoms.

They're going to fight and claw and scratch, but in the end, we're all getting tired of being taxed to support them. The best defense is a good offense.