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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Save a Property (from the Tax Man) Foundation.

Started by tracysaboe, February 04, 2006, 01:41 AM NHFT

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I posted this in another thread but it kind-of got missed so I'm reposting it here.

Perhaps we could set up some sort of insurence network/society/organization or something. Simular to the Save-A-Patriot foundation. People who don't pay property taxes could pay in, and in the event that the local maffia does come and try to confiscate the property, then this insurence would compensate you for part of it, help you w/ legal battles (if their are loop-holes) and the members could promise to come stand in front of other peoples property when it actually came time for the confiscation, etc.

Perhaps the Tuath could be part of this, but for the most part it sounds like they're more into extra-legal, non-cooporation, versus helping each other out through the existing structures.

I personally believe that the battle can be fought on both fronts Non-Violent, non-cooporation by simply opting out, but their should also be networks of people that are familiuar w/ the system too so that in the event that a person starts feeling like they're not willing to take it, their could be groups helping w/ legal battle w/in the system and in the event that such battles are losts and the non-violent non cooporation doesn't work either, the person has some sort of "insurence" that he'll be stood by and perhaps able to recover money's through said network. Whether such an entity would simply rely on donations to help out, or an actuall legal contract/entity would be better for such an endevor, I really don't know.

But, it seems to me the real reason most people don't want to stand up and refuse to pay, is because they don't believe everybody else will do it either. But if a significant vocal minority of property owners (5% maybe 10%) stopped paying taxes and started encouraging others to do the same, we'd have a revolution on our hands. It really wouldn't take much before the government simply wouldn't be able to prosecute everybody.

But getting to that significant vocal minority in a given community is the challange. Perhaps a network such as this could be the vehice to strengthen and recruit that initial remnent.

I don't know how many people here have heard of the Save-A-PAtriot foundation. It's sort of an insurence "company" that awards people damages in the actual event that the IRS DOES catch up with them and they actually lose. Thinking maybe we could develope something in new hampshire that's simular in regards to property taxes, seeing that's the major tyranny in NH.



Except Save a Patriot refuses to disclose it's total member count.  That prevents me and a lot of others from being involved.

Russell Kanning

SAP is all about hiding info from the government. They keep everything secret so that noone can be tracked down.

I know personally that the Save-a-Patriot system works. My brother-in-law got hit with about $6,000 from the state of CA and other members gave them even more. :)

To me it seems better to wait for the actual bad thing to happen and then people can help them if they choose. That way you don't have to worry about your contributions being used for something you do not approve of. That is just my little take on the subject.


I'm not asking for a member list, just a number.  They won't give it, so I'm not interested.  Too bad.  I hope someone comes up with a better version.


QuoteTo me it seems better to wait for the actual bad thing to happen and then people can help them if they choose. That way you don't have to worry about your contributions being used for something you do not approve of. That is just my little take on the subject.

I agree, but I was kind of thinking, more formal arangements could sort of cooporatively compete w/  the more loose networks of people who might volentarily donate to help each other to help out when things happen.
