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Anyone have a link to the "scandalous" Mohommed pic?

Started by Dave Ridley, February 04, 2006, 03:28 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

I was looking around the net trying to find a copy of that prophet mohommed pic that is freaking out so many of the world's uptight people.  I can't find a single shot of it.  Anyone have a copy or a link to it?

Pat McCotter

Concord Monitor hardcopy, Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, has three of them reprinted. One is on front cover at very top and two others on A2.

Google cached images are here. All 12 of them. Page takes a while to load. Pictures are after the text. There were a couple of missing pictures at the top (not caches) but all of the cartoons are there.


Pat McCotter

Hippie Jesus cartoon angers church
Barbara Miller In Vienna

THE portrayal of Jesus in a cartoon book as a permanently stoned hippie whose disciples cash in on the "wonders" he performs has outraged Austria?s Catholic leaders.

In a slim volume by Gerhard Haderer, a popular caricaturist, the infant Jesus becomes addicted to the three wise men?s frankincense.

After the first of many sniffs, a light forms around the baby?s head, which accompanies him for all his life.

The glow ensures the child soon has a group of 12 followers, who become a band of crooks who profit from Jesus?s "wonders".

Walking across the Sea of Galilee becomes surfing across the water on a piece of driftwood. The feeding of the hungry masses is made possible when a fishing boat heads for Jesus?s halo, believing it to be a lighthouse, hits the rocks and spills its plentiful catch.

Finally, Jesus tires of the group?s corrupt ways and floats off into a drug-filled heaven on a high.

The Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Sch?nborn, speaking on behalf of the Austrian bishop?s conference, says he is ashamed by the book, and describes it as an attack on democracy.

The comments have earned Cardinal Sch?nborn the "Idiot of the Week" award in Vienna?s Falter magazine, but the bishops are not alone in their criticism.

The country?s biggest-selling daily, the Kronen Zeitung, is campaigning against it, and the publisher, Ueberreuter, has received a flood of complaints.

The state prosecutor has received correspondence on the issue.

Several individuals are calling for an investigation into whether the cartoonist is guilty of "vilifying or mocking religious teachings". Some shops have pulled the book from their shelves and Vienna?s Catholic schools are threatening to boycott the publisher.

The book?s web site is also causing a stir. Users who do not score full points in a satirical quiz on the life of Jesus are comforted by the fact that "the Pope didn?t get all the answers right on his first go either".

Those with very low scores are told they really should know more about Jesus, but that the bible "is a pretty thick book, which only really deals with Jesus in the last few pages". They are advised to buy Haderer?s new cartoon version.

They had better be quick. According to the publisher sales of The Life of Jesus are taking off.

Pat McCotter

Cartoonist faces Greek jail for blasphemy

Krysia Diver in Stuttgart
Wednesday March 23, 2005
The Guardian

He meant it as a piece of religious satire, a playful look at the life of Jesus. But Gerhard Haderer's depiction of Christ as a binge-drinking friend of Jimi Hendrix and naked surfer high on cannabis has caused a furore that could potentially land the cartoonist in jail.
Haderer did not even know that his book, The Life of Jesus, had been published in Greece until he received a summons to appear in court in Athens in January charged with blasphemy.

He was given a six-month suspended sentence in absentia, but if he loses his appeal next month his sentence could be increased to two years.
Haderer's book is the first to be banned in Greece for more than 20 years, and he is the first artist to fall prey of the European arrest warrant system since it was introduced in June 2002.

Yesterday in Vienna, a group of prominent writers and poets called a press conference to draw attention to the plight of Haderer, an Austrian, whose case they claim is crucial to the freedom of international artists.

"It is unbelievable that a person can write a book in his home country and be condemned and threatened with imprisonment by another," said Nikki Conrad, a human rights expert who organised yesterday's press conference. "But he is not going to just sit back and accept this injustice. He is prepared to take this to the European court of human rights. When Gerhard first got the summons he thought it was a joke. But now he is starting to get a bit nervous."

Mr Conrad added that a 1,000-signature petition of international artists, signed by people including the Nobel prize winner Elfriede Jelinek, would be delivered to the EU within the next two weeks.

"This campaign is crucial for the future freedom of international artists. Haderer is unique and situations like this will inhibit his artistic style," said the poet Gerhard Ruiss.

The Austrian comedian Hubert Kramar, who is next week due to star in a new satirical play about Christ, turned up to the press conference dressed as Jesus. "We are supposed to be living in a democratic society. Greece is in Europe and the whole idea of the European Union is that everything is supposed to be more open. But what happened to Haderer is scaring artists like me," he said.

Haderer's 40-page book has been already published in seven countries, including Germany, where 100,000 copies have been sold. Well known in Germany for his weekly illustrations in the news magazine Stern, he is to appeal against his six-month sentence in Athens on April 13.

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This wikipedia page has very good information about the events.

One intresting thing is that the pics that relly upsetted the muslims never even was published.
The leader of islam in denmark who traveld around in the arab world and showed the pics for imans had made them just for that reason.