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Concord School Teachers

Started by ravelkinbow, February 16, 2006, 06:29 AM NHFT

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Quote from: ravelkinbow on February 16, 2006, 06:29 AM NHFT

They told the students that the school board considers them part time employees and that they may strike causing the students to go to school in the summer.

Why did they say this?

What they did to use was tell us that we might have to work year round without being paid for the extra time.
The worst thing was having to pay union dues even if you did not want to join!
We also were forced almost to sign a pledge to world government to keep our jobs and forced to teach sex education.


I don't know why the teacher desided to discuss this with her 12yr old students


My letter to the Concord Monitor:

A Concerned Parent:

Though I understand the argument the teachers are having with the school board, I have serious issues with the children being used as pawns by the teachers.  The latest contract offered was more than fair for the teachers, complete with pay raises and a fair offering for health insurance.  Though the spokesperson interviewed on WMUR the other day stated they didn't want inflation to effect the teachers, it does.  It effects us all, everyone has seen an increase in their healthcare cost and it is hard enough to deal with that alone without being expected to absorb it for the teachers as well.  What is wrong with the teachers being responsible for the health care of their families as we are for our families.

Taking things from the kids doesn't show the school board anything it just hurts the kids, especially when the teachers are refusing to allow the children to bring in their own items to replace what the teachers have removed.  This is done to hurt the children and get the parents to push the school board for a settlement.  This has caused me, a parent with a child in the Concord School system, to be disgusted by the teachers actions.  Making the children suffer for an argument between employees and an employer is not the mark of a "good" school teacher.  This situation has gotten way out of hand.

I refuse to allow my child to be the victim of propaganda by anyone, and I for one removed my child from school last Thursday when the teachers arrived in funeral attire and I will continue to do this as they continue to attempt to harm my child, by creating a less than  acceptable learning environment.  My day was not wasted as I took my child to the state house and helped him to learn about our government in a hands on fashion.  At this point I am considering pulling him from the public school system and homeschooling him.

If I as an employee have a problem with my boss I do not take the matter to the consumer.  Our children are the consumers and they can not effect change so hurting them is spiteful and no way to appropriately negotiate employment.

It is my humble opinion that the parents need to take a stronger stand and refuse to allow our children's schools to be the battleground and they the casualties of this on going war between the teachers and the committee members.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Coffey, Concord


My Letter to the Concord School Board:

It seems the issues of the Concord School teachers have grown in leaps and bounds!  Now the teachers have stooped to the level of using the students to gain what they want.  They removed items from the school that where purchased by them, even books that students where reading where taking right out of their hands!  Is this the behavior of a "good" school teacher?  The teachers haven't stopped there either. For every item they have removed they have told the children they can not bring in their own replacements.
They are using the students to get to the parents by telling them the school board doesn't see them as full time employees and that they may strike and cause the students to have to attend summer school.

Now the teachers are dressing in funeral attair, as they put it, as a show of solidarity.  They are propagandizing our children and this in my humble opinion is a low point indeed.  The teacher's union has been quoted as saying they do not want inflation to effect them.  It effects us all and they expect the taxpayers to pay even more money so they don't have to absorb the higher cost of health care.  This infuriates me, where are my rights to afford health care for my family?  My cost has gone up so much I now have a deductible and less coverage then in the past.  Why am I responsible for keeping them from having to deal with the same thing? 

The taxpayers of Concord need to take a stand.  They have fair wages and better health coverage then you and I can dream of.  I am not against them having a raise after all we all get raises every year, but with in reason and no different than the rest of society.

They need to grow up and face the real world just like the rest of us and stop trying to use our children as their soap box.

Respectfully submitted

Jennifer Coffey


Quote from: ravelkinbow on February 18, 2006, 01:30 PM NHFT
I don't know why the teacher desided to discuss this with her 12yr old students

Yes that is absolutely wrong!


QuoteThey have always done this and will always do it. That is how the cost is at $10,000/student.

Yup and why they don't learn anything except "government is good", Recycle, and Sex Ed.

You could have a protest advertising the liberty scholorship fund. you could solicit donations and solicit parants interested in taking their kids out of the government schools.



This is why we need to open the educational market up... EVERYONE would win.

If teachers wanted more money, they simply go to the schools willing to pay them the most.  If parents don't want to spend that kind of money the can send their kids to cheaper schools.

Free market, supply and demand... all that good stuff! :occasion14:


The problem with public school is trying to get the parents organized, half of them don't even know there child's teacher's name.   Anyway I just forwarded this to WMUR, Concord Monitor, and the School Board:

More examples as to how the teachers are hurting the kids, what the kids find when they try to view the webpages supplied by the school system to assist them.

6th grade teachers:
Mr. Loomis
Mrs. Dunford
Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Berneche
7th grade teachers

Mr. Anderson is the most blunt
Mrs. Casko
Mrs. Merrow

There are countless others that have simply stopped posting or wiped the pages clean..."good" teachers right??
If I ever thought that a teacher would not do something to intentional hurt a child, recent events have proven me wrong.


Quote from: ravelkinbow on February 21, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
The problem with public school is trying to get the parents organized, half of them don't even know there child's teacher's name.   Anyway I just forwarded this to WMUR, Concord Monitor, and the School Board:

More examples as to how the teachers are hurting the kids, what the kids find when they try to view the webpages supplied by the school system to assist them.

6th grade teachers:
Mr. Loomis
Mrs. Dunford
Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Berneche
7th grade teachers

Mr. Anderson is the most blunt
Mrs. Casko
Mrs. Merrow

There are countless others that have simply stopped posting or wiped the pages clean..."good" teachers right??
If I ever thought that a teacher would not do something to intentional hurt a child, recent events have proven me wrong.

WOW! This is the most widespread abuse of 'compelled speech' I have ever seen! I am going to copy this and we can file a complaint!


Quote from: ravelkinbow on February 21, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
There are countless others that have simply stopped posting or wiped the pages clean..."good" teachers right??


This should be treated as a work stoppage, and participating teachers should be locked out without pay. They're trying to pull a semi-strike while still at work and collecting full pay. 



Quote from: KBCraig on February 21, 2006, 11:51 AM NHFT
Quote from: ravelkinbow on February 21, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
There are countless others that have simply stopped posting or wiped the pages clean..."good" teachers right??


This should be treated as a work stoppage, and participating teachers should be locked out without pay. They're trying to pull a semi-strike while still at work and collecting full pay. 


I am investigating right now whether I can send an official email to all of them from CNHT citing that they are violating the Compelled Speech law, which clearly prohibits them using school or taxpayers money, via their websites, their time, to promote a political view.

If so we will send to the teacher's union and each individual with whose pages you can supply me.

(Karma please!)   :icon_pirat:


I have been asked to interview with wmur but I am trying to find other parents of concord school kids to do it with me, I haven't given wmur an answer as of yet.



How you can help?

Before I give these bozos the heads up on the law, would some of you please take a screen shot of the offending pages? We need them for evidence in case CNHT files suit as we did in Amherst.
I will do it too but always good to have a backup just in case.

My phone is ringing off the hook today....

Ok I got shots of the ones  you mentioned Jenn, but if you could take more of the others, that would be even better.


All we hear is that 'they don't do it for the money' they do it 'for the children'.

I just emailed all the members of the school board.. urging them NOT to give in.