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Free Speech Trial

Started by Kat Kanning, March 01, 2006, 12:35 PM NHFT

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Quote from: AlanM on May 09, 2006, 10:12 AM NHFT
Kat, Russell and Cathleen,
I will chip in $ for the care of Kira. Letus help you!

Thanks for the reminder, Alan. Kat and Russell may have other resources, but tuath members are dedicated to non-coercive solutions!



Quote from: tracysaboe on May 09, 2006, 09:40 AM NHFT
Perhaps somebody could record it and podcast it?

    502-A:27-d Use of Recording Devices. ? Upon petition by any party the court may, in its discretion, allow said party to record the proceedings by any recording device. The recordings shall be made at the expense of the petitioner, except as provided under RSA 599:1-c for violations. If in a criminal proceeding the defendant is indigent, the defendant shall upon request at least 5 days prior to any hearing or trial be entitled to a sound recording of the proceedings at state expense. The court shall give written notice to a defendant charged with a class B misdemeanor that the defendant shall, upon request at least 5 days prior to any hearing or trial, be entitled to a sound recording of the proceedings at state expense.

Kat and Russ -- if you will confirm that your lawyer has made the needed petition to legally allow recording of your hearing, I volunteer to:
a) be present (I'll be there either way, actually) and
b) make a good-quality digital recording of the entire proceeding, which I will then post on the Web

It should be noted in your lawyer's petition that there will be no state expense as we are merely seeking permission to record, not requesting the State to perform the recording.

I wouldn't bother asking for permission except we can get a hell of a lot better audio if we can have a mike open in full view close to where the action is, instead of tucked away in my pants pocket ;)

Kat Kanning

I'm making plans to send Kira to her dad in CA.  Thanks, guys.

Denis, I don't think he's filed any such petition and likely isn't in the mood to do anything more for us.


Motion to use recording device  ???

Here is the motion form:

Fill it out and drop it off or send it certified mail to the courthouse.

I should just pretend to be a lawyer from now on.

Kat Kanning

So here's what happened.  No warrant for our arrest.  The lawyer has dumped us.  The trial set for June 1st has been delayed, with a hearing on June 1st.  We don't know the trial date yet.

We're going on without a lawyer.  We don't plan to pay any fines.  The lawyer guy told us they will give us 1 day for every $50 of fine we refuse to pay.  We're expecting to get 2 to 6 weeks in jail.  We will fast during that time.

If you'd like to help, what we'd like to happen is have protests outside the jail(s), with media coverage because of the fast and protests.

Russell Kanning

We could win .... no jail time.
We could lose and have no fine or jail time
We could lose and have fines and jail time
We could lose and have a fine ..... which will mean jail time.

Christopher King

Wow guys I tried to follow your case earlier but I am so bent out of shape because of mine I just posted up about in Jaffrey with Chief Dunn and the NAACP.

My film maker and I would love to cover it and provide you something and add it to KingCast.net, but alas cash is a problem right now.

Keep me posted, and if you do have any money to video this stuff we can have it up on a marketed video podcast for you.


PS: Here's a fun email vs. Deposition disparity from NAACP Nashua President and witness Gloria Timmons. "I got outvoted putting you in the chair" says timmons.

Yeah, right.



Quote from: katdillon on May 11, 2006, 01:08 PM NHFT
We're expecting to get 2 to 6 weeks in jail.
Russell should get more time than you cus he has priors..... :P

So, will you be presenting a defense?


Why did the NHCLU lawyer dump you?


Quote from: russellkanning on May 09, 2006, 09:27 AM NHFT
I forgot about a court date today. They scheduled a hearing because we are both using the same lawyer. I didn't really want to go, so I must have put it out of my mind.

The lawyer called from court this morning upset that we didn't show. He told us that the judge may issue a warrant for our arrest. He also is tired of my attitude, since I told him I didn't want to run to Manchester today. We shall see.

The idea of having an outstanding warrant for her arrest is laying heavy on Kat's heart. She is trying to plan how to take care of Kira if they haul us in. :(
Gotta read the thread Jon.


Quote from: Jon Maltz on May 11, 2006, 01:29 PM NHFT
Why did the NHCLU lawyer dump you?
No due digligence on the part of the clients.


How much inconvenience must an innocent person persecuted unjustly by an unconstitutional act put up with?


Why there is even such a thing as a free speech trial is beyond me.


Quote from: FSP-Rebel on May 11, 2006, 02:49 PM NHFT
Why there is even such a thing as a free speech trial is beyond me.
There isn't. It's a disorderly conduct trial.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Jon Maltz on May 11, 2006, 01:29 PM NHFT
Why did the NHCLU lawyer dump you?
He didn't like my attitude. I told him the Manch court might want me to show up more often then I am willing to come. I only promised to show up for that first hearing and then the trial. I don't really care about showing up for hearings to make sure I am properly represented.