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Started by Dreepa, March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT

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I left a message with Bud Fitch, and he called me back and left a message, but didn't state the reason they got involved. I left another message asking what prompted the AG to get involved.

It seems like the machine that counts votes may have screwed up.......or some numbers didn't match up....but I know I didn't vote on several things, because I didn't care about those issues one way or the other, or didn't know who was running, so didn't vote for anyone. How hard could it be to hand count 400 or so ballots? I don't see why the AG needs to be involved, unless someone complained.


sounds political
You are right how hard would it be to hand count?


Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 10:32 AM NHFT
sounds political
From the outcome that was reported in the paper, I am guessing the "Grafton for Freedom" people are upset that they didn't get what they wanted.


QuoteGrafton's votes don't add up
March 16, 2006

GRAFTON, N.H. --The state is checking whether Grafton's voting machines or people tending them made mathematical errors that didn't add up at this week's town and school district balloting.

Selectwoman Jennie Joyce said 193 "yeas" and 198 "nays" dont add up to 369 and she suspects the problem falls between human error and machine malfunction.

Once polls closed and the tallies were logged, nobody did the math before calling it a night, she said.

"It occurred to me after I got home that it didnt add up, after I had time to think about some of the numbers," she said.

The machines, one for town ballots, the other school district ballots, will be checked, said Deputy Attorney General Orville Fitch.

Town Clerk Mary McDow said LHS Associates of Methuen, Mass., which services the machines, told her the problem could lie with dip switches.

The error could change the outcome of votes on a new police cruiser and a compactor for the recycling center.

Secretary of State Bill Gardner said voting malfunction "happens once in a while. Sometimes it explains itself," adding it is too soon to discuss a re-count.

ED NOTE: Diebold's Charles "Buck" Jones has sent us an email about the following story, with a scan of a correction published by the Union Tribune concerning the following story. The "Accu-Vote" machines referred to in their story, as originally reported below, are actually "Optech IIIp" optical-scan machines made by ES&S, not by Diebold. The complete correction, reportedly published by the Union Tribune, is posted at the bottom of this blog item. We appreciate the information from Mr. Jones, and only wish that Diebold was as responsive to answering questions and clarifying the mountain of problems and failures in their own machines as they are with ES&S's. We are also delighted to see that Diebold follows BRAD BLOG's reporting so closely. Even on a Saturday.


Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 10:32 AM NHFT
You are right how hard would it be to hand count?
I guess Libertarians don't like hand counts.

QuoteResident suing Grafton over Town Meeting voting recounts

April 7, 2006

GRAFTON, N.H. --The head of New Hampshire's Libertarian Party is suing Grafton over a Town Meeting recount.

John Babiarz lives in the town, where officials recounted the ballots by machine and by hand for some articles because election night tallies revealed more votes than voters. The recount changed the outcome for a planning board seat and confirmed a proposal for a trash compactor had lost.

Babiarz argues the town should have relied on machine recounts, not hand counts.

Officials say there was a discrepancy between the number of voters and number of votes because some ballots were counted twice on Town Meeting day.



I was coming and going into the fire station during the recount. Both the hand counters and the machines were screwing up during the recount. I don't think we'll ever know the "true" results of that election...

Russell Kanning

Does it just get more and more funny each time? It must be silly that they can't count 600 votes.

I love Democracy in action.


It was less than 400 votes, and they did count them. Someone just didn't like the number they counted.

If John Babiarz is suing the town, I guess that means he is suing me, and himself.


Quote from: dead president on April 12, 2006, 10:46 AM NHFT
It was less than 400 votes, and they did count them. Someone just didn't like the number they counted.

If John Babiarz is suing the town, I guess that means he is suing me, and himself.

Were you there at the recount?


Did you count the votes?


Quote from: dead president on April 21, 2006, 08:15 AM NHFT
Did you count the votes?
DP, are you an FSP expert or and FSP hater? I forget. BTW how did you vote? For or against the anti-UN resolution?



Quote from: fisher on March 29, 2006, 08:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: FSP-Rebel on March 28, 2006, 02:25 PM NHFT
How did you vote? I think the whole anti-UN thing was to be kept hush-hush. Bad strategy. I would've highlighted that issue.
I voted against the unfree zone. Seems like a waste of time to me. I don't need more laws or whatever.

I voted against almost all of the mo' money questions, but most of them passed.

I would love to hear more about this:
The problem is that state chair John Babiarz is too enmeshed on his pet-projects in Grafton. He also tends to think he is the final authority on all things related to NHLP.  Good luck to anyone who tries to give him suggestions.  If you ever chat with him for long, you'll see why the NHLP goes nowhere.

Russell Kanning

Yea  :happy1: Dead President is back .... I wonder how the forumnazi.com website is going.


Quote from: russellkanning on April 21, 2006, 01:48 PM NHFT
I wonder how the forumnazi.com website is going.
I don't know about all that...

But the sethcohn.com forum got it's first post the other day:

I've been an admirer of Seth's since I watched him completely destroy a small community ISP, he lied to get the job, and then his natural political abilities as a complete and utter sociopath let him create a state of chaos that kept everyone involved in a state of uproar for nearly two years.
During which time he spent money like water, and made business decisions based onhis enthusiasms. By the time he was forced out the whole thing was sputtering and out of fuel headed into the hills. Such Chutzpah, and to this day he can still tell you with a straight face that he was brought down by the people around him, and that if he had been obeyed in the smallest detail everything would have worked out just fine...

Some things never change.