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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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I am going to leave the USA

Started by Mrs. Concious, March 06, 2006, 12:27 PM NHFT

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Speaking of unsound fiscal policies.... 8)


We received 18+ inches of new snow Saturday and Sunday! This added to the snow received on and off for the past week continues to greatly improve conditions!

My yard is mostly green. North of the Notches, anything can happen, and usually does.

Pat K

Quote from: Dreepa on March 08, 2006, 12:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: Rochelle on March 08, 2006, 11:00 AM NHFT

For me, this is a significant tresspass to my personal freedom--my ability to just throw my trash away and be done with it! But I also know that in New Hampshire, there are many towns that require recycling, so I'll have to put up with that in order to enjoy the greater economic freedom of being able to keep $200 more dollars of my salary every month, not having to pay sales tax, and not having to pay the extra $500 million 
My town doesn't require recycling... but it does make economic sense (as well not filling up a landfill).
The tipping fees where our town take the garbage to get burned/buried is going to double in 2009 (when the contract runs up).  The goal is to increase recycling (which the town sells) and decrease garbage. So that in 2009 when the rates increase there will be no reason to increase taxes.

Recycling rarly ends up costing less. Soon after you start the town will end up paying for the stuff to be taken instead of being paid for it. This is of course caused by supply and demand. This has happend to every town in NY that has gone for it. They started out "inspecting "Garbage and fining people for putting the wrong trash out. Now they never look because they dont want the stuff but dont want to admit they scewed up.


Quote from: CNHT on March 08, 2006, 03:07 PM NHFT
So you snerts who keep smiting me can restore my Karma if you would.... tsk.

I don't have much, but I'll give what I can.  :)

Ron Helwig

Quote from: CNHT on March 08, 2006, 03:07 PM NHFT
OK we know who Mrs. C is.....she is indeed just who I thought she was...    ;)

still don't know what you are talking about... ???


Quote from: Tunga on March 06, 2006, 04:12 PM NHFT
Isn't that the same Island where the Red Chinese have a shitload of weapons and ammo forward positioned? :o

If the poop really does go through the ventilator here, at least you and your family will have access to plenty of arms "for security purposes". ::)


Chinese military inroads are accompanying greater economic involvement. Last year, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the region and economic agreements worth hundreds of millions of dollars for mineral and energy resources followed.
    Less is known about arms sales, however, China recently offered to sell new shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to the leftist government in Bolivia. The Chinese have supplied military equipment to Cuba and are cooperating with Brazil on a joint satellite project thought to have military applications.
    China has also offered to sell its new FC-1 jet fighter to Venezuela, after last year's sale of three JYL-1 mobile air-defense radar units.
    Larry Wortzel, a former Pentagon intelligence official, said China recently dispatched a delegation of Second Artillery officers to Cuba. The artillery unit is China's strategic and tactical missile force, and the visit raises questions about whether Cuba is acquiring missiles.

Fluff and Stuff

I think I am also going to leave the USA.  I'll move to NH ;D


Chinese working for the US in the Bahamas? Who'da thunk it?


U.S. officials also insist the CIA has no security concerns about Hutchison's port operations, which would be supervised by Bahamian customs officers. If the equipment detects any nuclear device, it would set off alarms monitored by Bahamian inspectors and by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials in Virginia.

''The equipment operates itself,'' said Bryan Wilkes, a spokesman for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration said, according to AP.

Bill Gates personally wrote the software so you know it has to be infallible.


Just another example proving the "security" contracts being given out have nothing to do with security. Duh. What's to prevent nuclear material from being added to a shipment at sea, between the Bahamas and US? More Gov stupidity and waste.

Pat McCotter

How about the ship blows up as it comes into port (under a bridge?) or at dockside? The nuc detectors haven't been used on it there.


Could the biggest shortage of the summer be spf 2 million sunblock. :'(

Pat McCotter

Now what are we shining the light on?

Happy Dude

Quote from: TN-FSP on March 16, 2006, 12:15 AM NHFT
I think I am also going to leave the USA.  I'll move to NH ;D

Please come after the new tax laws. So more people pay more. ;D


I do understand the emotion behind wanting to leave the U.S.I did so myself.I lived abroad for three years,until 9/11.That was the writing on the wall.I love my country,but hate the government.I guess my point is that if you dont stand up for something,believe in something other than one's self,then what is the point of existence at all.Anyone can suck oxygen and produce waste anywhere they want.I wanted to just live my life and not be bothered by anyone,but that is no longer possible.They ARE coming to get us,but,I for one will not go quietly and definitely not peacefully.I have drawn my own line here in N.H.

Live free or die :icon_pirat:

Russell Kanning

I am leaving the USA .... by not participating in it.