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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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I am going to leave the USA

Started by Mrs. Concious, March 06, 2006, 12:27 PM NHFT

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Quote from: KBCraig on March 06, 2006, 04:59 PM NHFT
I don't know about St. Kitts, but the islands in general tend to be very restrictive on firearms.

Some think of islands as beautiful, but they're gilded cages at best. It's hard to hide on a small island, and leaving --or staying!-- without the government's permission is almost impossible.


Yah sounds like these folks are well intended but misguided about the gov't there.

Mrs. Concious

QuoteOh btw for the person thinking of NZ ....... we have a few people signed up with the FSP to move from there to NH. Smiley

The free state project is a great idea even though free state is a complete oxymoron assuming state refers to a political system.  America with its attendent constitutions were a great idea too.  If the American idea was so shortlived then why would the freestate project fare any better.

Not condeming fsp in any way but am curious to know the thinking here.

btw, i moved to NH for several reasons one being the fsp idea.

Mrs. Concious

QuoteI don't know about St. Kitts, but the islands in general tend to be very restrictive on firearms.

Some think of islands as beautiful, but they're gilded cages at best. It's hard to hide on a small island, and leaving --or staying!-- without the government's permission is almost impossible.

Soon to be the case in America....tyranny creeping fast now...passports now required to enter usa from Canada and Mexico.


You won't find a country that is not more socialist than America especially in Europe, or that is not beholden to the UN.
At least in the US we have some patriots left who believe in freedom and many who would fight the UN if they had to.

Mrs. Concious

Another observation:

Those wishing to move to the USA are generally looking for a handout....low to no income individuals.
Producers and high income earners are most certainly not moving to America.

Netted out is a third world country/fiefdom in turmoil as the lawyer aristocrats fight each other over the ever smaller scraps of wealth that has not yet been taken from the peasantry.

Don't shoot!  I'm just the messenger.


Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 05:12 PM NHFT
Another observation:

Those wishing to move to the USA are generally looking for a handout....low to no income individuals.
Producers and high income earners are most certainly not moving to America.

Netted out is a third world country/fiefdom in turmoil as the lawyer aristocrats fight each other over the ever smaller scraps of wealth that has not yet been taken from the peasantry.

Don't shoot!  I'm just the messenger.

I still think this is the land of the free ? in comparison to other countries.
The St Kitt's site has the UN on the front of it as if they take their marching orders from them!
This would make me sick!

Mrs. Concious

QuoteAt least in the US we have some patriots left who believe in freedom and many who would fight the UN if they had to.

Believe me when I say that the true freedom lovers actually insist on freedom and will accept any substitute and are leaving America in ever greater numbers.  There is a reason that congress is every year attempting to restrict or tax money leaving the coutry as it follows expatriots.  If the corporate exodus from America is not enuff to convice you of this I do not know what will.

Empires rise and fall no matter the size.  America has seen it best days.  You are not the first to cry over the death of a nation nor will you be the last.

Time change....live free or die.


Quote from: Rochelle on March 06, 2006, 03:16 PM NHFT
QuoteI see little value to maintainingg my American citizenship and will be securing a certain countries citizenship for my family and myself within 10 months.  This country is one of several that have no law or misapplication of law requiring an income or capital gains tax.
I hope you find a good country to move to that provides this!

If the FSP doesn't work out, my fianc? and I will consider moving to New Zealand. Right now it is ranked the same as the US on the Heritage Foundation ranking--not to mention the beautiful scenery. Australia is also up with the US on the rankings list, so there's another possibility.

It's amazing how few Americans know how unfree they are. "We're the free-est country in the world," they say, not seeming to know or care that Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland and Estonia are all more free!

QuoteI will be living among different countries in Europe and Canada, will have St. Kitts/Nevis citizenship.  The USA and St. Kitts allows for dual citizenship but I will be renouncing my US citizenship immediately after securing the Kittean passport.
Where is St. Kittis?

OMG Singapore? YOU MUST BE KIDDING!!!! This is where they flog people with a cane for throwing gum in the streets!!!!!

New Zealand is about as socialist as you can get.

Wow...lots of misinformation here.

Mrs. Concious


Correct me if I am wrong but is not the UN almost entirely financed by the USA?

He who has the gold makes the rule?

U.S. contributions to the UN (regular budget, peacekeeping operations, international tribunals, specialized agencies and subsidiary organizations) in 2004 totalled: $1,589,998,000.
The United States has the maximum assessed contribution to the UN regular budget -- 22%. In 2005 the assessed amount is $439,611,612. The minimum assessed contribution is 0.001%. The scale of assessments for each UN member for the required contributions to the regular budget is determined every 3 years on the basis of Gross National Product (GNP).

Only nine countries (starting with the largest contributor: United States, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, China) contribute 75% of the entire regular budget. Cuba, which accounts for much of the behavior of the UN Human Rights Commission and its Sub-Commission, contributes .043% of the regular budget. Oil-rich Saudi Arabia contributes .713%.

In addition to their contributions to the UN regular budget, member states contribute to the peacekeeping operations budget and the cost of international courts and tribunals. The level of these contributions is based on their assessed contributions to the regular budget plus variations which take account of permanent membership on the Security Council.

UN members also make voluntary contributions to UN specialized agencies and subsidiary organizations. The administrative costs of such bodies, though, are met from the regular budget.

So I guess you can put the UN seal right there on America too.  I would say that St. Kitts contributes substantially less to the UN than the US of A



Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 05:20 PM NHFT

Correct me if I am wrong but is not the UN almost entirely financed by the USA?

Yep but we don't let them rule us by treaty and we protest the signing of such. We also protest sending them money and paying our 'dues'. Much of what happens in public schools is dictated by the UN but a lot of people with conscious just don't do it.

At least we have enough people who know what the UN is really like to keep up the fight against it.
Sounds like they are willing participants in St Kitts.

I'd be scared as hell to move there permanently!

Mrs. Concious

I will not reside in St. Kitts.  My allegiance is to maximum freedom and St. Kitts is a means to that end as a zero tax jurisdiction.  Any and all states can go to hell.  I despise states, cantons,  countries, federations and any other legal abstraction you can think of.

live free or die!

Mrs. Concious

QuoteI still think this is the land of the free ? in comparison to other countries.
The St Kitt's site has the UN on the front of it as if they take their marching orders from them!
This would make me sick!

No tax is a marching order I can feel good about.  No complaint there.

If the order came in to tax Kittians then I am outa there. 

When freedom is your objective foolish abstractions such as patriotism become.....moot.


I've lived in England, and they're one of the more resistant to what the EU is trying to do to all those countries, but heaven help you if you believe in self defense there; it's practically illegal.  Heck, it may be outright illegal by now.  Europe is heading down the path of centralization of government under the watchful eye of Brussels.  Before the Euro, they were where the US was supposed to be, a confederation of sovereign states that pretty much still did their own thing.  Now they have to follow EU dictates on their economies, they have gotten rid of their own currency for the Euro (except the UK), and the EU is telling them what laws they may or may not have.  They're not trending in a direction that makes me feel any better about their future prospects than the United Sates.

I could get citizenship in Ireland if I wanted to, my grandfather was born there and apparently that's good enough for them.  I'd rather make my stand in New Hampshire.  If that doesn't work out, well, there's a nice pub in Crosshaven I wouldn't mind spending a lot of time at, but we've got a long way between now and the day I give up on America.

Mrs. Concious

Europe is what it is but the fact shall remain...no taxes or wealth confiscation as I will be a Kittian citizen.

I will take Europe/Canada and no wealth taxes over America and her 40% + tax on wealth by way of a misapplied title 26.