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I am going to leave the USA

Started by Mrs. Concious, March 06, 2006, 12:27 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 05:34 PM NHFT
When freedom is your objective foolish abstractions such as patriotism become.....moot.

Foolish abstractions? When I refer to patriotism, I am talking about those who can keep sight of why the country was founded in the first place: to escape tyranny and for freedom and liberty. Show me another country that has a constitution like ours, you can't.

Sorry but no matter how bad things get here, it's still much better than places you describe that would cane you for going through the toll booth without paying! (Which I do all the time by the way)


Quote from: Scott Roth on March 06, 2006, 06:17 PM NHFT
More cane, please. ;D

I do love being 'spanked' though, especially if done with affection! Hahahahah...Ooops I should not have said that especially with the birthday coming up!  (That would be a whole helluva lotta spankings! LOL)

Mrs. Concious

QuoteWhen I refer to patriotism, I am talking about those who can keep sight of why the country was founded in the first place: to escape tyranny and for freedom and liberty. Show me another country that has a constitution like ours, you can't.

Sorry but no matter how bad things get here, it's still much better than places you describe that would cane you for going through the toll booth without paying! (Which I do all the time by the way)

Ye love the idea of liberty yet liberty realized is too much for you to bear?  Would you be a slave dreaming of a constitution that once was and is now no longer?  You are indeed a patriot....to that which is no longer.

What about freedom and liberty for you in your lifetime?  There is no risk to life and limb when dreaming but being free is a big risk indeed.

May your chains rest easy....

btw, the constitution is but an expression of ideals once cherished and without any power whatsoever...a truly dead letter.  More important is to resign to the intent of the letter not its form as you apparently do.  Tis about liberty and nothing more or less.  Now quit pining and get free...it hard work with great risk!

Mrs. Concious

All three of these men have invested in silver or silver mining stocks in a big way. Isn't that interesting?

Whomsoever invests in silver is a traitor to the homeland......

Perhaps this is why Buffet stores his massive horde in England?

Mrs. Concious

QuoteSorry but no matter how bad things get here, it's still much better than places you describe that would cane you for going through the toll booth without paying! (Which I do all the time by the way)

This a statist would say without hesitation!

Your love of safety and security is duly noted.

Obviously tyranny is not so bad in America....yet.

A little tyranny is OK because I am still comfortable...a slave but comfortable.

Patriot in form but severely deficient in substance as is the dead letter you so lovingly refer.

Could it be that you are looking for permission to be free?  Permission from your masters?  As long as there is this pining for laws lost then ther is an excuse to remain safe and secure as a slave.


Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 06:39 PM NHFT

This a statist would say without hesitation!

I beg your pardon? It's to protest EZ PASS! I can hardly be called a statist! I've been called radical, extremist, etc, but never statist.

Mrs. Concious

I will take a serious caning for liberty!

Rivers of blood have been spilled for liberty!  I can take a bloody whipping to the bone.

Whip away you...owwwww!...you....oooooowwwww!...Son....owwwww!...of....ohhhhh...a.....bit**!


Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 06:49 PM NHFT
I will take a serious caning for liberty!
Rivers of blood have been spilled for liberty!  I can take a bloody whipping to the bone.

Now I am convinced this is a troll and sorry I responded!  ;)

Mrs. Concious

QuoteI beg your pardon? It's to protest EZ PASS! I can hardly be called a statist! I've been called radical, extremist, etc, but never statist.

Are you as free as you can be?  If so, great!  If not then why not?  Is your state forbidding you to be so?  If this be the case then change states or countries.  If you love America then you do not fully appreciate high degrees of liberty to be sure.

Change the world for you...perhaps others will follow suit.

Starve the beast by leaving it to fend for itself.

Who is worse?  The beast being what a beast is or the prey refusing to save its own life?

Pat McCotter

Quote from: CNHT on March 06, 2006, 06:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 06:49 PM NHFT
I will take a serious caning for liberty!
Rivers of blood have been spilled for liberty!  I can take a bloody whipping to the bone.

Now I am convinced this is a troll and sorry I responded!  ;)

Nope, just folks who haven't met one another. We have to stop jumping to conclusions about someone's ideas when you cannot read the whole body. Words on a screen are less than 1% of the person typing them.


We're here because we still believe it is possible to relight the torch of Liberty in New Hampshire.  If you don't think you have what it takes to fight for liberty, then best wishes on your journey.

Mrs. Concious

QuoteNow I am convinced this is a troll and sorry I responded!

You fail to demand liberty for yourself by accepting some half-baked version yet are convinced that you can effect freedom in NH?

Self-deceptive and diametrically opposed to  liberty to be sure.

Keep looking away lest you see what really is.

The matrix has you...no?


Quote from: Jon Maltz on March 06, 2006, 06:57 PM NHFT
We're here because we still believe it is possible to relight the torch of Liberty in New Hampshire.  If you don't think you have what it takes to fight for liberty, then best wishes on your journey.

Exactly! I hardly think I would leave the USA due to EZ Pass. Especially not to go to a country that is run by the UN!


Quote from: Mrs. Concious on March 06, 2006, 05:47 PM NHFT
Europe is what it is but the fact shall remain...no taxes or wealth confiscation as I will be a Kittian citizen.

I will take Europe/Canada and no wealth taxes over America and her 40% + tax on wealth by way of a misapplied title 26.
Where in Europe? I hear Switzerland is heavier on the freedom side than the rest.


And the reason most of us are here, is because we are proud patriots. We aren't going to scurry off to freeer lands, we want freedom HERE, not there.

We want our American dream, we want our democracy, and we don't want to take no for an answer!

And before you point out that we FSP members are "fleeing" to NH... well, I for one already lived here, and it's as American as Texas or Hawaii. So there.  :P