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GONH schism

Started by KBCraig, March 15, 2006, 03:21 AM NHFT

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While reading Denis Goddard's blog about the Real ID bill, I saw another interesting headline: "Upheaval at Gun Owners of New Hampshire".

It's Sam Cohen's blog, and you can read the details for yourself, but the leadership of GONH have had a parting of ways. Sam, along with other notables like Evan Nappen and Ed Naile, will be starting a new organization.

Meanwhile, the GONH website has only this message: "Owing to organizational changes, we are: Under Construction Please check back again soon!"

Sad to hear that a good group like this one has split apart, but I look forward to a newer, stronger group to help carry the fight.



I beleive this is the second split in recent years. The NH Firearms Coalition http://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/ was formed in much the same manner.

Why take down the entire web site just because the leadership is changing?

Kat Kanning

From gossip I hear, GONH will die.  They are left with the people who do nothing, with one exception.  The active people left.


GONH is the NH arm of the NRA right?

Maybe the 'new and improved' group will push for Vermont Carry.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: GT on March 15, 2006, 05:15 AM NHFT
I beleive this is the second split in recent years. The NH Firearms Coalition http://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/ was formed in much the same manner.

Why take down the entire web site just because the leadership is changing?

Easier than explaining what has happened.


Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 07:21 AM NHFT
GONH is the NH arm of the NRA right?

Maybe the 'new and improved' group will push for Vermont Carry.
Huh? What do you mean, allowing Vermonters to carry in NH without a permit, or ... pressuring the VT government to implement a carry license?


Allow people in NH to carry a 'concealed' weapon without a permit.
Also known as Alaskan carry.

I think that VT and AK are the only states that have that now.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 08:00 AM NHFT
Allow people in NH to carry a 'concealed' weapon without a permit.
Also known as Alaskan carry.

I think that VT and AK are the only states that have that now.

That AK carry system is far better than the VT system.


Quote from: TN-FSP on March 15, 2006, 09:23 AM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 08:00 AM NHFT
Allow people in NH to carry a 'concealed' weapon without a permit.
Also known as Alaskan carry.

I think that VT and AK are the only states that have that now.

That AK carry system is far better than the VT system.

The AK system would be perfect if the licenses were issued by a private group without using any state funds. They'd amount to private certificates with government recognition, like an electrician's card.

For those not following this, Vermont doesn't require a license for concealed carry. Alaska doesn't require one for Alaska residents, but they do issue one for people who wish to travel to other states where Alaska's license is honored.



Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 07:21 AM NHFT
GONH is the NH arm of the NRA right?

I thought the GONH was the NH arm of the GOA.



Quote from: tracysaboe on March 15, 2006, 01:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 07:21 AM NHFT
GONH is the NH arm of the NRA right?

I thought the GONH was the NH arm of the GOA.
NRA. That is why I never supported them.


How tricky of them to name themselves the GONH.  Good riddance to them. 


Quote from: dead president on March 15, 2006, 01:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: tracysaboe on March 15, 2006, 01:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on March 15, 2006, 07:21 AM NHFT
GONH is the NH arm of the NRA right?

I thought the GONH was the NH arm of the GOA.
NRA. That is why I never supported them.
Ok that was my thinking... and I agree.
So next year the push for VT carry?  We will see if they have the GONands.

Recumbent ReCycler

I was at the meeting in Dunbarton when several directors were asked to resign.  I consider several people on both sides of the dispute to be my friends, so it saddens me that this rift occured.   :'(  I received both emails that were referred to in the blog.  Althogh they were similar in content, they were not the same.  During the meeting, I don't recall hearing anyone stating that they didn't like having legislators on the board, only that it was not necessary for the organization to be effective.  The motion concerning the removal of certain directors was to request their resignation, not to forcefully remove them from the board.  Although Sam Cohen and Bick are both friends of mine, I think that their communications since the breakup have been defensive in nature and may have been slightly misleading.  If Sam had not posted details of this incident in his blog, I would not have responded to it here.  Some details concerning the disputes between Sam and Evelyn prior to the emails that were the straw that broke the camel's back are not clear to me, so I will not speculate about them.
The text of Evelyn's email:
"Hi!  If you are a member of Gun Owners of New Hampshire, you have no doubt received your ballot for the 2006 Board of Directors election.  Several people have contacted me and asked who I think they should vote for, so I thought this would be the fastest, easiest way to answer that question for anyone who wanted to ask.  I would appreciate it if you vote for me, of course.  ;o)  The list of people whom I think you should vote for is below, listed in alphabetical order, as they are on the ballot.  These are all people who have put a great deal of effort into the fight for our gun and hunting rights (especially that Evelyn Logan person :oD)), and I would like to see them get your vote.
   Stretch Kennedy
   Bob Kingsbury
   Evelyn Logan
   Bob Pagano
   Toni Piper
   Lance Rickenberg
   Jim Whittemore

If you have other ideas about how to vote, it's your business, of course.  Either way, thanks for participating!

(Evelyn Logan person)"

The text of the email that I got from Sam Cohen:
"Please forward this message to anyone who may be a member of Gun Owners of New Hampshire, the NRA state affiliate organization.

We, the undersigned seven officers and directors of Gun Owners of New Hampshire, recommend voting for the following list of candidates in the current election for GO-NH directors (ballot deadline 2/28/06).  Note that you may choose to "bullet vote" -- that is, to vote for FEWER than the maximum number of people, so as not to dilute your vote.

The following candidates are honorable, dedicated people whose character and skills will be assets to the organization.


Evan Nappen
Richard Aldrich
Stretch Kennedy
Rose Vinci
Chris Vinci
Bob Pagano

Respectfully submitted,

-- State Representative Elbert "Bick" Bicknell (GO-NH President and Director)
-- State Senator Robert Boyce (GO-NH Director)
-- State Representative Harriet Cady (GO-NH Director)
-- State Representative Richard "Stretch" Kennedy (GO-NH Director)
-- Richard Aldrich (GO-NH Director)
-- Jeff Newman (GO-NH Director)
-- Sam Cohen (GO-NH Director)

Sam Cohen
RKBA! ...the exclamation point means "shall not be infringed(!)""

As you can see, the emails are not the same.  I believe that everyone involved is dedicated to our right to keep and bear arms, but personal differences and disagreements concerning policies and how to best affect legislation and some other things that I don't fully understand got in the way and caused harm to our cause.  I think we will be able to recover from this, but it has slowed our progress.  We must not let this stifle our resolve, and we must keep up the good fight to restore and preserve our rights.

Fluff and Stuff

NH already has 2 gun groups.  This means it will have 3!  What great news 8)