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Monadnock Porcupines Meet and Greet

Started by Kat Kanning, February 05, 2005, 07:28 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

I think that would actually work, but you'd better start soon.

Pat K

Well I am a good swimmer, but not that good.

Lloyd Danforth

Like myself, you're probably a good floater!  Flippers might help.

Kat Kanning

You're calling yourself a "floater"??  :o

Pat K

Actually I don't float as well as one might think, I don't sink like a stone but I have to work at floating.

Russell Kanning

With this rain we will all be swimming there.
The pizzas should be hot and the room dry.

Kat Kanning

I'm thinking we'd better cancel this meeting today.

Kat Kanning

Russell said let's go ahead and have the meeting.  Apparently 101 between Keene and Peterborough is clear.

Russell Kanning

Oh yea .... lets have a party .... the river is fun by our house.


We had a "Flood Party" in college. At a friend's apartment, we put the piano and all the furniture up on milk crates and partied on!

I was DJ at a club then. It was their biggest night of the year.


Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Wiliam, Elizabeth and I enjoyed the pizza and the company. Met some new folks, now have a face to put to some names on the forum.

Russell Kanning