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Monadnock Porcupines Meet and Greet

Started by Kat Kanning, February 05, 2005, 07:28 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

We had a small but fun gathering. I don't think we accomplished anything besides fun.

JP and Annie
Dada and Andrea (local Keene lady)
James Maynard
Dillon Gang (feat. Russell Kanning)

I think it was determined that Maynard will be holding Monadnock Libertarian Party meetings at 2pm as our Porcupine meeting winds down. We might move our meetings to 1pm which would lead to a 3pm start for the LP.
We discussed everything from how everyone was doing... how much fun Mike Fisher's event will be... to plans for lunar colonization. The meeting took a very typical libertarian path......that is what happens when we let JP talk. ;)

Pat K

Cool. Did JP mention his 1950's town?

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

Kat Kanning

I don't think I'll do the Monadnock Porcupines meeting tomorrow.  I'm way to distracted.

Kat Kanning

We've had several new movers into the Monadnock area recently, and would like to have a get-together to welcome them.  It's going to be in place of the Monadnock monthly meeting:

When:  Sunday August 14th, noon
Where: Cheshire Village Pizza 9 Ashuelot St. (at West), Keene.

Hope to see you there!

Kat Kanning

Sounds like we're going to have quite a few new movers.  :)  I hope some "old timers" will be available to come chat with them.



Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

Very cool!  I just got a note from some porcupines who're visiting now, and coming to the Meet and Greet.  They're very interested in alternative education and want to talk to folks who've info on what we're doing here regarding schools.  :)

Quote from: katdillon on August 10, 2005, 09:28 AM NHFT
We've had several new movers into the Monadnock area recently, and would like to have a get-together to welcome them.  It's going to be in place of the Monadnock monthly meeting:

When:  Sunday August 14th, noon
Where: Cheshire Village Pizza 9 Ashuelot St. (at West), Keene.

Hope to see you there!

Lloyd Danforth

Hell of an effort Scott.  You've been away for awhile.  We all got new cars! : ;)

Kat Kanning

Yup, we were there from about 12:00-4:00.  Couldn'ta missed us if you came inside. :)  We had a bunch of newbies!  Wayne and family, Eric and family visiting from Alaska, Brian newly moved to New Boston, and Caleb, who just moved to Keene!  Had a great time.  Thanks to everyone who came out to welcome the newcomers!


Quote from: katdillon on August 14, 2005, 04:59 PM NHFT
Yup, we were there from about 12:00-4:00.? Couldn'ta missed us if you came inside. :)? We had a bunch of newbies!? Wayne and family, Eric and family visiting from Alaska, Brian newly moved to New Boston, and Caleb, who just moved to Keene!? Had a great time.? Thanks to everyone who came out to welcome the newcomers!

I am sorry I missed this. I had full intentions of attending but perhaps I will meet the newbies at another function.
Do you know that I have NEVER been to Keene, EVER? LOL   :-\


Special thanks to Caleb, for volunteering to help with the NHLA civic action fundraiser, at Loudon Race Track on
September 18th!  Know your help is much appreciated, and hey great to meet you, and look forward to working
with you as we move forward.

Of course Dawn and Bill have volunteered too!  Thanks guys! :)

Any other folks from the Keene area? :)