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Monadnock Porcupines Meet and Greet

Started by Kat Kanning, February 05, 2005, 07:28 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Now that's a moment you can treasure for a lifetime.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Pat K on May 16, 2006, 06:33 PM NHFT
You just had to get a snow remark in, just for that I wish a low water condition on ya. :)

Well, it wasn't low water, it was high water - 4 feet in the main boiler room - then it was an oil fire outside the boiler! I guess I should shut up about snow, huh?!


Pat K

Yikes, that makes for a busy day.

I always like the fire to stay inside the boiler.

But then I am a wussy.

Pat K

The meeting for this Sunday is happining?

Kat Kanning

Yes, and we were discussing possibly cleaning up some trash and working on the park afterwards.

Pat K

Cool, I am not 100 percent sure but I will probably be there.

Russell Kanning

We will be doing a little something at the freedom park. There is a nice spot along the brook. The water is flowing nicely .... the only good side effect of constant rain. 8)

Kat Kanning

Bring Lloyd...I miss the old coot.

Pat K

Here coot coot cootie coot were are ya . :)

Tom Sawyer

Hey working on the park sounds like a great idea... however I can't make it. Elizabeth and William have gone to the beach with the car and I'm trying to get over 'walking pneumonia'. Fevers gone but still weezing and coughing.

Next work detail to the park count me in. :) If ya'll need any chainsawing done I can bring the gear.

Kat Kanning

Oh I hope you feel better!  Sounds awful.

Pat K

Yea we can't have our media guy OOC, :) take care of yourself Roger.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks guys... I am feeling better just got to get a little strength back and clear out my chest some. :)

Pat K

Yea hard to keep a Jar-Head down. :)

Tom Sawyer

Ahhh... high praise from a squid, I always thought it was nice of you guys to drive the boats for us to go to exotic places. ;D