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Monadnock Porcupines Meet and Greet

Started by Kat Kanning, February 05, 2005, 07:28 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Roger Grant on June 10, 2006, 10:29 PM NHFT
Ahhh... high praise from a squid, I always thought it was nice of you guys to drive the boats for us to go to exotic places. ;D

Yeah, you guys got to take cruises and play on the beach, while the Army was busy doing the real work.  ;D

Pat K

Leaving now, Lloyd has family visting so he will not be attending.

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

We are looking forward to seeing everybody Sunday at the pizza place. :)

I'll be bringing Free State Activism 2005 - 2006 DVD's

Significant portion of the $15 retail price to go to benefit NHFREE.com

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning

Pat K

Well as I am still at work, on my 3rd shift I will not be attending :(

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Pat K on July 09, 2006, 04:20 AM NHFT
Well as I am still at work, on my 3rd shift I will not be attending :(

We'll miss you Pat... be careful driving home tired.

At the peak of political season, I used to work 24 hours straight doing campaign ads  :P... sometimes I would barely make it home alive.

Worked for the devil then died driving home...  would have been on my tombstone. :-\

Pat K

Thanks Roger, I will be careful.

Russell Kanning

Hopefully we will not drink too heavily before we drive home from the party today :occasion14: :occasion16:...... really twisting the knife for PatK :evil6:

Tom Sawyer

We had a good time seeing everyone.

Good conversation, nice walk along the river and even foraged for wild blueberries.

Caleb showed up in his overalls and straw hat  ;D

Thanks to everyone who bought DVD's. :)

Russell Kanning

That was a fun group .... and no speeches from polititians. :)

Pat K

Quote from: russellkanning on July 09, 2006, 07:59 AM NHFT
Hopefully we will not drink too heavily before we drive home from the party today :occasion14: :occasion16:...... really twisting the knife for PatK :evil6:

What did you have some really strong Green Tea ?

Tom Sawyer

You should have seen Russell he was dancing on the tables and singing bawdy songs.  ;D

Pat K

I hope you took video= Shambler gone wild.

Tom Sawyer


No dang it I didn't take the camera...

You'll just have to take my word for it. ;)

He also told us of his political aspirations.  ;D