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Monadnock Porcupines Meet and Greet

Started by Kat Kanning, February 05, 2005, 07:28 AM NHFT

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It was great meeting everyone.  With this many good people together, something awesome is bound to happen eventually.

The future's so bright...  8)


All in one room.  Whoooooooww   :o

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 11, 2006, 09:31 PM NHFT
It was great meeting everyone.  With this many good people together, something awesome is bound to happen eventually.

I couldn't agree more.   :)

Russell Kanning

Kat and I were brainstorming about how we could make this meet-n-greet thing in Keene better. We were thinking about stepping it up to weekly parties.

How would Sunday evenings work out for people?


Russell Kanning

That is what we were thinking. You guys like it. PatK can visit sometimes (snow permitting). It is good for normal working stiffs. It is a nice relaxing day.
7pm made sense to me.


Russell Kanning

That is a good question. Maybe we should have the default be at the pizza place ..... and sometimes meet at a house for a bbq.


7 PM on a Sunday may be too late for anyone who has to travel, like Pat. Maybe 4 would be better - time for people to do whatever they need to do on Sundays (yard work, etc) and still be able to get home at a decent time (yawn!).

Russell Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Yeah, apparently one of them is we get to see Dawn :-*

Pat K

Don't worry about me. If I can make it on a Sunday I will. What ever works best for the folks in NH. (were my fat ass should be)

I  do however expect Russell to remove any SNOW in my way.


Quote from: Pat K on September 20, 2006, 04:39 PM NHFT

I  do however expect Russell to remove any SNOW in my way.

From Keene NH, to New York?  Poor Russel is an activist, but I think you may be expecting a wee bit too much out of him.   ;D

Pat K

Pat K

Kat Kanning

OK, we're having lunch at Cheshire Village Pizza, then going down to Jim's for like 3 hours to build some more walls.  At 4ish, we'd head over to my place for Gandhi/dinner.

Some of us are looking at a potential porcupine palace with 11 bedrooms in Marlborough at 8:30 am.  We're thinking of starting the Free State Project commune for works projects and landing space for many incoming porcu-critters.