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Real ID, HB 1582

Started by Dave Ridley, March 24, 2006, 03:05 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on April 13, 2006, 08:22 PM NHFT
It sounds like the polititians are not going to decide our fates until after the 22nd ..... so more people will  show up now.

Yep. Now it's ON! We're getting some pretty strange concepts coming out of this coalition, but the best IMO are:

-Handing a $3,000,000 check back to someone dressed in an old East German or Russian military uniform. $100-150 cost on eBay, or someone from a gun group may have access to a uniform. They seem to have this type of uniform available at gun shows for some reason.

-Someone sent us several hand-powered paper shredders. We want to copy what they did and put stickers on them that say "REAL ID Processing Unit". We'll shred some fake "REAL ID" application papers.

-A REAL ID / National ID "Papers Please" checkpoint with raisable barricade gates, uniforms, etc.

Quote from: russellkanning on April 13, 2006, 08:22 PM NHFT
Doesn't it seem funny begging the NH legislature to stop the feds?

"Funny" as in completely absurd? Yes. Witnessing the details of today's events proved for me yet again how evil government is -- even the New Hampshire State government. The State House is filled with greed, filth, lies, betrayal, and hypocrisy, while it is completely void of anything resembling wisdom of the history of liberty.  Nothing ever changes.

I may burn my SSN at the event, but I'll need to find a way to cover up the actual SS number from the national TV cameras.   :-\


thanks for offering. I may have some friend going to the rally with whom I can get a ride. I should know by this weekend and I'll send you a private message either way.

Dave Ridley

Hey maybe a new poll should be "will you be open-carrying a firearm at the rally?"


It is completely absurd. But given the alternative, I'd say it's a good thing. It's better for governments to compete and gridlock each other then for them to cooporate. And I'd much rather have a small bully like NH protecting us from a Big Bully like the Federal Maffia, instead of the other way around.

If this goes down, it's a stepping stone to complete NH Secession.

An it'll be a lot easier for Keene or any other city/town/county to secede from NH and be independent. Or perhaps even evolve into out-right anarchy in some parts of the place that's now known as New Hampshire.

So as ridiculous as it sounds, I still think this bill is a total step in the right direction.


Kat Kanning

Cool, Mike.  You could just sharpie over the number.  Want us to bring a burning bucket, etc?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on April 13, 2006, 11:52 PM NHFT
Hey maybe a new poll should be "will you be open-carrying a firearm at the rally?"

"Very openly" ought to be an option.  ;)

If anything happens, I want to see pics!

Kat Kanning

There will be two different porcs filming, Roger and the crew from NY.


Quote from: citizen_142002 on April 12, 2006, 09:59 PM NHFT
I'm just trying to establish how many people from the forum plan on attending the rally, so that we all have a better picture in our minds of how large the rally is shaping up to be.
Just keep in mind that many people from outside the nhfree.com group may be coming, so this is a very low and tenative estimate.

citizen, just to clarify, this is not a "NHFree Production".  NHCASPIAN got the rally permit.  Hundreds of dollars were donated to place ads in various NH newspapers.  Volunteers from the Merrimack Valley Porcupines and the Concord Porcupines placed signs in various towns.  The elusive kater wrote a press release.  This event is being heavily promoted amongst all sorts of groups, in addition to this one: Democrats, Republicans, voter fraud, Christians-who-fear-the-Number-of-the-Beast.... Expected turnout is in the hundreds!

There are still lots of opportunities to help out, if you're interested.  :fingerscrossed:

Russell Kanning

Quote from: d_goddard on April 13, 2006, 09:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: russellkanning on April 13, 2006, 08:22 PM NHFT
Doesn't it seem funny begging the NH legislature to stop the feds?
Not at all. From what I gather, the New Hampshire government has a long tradition of telling the Feds to go stuff themselves.
It just seems like there should have to be legislation passed to go along with the feds ...... not legislation needed to oppose them.

Russell Kanning

Who do you talk to in order to help out?

This cannot be a NH Underground event ..... we never get permits. :)


Contact Joel, or Jenn, or Michael, or me, or just post it here.  :)

Here are some ways you can help:

  • do you own a podium, or know someone who does? Can you build one?
  • can you get balloons made, or at least buy some helium balloons the day of the event?
  • do you know any of those people who enjoy dressing up like Revolutionary War guys and/or patriotic figures, and ask them to attend?
  • tell everyone you know, talk about it in the KFP
  • contact all your media contacts
  • volunteer to dress up like a Homeland Security thug and be defeated by the forces of freedom  ;D
  • donate cash to help cover expenses
  • help me make hundreds of pins; I can email you the graphic, and you can pick up supplies at your local Office Depot
  • make other suggestions as to how we can make this a big, publicity-grabbing, Senator-irritating event

There's going to be an organizational conference call on Tuesday. If you'd like the number, let me know.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks for the update. :)

Sounds like this could be the event of the season. :icon_pirat:


Quote from: Friday on April 14, 2006, 07:34 AM NHFT
Senator-irritating event

Please, please take that back. Publicly.

Like it or not, the 24 Senators of the State of New Hampshire are the ones who will allow HB1582 to proceed, or not.
Like it or not, pissing people off is not a good way to get them to go along with you -- even if they fundamentally agree with you!

A major reason there is no smoking ban in New Hampshire today is because the pro-ban folks pissed off the Senators.

For proof, just listen to this.

If you want to make a real positive difference, if you want New Hampshire to be the Freest State, help make the case for NH1582 - firmly, graphically, publicly, but with humor and respect.

P.S. I know Friday would not intentionally be rude, the above ranting is for those who may misread her comment in a way other than it was surely intended.

Russell Kanning

It should be fun to see all the people in different outfits.
I will be a reporter without the proper "papers". I don't expect very good treatment at the hands of the Homeland Security thugs.

Dave Ridley

here are a couple other ideas:

yellow armbands with a star of david and the words Real ID

tatooing your forearm with the word real ID and maybe a number
maybe something like Real ID 980  or Real ID 666

On my end I'm just planning to carry my sign that says

Real ID =
U Not Free

...and will probably wear a suit and a pistol (but i guess that means I can't wear the jacket part of the suit or no one could see the pistol!

That's the plan anyway, always open to suggestions.   I'm not planning on making the armbands myself.