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Real ID, HB 1582

Started by Dave Ridley, March 24, 2006, 03:05 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

I am still wearing my "Real ID" .... not! nametag that Sandy made for all of us. I have shed my 666 sticker though.


Anyone got a roll call?


I can be a pessimist sometimes. They knew that it was going to a floor vote in the senate either way they recommended. Do you suspect any of these will change their vote?



Quote from: cathleeninnh on April 26, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT
I can be a pessimist sometimes. They knew that it was going to a floor vote in the senate either way they recommended. Do you suspect any of these will change their vote?

I was thinking some of the same things.


I just spoke with David Fahrenthold
from the Washington Post for 5 minutes.
He asked about the costumes and props we had on Sat.
He asked why Real ID is so bad when we already have to show ID to travel. 
I told him that showing ID to travel reminded me of old WWII movies so I dressed like a Nazi
to illustrate my protest,  I also said the Real ID database is worse than
present IDs and a good way to get your identity stolen.
He asked why New Hampshire was the only state opposing Real ID.  I said, in
my case, it was because of the FSP.

Hope he mentions FSP in his article.


Quote from: russellkanning on April 26, 2006, 04:09 PM NHFT
See we are making progress against the beast .... some of us can't even spell committee .... next we will forget how to spell bureaucracee here in NH. But we do know how to spell and live "Free" :)

Hey, I'm a dyslexic blond, I'm lucky I can write my name!  ^_^


Quote from: cathleeninnh on April 26, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT
I can be a pessimist sometimes. They knew that it was going to a floor vote in the senate either way they recommended. Do you suspect any of these will change their vote?


There was some discussion about John Barnes, who was against it, but voted for it today.  Who knows, I have pretty high hopes for it myself, since the pressure on them seems to be giving them some pause.  I know one of the reps fro Keene asked me for one of the no real ID badges, and we got him one!  The house passed it pretty overwhelmingly, and if we have a good showing for the floor vote, I think that will say a lot too.  These people take notice when the people who vote them in start making a big deal of it.  Granted, it could fail, but I really think this one is going to do well, and that can only help enhance the NHLA's standing in Concord.  We are making progress. 


Quote from: aries on April 26, 2006, 04:27 PM NHFT
Anyone got a roll call?

Well, it was unanimous, which makes it easy :)
All present voted our way:

Sheila Roberge, Chairman
Margaret W. Hassan, V Chairman
John S. Barnes
Joseph D. Kenney
Peter H. Burling

Arrived late, and so did not vote:
Andre' Martel


Quote from: d_goddard on April 26, 2006, 04:15 PM NHFT
John, it was worth getting up early today, just to see the 2 rapid-succession shocked looks on your face :)
But... don't thank nobody yet and don't get too happy yet, cause The Fat Lady ain't sung yet.

;D  Well I'm sure glad you thought that was entertianing.   ;D  It is a realy good thing that I am healthier (and happier) than before I moved to NH, or I might have had a heart-attack.

Now, make no mistake about this:  these friends of ours, who did the untold-hours of leg-work, are HEROS!  Without them this battle today could have been lost - today.

I will be forever greatful to them; just as I am to others who have (and are) putting all that they can towards our mutual goal of more Liberty in our lifetime.

I'll sleep better tonight because of all the friends I have met since arriveing in New Hampshire.


Quote from: Dreepa on April 26, 2006, 05:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on April 26, 2006, 05:02 PM NHFT
Do you suspect any of these will change their vote?
I was thinking some of the same things.

As I understand it (and I'm really new to the whole Concord scene), it's considered a really, really rude thing to change your vote. You better have a damn good reason -- better than "a guy from Washington said I'd never run as a Republican again!"

It's about as damaging as promising you'll pay for lunch next time we go out... and then not having any lunch money next time we go out. You better have a damn good story involving at minimum a sick relative and an unexpected pregnancy!


Now, who's calling Free Talk Live (1-800-259-9231) tonight?

Kat Kanning


Since I don't believe anyone has posted Joel's note I will here.
Thinking it might be something to read on the radio show tonight.
Pretty much believe Joel sums up todays activites much better than
I could have.

At 10am we gathered at the State House, more than 2 dozen concerned
citizens and activists.  Within a few minutes the seats in the room
were filled.  For some people, it was their first trip to the State
house, others had been visiting for years.  We all sat together,
waiting for the committee to arrive. 

When they did, their faces flashed surprise at the sheer number of
people there.  Seated behind their tables, the senators hurriedly
discussed the situation.  Was this level of concerned citizenry
unprecedented?  No.  Was it unusual?  Most certainly.

Sen. Roberge called the Executive Session to order.  She announced that
HB1582 would be dealt with first.  Along one wall, a radio reporter
hastily readied his equipment to record what would surely be a heated
debate.  Senator Peter Burling spoke first, "Madam Chair, I move Ought
To Pass on HB1582." 

"Second," said committee vice-chair Senator Hassen.  Everyone waited
for discussion.

But there was none.  The roll was called.  Burling, Hassen, Barnes,
Kenney, Roberge.  All voted in favor of the motion.  By unanimous
consent, the committee recommended OTP on HB1582!
Sen. Roberge announced the good news, a broad smile on her face.
"That's it," she told the crowd.  "Thanks for coming."

Breaking from protocol, we spoke to the committee as we left the room.
"Thank you," we said.  We shuffled out into the hall, still not sure
what had happened.  We'd hoped for a 4-2 victory - 5-0 was totally

Outside in the hall, the reporters were just arriving.  They too, had
expected a long debate.  We spoke to the press for a few minutes before
leaving the building.  In front of the State House, the air seemed
better, seemed fresher than usual.  Maybe it was the sense of teamwork.
Maybe it was the victory.  Maybe it was the hope that New Hampshire
might be be free from the REAL ID act, and that the resulting wave of
freedom would sweep across the country. 

Do you have a minute to thank the committee members?  You can call them
at -
Jack Barnes   -    (H)   895-9352
         (O)   271-3042
Peter Burling   -   (H)   675-6255
         (O)   271-3067
Maggie Hassen   -   (H)   772-4187
         (O)   271-2118
Joseph Kenney   -   (H)   473-2569   
         (O)   271-3092
Sheila Roberge   -   (H)   472-8391
         (O)   271-4152

Their votes next week are not certain- they could vote either way.
Anything can happen in the Senate.  If you can take a few minutes to
leave them a message thanking them for supporting HB1582, it would
certainly help.  Then, call your own senator, and ask them to support
the committee recommendation on HB1582 and keep us out of REAL ID.

The battle is not over - in one week, the whole Senate will debate and
vote on the REAL ID Act.  Rather then resting on our laurels, we must
double our efforts.  We must turn out hundreds of constituent phone
calls in this next week.  This issue is generating many news stories;
we must ride that wave and write letters to the editor to our local
newspapers.  We must keep up the public pressure for the next week!

Please, contact everyone you know in New Hampshire and send them to the
GraniteStateID.com website.  Encourage them to call and email their
senators (phone calls are best).  Together, we can make this happen!
If you get a sense of how your senator will vote, please let us know at

One last item; the AP has picked up this story; (
http://snipurl.com/pppi ) reporters from the Washington Post were at
the hearing today.  We will make national news when we succeed; but
that can only happen if you take action!

Thanks for all your hard work,

Joel Winters



QUESTION - when this passes, will police in other states not be able to run our IDs as they can now?

Just curious.