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NH Caspian meeting 3/30

Started by Dave Ridley, March 24, 2006, 04:35 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

3/30/2006, 6pm,  Bickford's Restaurant

Name: Bickford?s Family Restaurants
Street Address: 1000 S. Willow Street    City: Manchester    Zip Code: 03103    State: NH
Telephone: 603-668-5775



I wonder how the membership lists look after the Russo film the other day? In regards to the outreach booth at the theater.

Dave Ridley

From Katherine on 3/29:

Hi, Dave:
Here is the letter with information about our rally on the 22nd and an invitation to our planning event tomorrow evening. The NH Caspian meeting is from 6-7, followed by an event planning meeting at 7 for heads of other organizations. If you post this, please make it clear that EVERYONE is welcome to the 6:00 meeting.  :)
- Katherine

Dear Fellow Freedom Lover:

I am writing to tell you about an upcoming rally against Real ID being planned for Saturday, April 22nd, from 11:00-1:00 in Concord. We grass-roots citizens of New Hampshire believe that a federally-mandated national ID system is the precursor to a police state. The Real ID act goes against the fundamental values of America and poses a serious threat to freedom and civil liberties.

In response, we are planning a media-friendly theatrical event in front of the New Hampshire state house, complete with a barbed-wire "checkpoint" and uniformed officials demanding "your papers please" to illustrate the dangers of a National ID scheme.

Our event will occur just days before the New Hampshire Senate holds a public hearing on HB 1582 -- the courageous bill that would keep New Hampshire from complying with the federal Real ID act. The bill has passed the NH House, and, with enough imput from the public, could pass the Senate and soon wind up on the governor's desk for a signature. This would set a precedent for other states in New England to follow and would have a ripple effect throughout the rest of the country.

We would like to invite a representative from your organization to join us at a planning meeting at Bickford's restaurant at 1000 South Willow Street in Manchester, NH, this Thursday, March 30th, at 7:00 PM. We will be distributing flyers and petitions at the meeting, and strategizing a coalition-building strategy to get maximum turnout for the event. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, or if your organization can send a representative.

Since we need to build a large coalition in a short time frame, we'd be grateful if you could also help us identify and contact other NH and New England area groups who value peace and freedom and could join us at the rally.

Our actions in the "Live Free or Die" state and the surrounding areas could alter the direction this country is taking -- and perhaps even change the course of history.  For more information, please see: http://nhcaspian.org/norealid.shtml .

Let's be the change we wish to see!

I look forward to hearing from you with an RSVP, and I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you personally at the planning meeting on Thursday.

In freedom,
Katherine Albrecht

Kat Kanning

Wasn't this meeting yesterday, Dada?