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Earliest Ice out since '57

Started by Tunga, April 03, 2006, 07:15 PM NHFT

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It is generally accepted that the sun runs on an 11 year cycle of gradual increase of output culminating in an intense outpouring of energy. For the last two 11 year cycles the Sun has refused to calm down.
She is pissed over something. The humans have contributed with thier flurocarbons, space shuttle and SST exhaust (all three of which have been curtailed of late eh?). There seems little argument that the atmosphere is heating up. The causes are both manmade and "natural". Just remember, a good tan is the best sunscreen.

Stay cool. 8)


I would tend to blame increased solar activity.

When people cry 'global warming' they're trying to scare people into giving governments control of more aspects of their lives. So what if it gets a couple of degrees warmer. We're humans- we're ingenious. We'll adapt.

The majority of the people cannot identify the number one "greenhouse gas" (hint- it's not carbon dioxide), and they don't grasp the fact that this so-called greenhouse gas doesn't hold in as much heat as it reflects back out into outer space...


QuoteWe're humans- we're ingenious. We'll adapt.

it is the rest of the plant and animal world that we depend on that is troublesome...


Every time the Earth has warmed or cooled somehow species adapt.  Some perish, newer ones take their place.   The Earth has been a lot warmer and colder than we have it right now. 


Quote from: BaRbArIaN on April 06, 2006, 09:43 PM NHFT
Every time the Earth has warmed or cooled somehow species adapt.  Some perish, newer ones take their place.   The Earth has been a lot warmer and colder than we have it right now. 

Mostly, they move.


Quote from: BaRbArIaN on April 06, 2006, 09:43 PM NHFT
Every time the Earth has warmed or cooled somehow species adapt.  Some perish, newer ones take their place.   The Earth has been a lot warmer and colder than we have it right now. 

over what timeframe?

none of those have ever been able to be controlled by the lack of human activity (negative externalities)


Quote from: KBCraig on April 07, 2006, 12:48 AM NHFT
Quote from: BaRbArIaN on April 06, 2006, 09:43 PM NHFT
Every time the Earth has warmed or cooled somehow species adapt.  Some perish, newer ones take their place.   The Earth has been a lot warmer and colder than we have it right now. 

Mostly, they move.

I can assure you that vegetation moves very slowly...


And Sea level is rising rapidly. :o

Lloyd Danforth

Time to invest in that inland future beach property.


Plenty of mountains in New Hampshire and I've heard it's mostly socialists in the seacoast area ;)

South Sweden has, on the contrary, had the longest winter in many decades. Usually it's above freezing and the snow has melted by early march, but this year it took until early april. Today was nice and spring-like, though, I was able to walk the dog in nothing but a tshirt and unbuttoned long sleeve shirt. Just a few weeks ago I wasn't able to leave the house without the north-pole expedition outfit.


>Just a few weeks ago I wasn't able to leave the house without the north-pole expedition outfit.

Had a good laugh on that one!  I'm over here in upstate NY and I have a polar expidition outfit too!  ;D


Pinkham Notch just got a foot of Snow by Thursday.



22ft The rise in sea levels if the Greenland ice sheet melted, which would deluge Florida, the Netherlands, Bangladesh and most of London.


Quote from: Tunga on May 21, 2006, 09:22 PM NHFT

22ft The rise in sea levels if the Greenland ice sheet melted, which would deluge Florida, the Netherlands, Bangladesh and most of London.

I think more than the greenland ice sheet adding water to the ocean is that the total volume of water will expand due to warmer temperatures.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 22, 2006, 05:49 AM NHFT

I think more than the greenland ice sheet adding water to the ocean is that the total volume of water will expand due to warmer temperatures.

That would be great news.  We would have more resources and overall, it would be easier to use them.  This is great news!