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Bush Impeachment

Started by AlanM, April 23, 2006, 07:08 PM NHFT

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An email from Susan Serpa:

87 year-old NH Rep. from a little New England town,


Please Forward FAR & Wide !!!!


Join Our Informational Conference Calls About HR24:

a) Conference Call Tomorrow FRIDAY, April 4th,

    at 9:00 PM EDT,  8:00 PM CDT,  7:00 PM MDT,  6:00 PM PDT.

   ph. 1-212-339-7800                 access code 659388 #

b) Also be sure to join us on April 7, 9, and 11
     ph. 1.212.339.7800               access code 659388
    at 9:00 PM EDT, 8:00 PM CDT, 7:00 PM MDT, 6:00 PM PDT.

Everyone is welcome. Particularly New Hampshire residents. 

for the rest of the update to New Hampshire's HR24 please click on this link below or view above attachment.


This goes to vote April 16th!  She will bring messages of support for the petition to the NH Legislature.  You do not need to be a NH resident to send words urging support.  If you'd like to urge passage of this petition, email Betty at: i.support.HR24@gmail.com

Sorry about getting on soapbox again, BUT I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF!  This is a national, international crisis. Fascism is at our doorstep, if we allow the precedent Bush has set to be passed on to ANY future administration.

- Susan

Impeachment is mentioned SIX (6) times in the Unites States Constitution.
If not impeach, INDICT!
If not now, WHEN?
If nor for these crimes, For What?


******************                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Susan C. Serpa, organizer
Northeast Impeachment Coalition
www.neimpeach.org (Donations accepted)

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." December 23, 1776 - Thomas. Paine "The Crisis"

"The oath of the enlisted man and the officer upon entering the U.S. military differ in one respect: whereas the enlisted oath swears to "obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me," the oath of the officer is to the Constitution and the Constitution only.  Thus, officers are charged with the higher duty.  American officers: do your duty.  Effect the arrest of the traitor George Bush." Aug. 17, 2007 - Ralph Lopez
Take Action

    * Donations being raised for nationwide ad campaign
    * www.neimpeach.org

Susan C. Serpa 


email from Susan Serpa:

    * Please forgive any duplications...

87 year-old NH Rep. from a little New England town,


Please Forward FAR & Wide !!!!


See April 14th Rally announcement at the Capitol Center for the Arts: http://ccanh.com/ShowDetails/96/314
Join Our Informational Conference Calls About HR24:

at 9:00 PM EDT, 8:00 PM CDT, 7:00 PM MDT, 6:00 PM PDT.
Be sure to join us MONDAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY
April 7, 9, and 11

Phone (yes, it is the same Tel. # and access code these final 3 days)


access code


at 9:00 PM EDT, 8:00 PM CDT, 7:00 PM MDT, 6:00 PM PDT.

Everyone is welcome. Particularly New Hampshire residents. 
For the rest of the update to New Hampshire's HR24 please click on this link below or view above attachment.
Also see www.Hall4impeachment.com

This goes to vote April 16th!  She will bring messages of support for the petition to the NH Legislature.  You do not need to be a NH resident to send words urging support.  If you'd like to urge passage of this petition, email Betty at: i.support.HR24@gmail.com

Sorry about getting on soapbox again, BUT I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF!  This is a national, international crisis. Fascism is at our doorstep, if we allow the precedent Bush has set to be passed on to ANY future administration.

- Susan


Daniel Ellsberg to Headline Historic Impeachment Event in Concord

Brookline, NH - NH State Representative Betty Hall is hosting Dr. Daniel Ellsberg, Vietnam War critic, for a special event at the Capitol Center for the Arts Monday April 14 at 7pm.  It was Ellsberg who released the Pentagon papers which helped end the Vietnam War.  Ellsberg will be headlining a group of supporters for Betty Hall's HR24, which, if passed in the NH House would ask the US House to begin an investigation to verify if there is sufficient cause to hold our government leaders responsible, as provided in Jefferson's Manual, Section 603.  Hall's petition specifically cites President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. The historic vote will come to the NH House on Wednesday, April 16.

If passed, it will represent the first time that a state legislature would have invoked the special privilege to ask the US House for investigations to begin with a President and Vice-President.  It does not need to be passed through the NH Senate, nor obtain the signature of  NH Governor Lynch.

Hall has stated, "My failure to vote for the NH House Resolution for the Nixon Impeachment is the absolutely biggest regret of my legislative career. That is why I am so dedicated to doing this now."

Also present will be former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who served under President Lyndon B. Johnson; Dr. Robert Bowman, who was the director of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter; John Nichols, writer for The Nation magazine and author of "The Genius of Impeachment: The Founders' Cure for Royalism"; Phil Burk, businessman and impeachment scholar who is versed in the rules of law outlined in Jefferson's Manual.  Other dignitaries are rescheduling commitments to attend the historic gathering, which is open to the public.

Speakers are scheduled for a 4 pm press conference at the restored Victorian mansion, Kimball House, as well as a 5:30 pm reception with NH State Representatives who will be able to personally exchange opinions with the honored guests.

The public is invited to contact the Capitol Center for the Arts for tickets (225-1111) for the Monday April 14, 7pm event; tickets go on sale Monday, April 7.  Free on street parking and free parking at the Capital Commons Garage on Storrs Street, after 5:00.


message forwarded from Atty Harold Burbank:

State Rep. Betty Hall (D) is presenting a bill to support the
impeachment of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. There will
be a lobbying event in support of the bill on April 14 at the Capitol
Center for the Arts, 44 S. Main St., 3PM - 11PM, featuring several
speakers. For more information, contact Mr. Bauman at 860-693-2687.

Daniel Ellsberg
Ramsay Clark
Dr. Robert Bowman, head of the Star Wars program under Presidents
Ford, Carter, and Reagan

Support and donations are welcome.


msg from Nancy White of WMD (Women Making a Difference):

Come to the impeachment rally and hear great speakers and music and get yourself fired up to support NH Rep. Betty Hall's HR24 to start impeachment proceedings in the US Congress by sending this message from the NH House!

Attached is the color flyer for the April 14 event which headlines Daniel Ellsberg and a host of great speakers plus Noel Paul Stookey with Rebecca McCall;
and the band Rustbucket from MA.
It starts @ 7pm at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord
(44S. Main Street)
Tickets are only $14 and can be bought at CCA or reserved
@ the will call window for pick-up: 225-1111.

Free parking on Storrs Street Parking facility!

It'll be a great evening, so tell everyone you know!

We need people to print this out and pass it out to everyone you know....put a stack in your car and carry them around town to put under windshields  from now through Monday April 14.

....then make plans to hear the historic debate & vote on the NH House 2 days later on April 16 starting at 10 am, while you sit in the gallery at the State House in Concord and watch our NH Reps at work for the people of NH (and the world)
to save our Democracy!

Thank YOU for your support!
Here is what being a patriot is still all about.
Lend your support & voice to the millions who want justice served and preserved for the next generation, the next President and the world we want to have from now on.

Kat, the flyer was sent as a pdf attachment to an email. Is there a place on here where I can upload it?


everyone keeps grinding away...this is good.

i hope the mission gets accomplished.

i would love to see not ony impeachment but the appropriate punishment for high treason.


John Edward Mercier

High Treason would be giving aid or comfort to the enemy.
I think he'll be charged with violation of treaty. Then the debate will center around the wording and specifics of the Geneva Convention.
They may even include suspension of habeas corpus as this is a power of the legislative branch, not the executive.

Free libertarian

...couldn't they charge GW with murder? He's been killing the English language for years.

John Edward Mercier

Death row would be pretty full wouldn't it.

Of course, then Clinton should have been charged with restricting Monica's right to speak. :D


high treason, low treason, all forms, new forms and  any forms of treason; Adolf Bush and Vilhem Cheney have commited them all.

line em up.



Another message from Susan Serpa:

Assignment for advanced placement impeachment -

Do you Want it? When do you want it? NOW !!! 

Are ya' ready? Ready, set GO ! ! !
From Ralph Lopez:

Okay folks,

here is what's going to, as Sue says, "flip it" to impeachment with HR
24. Question: who is the key constituency we need to actually make
this happen?  Yes, everyone is important, but we liberal (??) hippies
aren't enough, and the NH state reps will dismiss it as one of the
Left's kooky things if we don't reach out, to conservative, white, New
Hampshire America.  Question: How do we get to these people, besides
going to gun shows (not a bad idea actually)?  Answer: country music
radio stations!  You will find these folks are just as fed up with
GWB/Cheney as anyone else.

Luckily, we have a great country-western song on impeachment.  This is
a campaign to request impeachment advocate/musician Tom Chelston's
song "Impeach" on all four of NH's country music stations. They have
all received an mp3 file of the song (attached) and a press release on
HR24.  All we have to do is all work a rotation of calling the
stations' request lines to request Tom's song (Tom is from Oklahoma
and is founder of Oklahoma Impeach).  You can do this even if your are
not in NH, because each of these stations has a Listen to Online Live

here is how it will work.  If your last name begins with A-G make it a
point to call between 6a.m. and noon, to request Tom's "Impeach"
country-western song each day up till the HR 24 vote.  If your name
begins with H-P your slot is 12pm to 6pm.  If your last name begins
with Q-Z call to request between 6pm and 12am.  This is just a loose
scheme to keep the calls coming randomly throughout the day. Do
whatever is easiest for you, just make the call!  Night owls up
between 12am and 6am go for it, these are all 24-hour stations.

again, last name starts with
H-P 12pm-6pm
night owls anytime

Just say "could you play "Impeach" by Tom Chelston, the country music
singer from Oklahoma? Yes on HR 24!  Go to NEImpeach.org!"  If they
ask "where are you calling from?" just tell them, and that you are
listening online if you are out of the area. Radio stations really
love this, because it expands their audience.

The idea is to get whomever answers the listener line, or the DJ, and
get them engaged if you can, tell him/her about HR 24, if they haven't
heard, ask for their email and send them a cut-and-paste of the links
below. Tell them we have an impeachment radio commercial they can play
if they want.  (link attached, you can forward it to them.)

This won't work unless we all do it.  Four country music stations,
four calls a day at least (after that knock yourself out!) , till

Now these NH state reps are getting calls from all these Joe Sixpacks
going to our website and finding out about 24, not just the usual
hippie suspects, and WE WIN!  They are mad about differenet things,
like the budget deficit, but they are mad.  Be sure to work in the
website neimpeach.org as often as you can, that's how people find more
details.  Let' s have some stories on your interactions with radio
station staff!

Radio is IT, not the Internet, and the audience that listens to
country radio is IT most of all in who will "flip it to impeachment,"
conservatives who know Bush is a radical, not a conservative, and who
have no problem scolding a state rep.

Here is the link to Tom Chelston's album on which the song "Impeach"
is found, if you want to look at the rest of the album.  But all you
need to do is forward the attached mp3 to the station again, if they
can't find it.


Country western stations in New Hampshire (4):
93.3 The Wolf
To listen to online: http://www.933thewolf.com/
Request Line:   1-888-779-WOLF (9653)
603-225-1160 if the above 800 number doesn't work from out of state

11 Kimball Drive #114
Manchester, NH 03102

To listen to online:   http://www.953thewolf.com/
Request Line:   603-727-0262

Address:        106 N Main
West Lebanon, NH 03784

WXXK "KIXX 100.5"
To listen to online:  http://www.kixx.com/
phone: 603-448-1400

31 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH. 03766
To listen to online:  http://www.wokq.com/
Phone: 603-749-9750

292 Middle Road Dover, NH 03820-4901(deliveries)

email them these links for more info:

Betty Hall's website:

Text of impeachment resolution HR24

Northeast Impeachment Coalition website

Capitol Theater website with Daniel Ellsberg Headline: http://ccanh.com

Write-up on New Hampshire HR24

Susan C. Serpa 


Reports are that the impeachment rally last night at the Capitol Center for the Arts was very inspiring.

Here's a video from one of the speakers, John Nichols, who is the author of a book on impeachment:


Nichols is author of the Genius of Impeachment; The Founders Cure for Royalism: http://www.amazon.com/Genius-Impeachment-Founders-Cure-Royalism/dp/1595581405

Here's a video on his presentation on that - this guy is good!:


Libertarian Party of NH
PO Box 5293
Manchester, NH 03108

* For Immediate Release *

LPNH Endorses Impeachment Resolution

MANCHESTER -- At their April board meeting, the Libertarian Party of NH
officially endorsed NH House Resolution 24, which calls for impeachment
procedures to start against President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
   The resolution is based on rules from the Jefferson Manual of
Parliamentary Practice, which states that impeachment proceedings may
be initiated by the legislature of a state.
   The resolution states many reasons to warrant the start of an
impeachment including pressuring states to implement electronic voting,
violations of FISA and the Geneva Conventions, for advocating the
indefinite detainment of American citizens, warrantless wiretaps of
American citizens, and for various actions taken during the conflict in
   A resolution of this form re-asserts the important role that
individual states play in our federalist system, placing a further check against
federal-level power and actions, in the executive branch or otherwise.
   HR24 is currently awaiting a vote by the full House at their next
general session. You can read the text of HR24 at


Free libertarian

 Does anyone know at which time this vote will take place?  I'm thinking of going to Concord to see
how this goes.  I understand this is happening 4/16, but couldn't seem to find a time.