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Alex Jones talks with New Hampshire Representative Neal Kurk

Started by BillyC, May 03, 2006, 06:26 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Tunga on May 03, 2006, 06:35 PM NHFT
It costs money to listen.

sorry about that.
It was on air last night for free.
Prison Planet TV is a pay site.

It has all of his vids and most of his interviews posted there.
It also covers news and other documentaries.


From the Antechamber site:

Mr Schwarz: I am an independent voter so your message and platform has so found a home here with me. I am a researcher and it keeps me very busy with feeding info to 9/11 groups and in general educating people. Thermite brought those buildings down and by a fluke I might have discovered the source of those internal explosions. On 9/11 at 9:05am in the stairwell of the 83rd floor of the North Tower was a man with a transceiver. Witness's thought it was a radio but after doing a background check on this person, I am not convinced of that.

His name was Charles E. Allen and he was an executive at Lava Trading LLC whose fortunes vastly improved after 9/11. Mr. Allen is a pilot, top of the heap computer expert (Microsoft, Saudi banks, Swiss banks and Ross Perot Systems) is married to a Middle Eastern woman, knows top Saudis and spent many years in the Middle East.

In short more than qualifies in my book as a man worth taking a look at. If you have any questions just ask. With hope for success in your endeavor,



Quote from: freedominnh on May 04, 2006, 08:45 AM NHFT
Awesome. What is the current status, when is Senate vote?
Probably won't be voted on till next week.
Being discissed on this thread:


Alex Jones is a nutjob. I was surprised that Neal Kurk managed to stay polite the whole time.

Alex Jones: Breaking news today, everyone working at Walmart is actually an ALIEN, and Bush went to visit Elvis and Kurt Cobain in Moonostan, the secret country nobody knows exist. Anyway, we have Neal Kurk here, who's protesting Real-ID...
Neal Kurk: Hello, you're very intelligent and believable, and your conspiracy theories are entirely plausible!

Ok, I made up the quotes, but the interview was on that level ::)


Thanks, burn.  ;D

Glad I'm not the only Alex Jones dissenter. He makes shit up, declares it to be fact because 'everyone knows it must be true', then piles logical fallacies upon leaps of faith.

I think he's just a sociopath having the time of his life, making a living off of people who expect honesty in their transactions, not knowing that they'll find little of that commodity when dealing with Alex Jones.



Alex speaks the truth, I haven't heard him say anything that isn't true. A couple of times he's screwed up he's retracted it.

He sure hell doesn't talk about aliens or anything even remotely related. When nutjobs call into his show to talk about such things or that politicians are really lizards or other crap, he cuts them and just says, "not on this show."

He does expose the truth of 9/11 and I know a lot of people can't handle that.


This was the first time I had listened to Alex Jones. He sounds like Art Bell meets Free Talk Live.
He may be right about some things that are not generally accepted, but I am pretty sure 75% of his claims are not fundamentally true in the final analysis.
He certainly tends to sensationalize, and Kurk did an excellent job of being patient, correcting him on the most egregious claims, but not being pedantic.

I am not sure if being on this show helped or hurt.


Quote from: Republidog on May 05, 2006, 12:31 AM NHFT
Alex speaks the truth, I haven't heard him say anything that isn't true.

Did you watch his video about the Cheney shotgun accident? He makes stuff up!

I recall his video about the military exercises in some Texas towns, where they practiced urban operations in abandoned or vacant buildings. He was interviewing a witness, and kept trying to get her to say the helicopters were black, and if they had any markings. She would stammer, "No, I don't know, it was dark." Finally he paraphrased her statements with "Witnesses described black helicopters without markings." Having constructed that statement out of nothing, he continued to use it as "proof".

(Personally, I don't understand the fascination with black helicopters, as if the paint job makes any difference.)

Jones is on the right side of issues, but he's rather fast and loose with "truth" and "facts".



Alex Jones at least has the courage to speak out. I agree, he sometimes is loose with facts, but he is talking about things no one else has the guts to talk about.