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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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New Civil Disobedience Section

Started by Michael Fisher, May 08, 2006, 07:54 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Woohoo!  :)

What a great service this forum is for all of us!!!

Russell Kanning

I thought .... "why not?"
I would like to attract cd folks and anyone that wants to work through non-violent means. :)


Nazi peraphenial is strictly verbotten however.

Conform or be cast out?


I should have posted here what I posted on the old thread, but I just found this one . . .

Anyway, allways remember May 9th, 2005:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Here's a CivDis scenario for you guys: I'm going to be returning to my ancestral home after my college semester is over here on Friday. I'll be doing the following:

1. Wearing my FSP shirt and proud of it!
2. Use my laptop, which has the "Live Free or Spazz" bumper sticker along with another that says "Don't Steal: The Government Hates Competition" (Various TSA agents have given it mixed reviews; Some like it, one guy got pissy but didn't do anything.)

Now comes the "voluntary-but-not-really" shoe issue. Compliance or not? What experience have the rest of you had with this? Normally I would just do it (give them a hard time that is), but this week has been bad luck, and not just because of finals. Blowing a fuse w/ the TSA could become more of a bitch than I really want.


Kat Kanning

Oh man, last night the computer had selected Kira for the TSA-grope.  I was so mad.  I gave the TSA-gorilla-chick the death-stare and told them, "Don't touch her."  They really freaked...started calling in reinforcements.  For a while they were standing around waiting for me.  I asked, "Do you need my cooperation in this?" and they said that they had to have my permission.  I told them they could use the wand, but not to touch her.   They frisked her anyway.   >:(  I was about to throw a real fit when the TSA woman (a different one) told me that when SSSSS   SSSSS was printed on the bottom of the boarding pass, that means you're selected for the search and that if I asked the ticket agent to exempt her because she's a kid, they might do that.

Russell Kanning

Don't take off your shoes .... then they have to swab the shoes themselves. :)


Quote from: powerpenguin on May 10, 2006, 02:03 AM NHFT

Now comes the "voluntary-but-not-really" shoe issue. Compliance or not? What experience have the rest of you had with this? Normally I would just do it (give them a hard time that is), but this week has been bad luck, and not just because of finals. Blowing a fuse w/ the TSA could become more of a bitch than I really want.

Do not take your shoes off!!!!  You may get a swab but that is it.  Tell them you don't like walking in your socks.  Ask them if there is a law about and if so what is the law.  They will act confused.  You get the swab and a stare down but don't cave in.

I have now started to tell others in line with me not to take their shoes off.  The goons capable TSA agents don't like that at all.  I told one guy well if you are going to violate the 4th amendment I will start using the 1st.



Sounds good, I'll report on my findings ;)

They also get frustrated/take lots of time when you ask them about what they're doing 5x/second. I realized that 5 or 6 months ago the last time I was on a plane.


Here's the official report on the TSA business:

1. No shoe removal= just what Dreepa said.

2. I also refused to remove my laptop from it's carrying case. This really pissed them off (actually just the big pastey white oaf at the head-end of the xray machine, the swabber guy was quite courteous and the rest pretended nothing was going on). "Mr Pastey" as I will call him started getting red and called for his manager, who came over and gave me some BS rhetoric. I repeatedly made clear my Constitutional rights, and asked what law mandated that I comply with their demands. The manager gave me some BS crap about how they can't tell me what the laws are for national security issues (I kid you not), and that I "agreed to be searched by going through their system".

I replied to this by reminding him that this was an invalid agreement because there are no signs or anything posted anywhere in the airport, let alone at the screening station that say this. The manager then got pissy as well and threatened to kick me out of the airport. At this point, I complied because I didn't have time to risk waiting for a shift change at the time, but I did get back at them a bit by putting my laptop on the belt face up, which has among other things two large bumper stickers on it that say:

A: "Don't Steal- The Government Hates Competition"
B: The "Live Free or Spazz" FSP sticker

Also, remember to use your passport as ID rather than your state ID or driver's license, as it doesn't have your address info on it. Also, don't forget that pocket-sized Constitution & Declairation of Independence from the CATO Institute! I never leave the ground without them. That reminds me: Before I got to the conveyor belts, I made sure to NOT have my papers ready for the initial checker drones. Instead I first pulled out my Constitution and said "Oh sorry my mistake I guess I won't be needing THIS anymore!". Pathetically, the guy (who sounded very foreign but still) didn't seem to understand what it was.... :\

Critiques of my CD?

Russell Kanning


Quote from: powerpenguin on May 16, 2006, 02:41 AM NHFT
Critiques of my CD?

Think of what would happen if everyone were as uncooperative as you.


Just got news I will be doing some flying in June... ahhhh TSA here I come. >:D ;D