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New Civil Disobedience Section

Started by Michael Fisher, May 08, 2006, 07:54 PM NHFT

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I will be again in July and for sure in August. Are any large #s of FSPers going to PF via air together? If so, think of the prospects of:

Several people w/ FSP shirts disobeying + A camera, either "news-looking", and/or hidden recording the event. I sense a 'net video phenomenon brewing! 8-)


Interesting discussion on TSA. For those who don't know, you can get shirt pocket thin metal cards with the Bill of Rights etched on them. These put the TSA goons in a position to ask you to surrender your Bill of Rights when you trip the magnatometer. http://www.securityedition.com/specs.asp

Prior to 911, the legal "justification" for airport screening was that it doesn't violate the 4th amendment because screeenings were performed by private sector employee's rather than government workerbee's. Does anyone know if someone has tried a court challenge to the current system since warrantless searches are now performed by government?

A final thought. I'd love for an essay to be written that statistically proves the additional 911 security fee's actually kill people. The premise is that since all economic activity(air travel included) is driven by marginal activity. In other words... if a book you want costs $23, you will buy it but if it costs $24 you will either wait or use the library. Similarly, in airtravel the additional $11 security fee will cause the "marginals "to travel by car. Statistically, fatalities per mile are significantly higher on our interstates.

I have always found it to be a delicious irony that all economic innovations are driven by the "fence sitters". Businesses can always count on their loyal customer base but they are always striving to bring in that one additional customer to increase market share. They do this by adding vaule to thier products.

the undecided's will inheirit the earth !   :)


Good luck with that stats project. It would be cool, but probably unfeasable. That metal thing is cool though. I'd say for added emphasis make it gold and say "M3", but they'd probably steal it and you'd be SOL at that point :)