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Idea for a Liberty Alert System

Started by slim, May 15, 2006, 07:08 PM NHFT

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I was thinking that somone might want to create an alert system for Liberty activist. I was thinking that someone might want to create a e-mail group that would send messages to cell phone text. At my work we have a group for alerting people of an issue. If you are using a verizon Cell phone the address for the phone is the phone number followed by @vtext.com I would suguest this for people in the Free State.


We've had several ideas like this proposed, but unless someone sets up a seperate site for it, I don't think it will get much substance.

I don't have a cell phone so I couldn't do any of the liberty-911 stuff or anything.


Many parts of NH do not have cellphone service.


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 15, 2006, 09:05 PM NHFT
Many parts of NH do not have cellphone service.

Lancaster is getting a cell tower soon, so Lancaster, Whitefield, Groveton and Stratford will finally get a signal..


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 15, 2006, 09:05 PM NHFT
Many parts of NH do not have cellphone service.
No one knows this better than me. I couldn't get a signal for the entire six day trip. Imagine the voice mails I had once I got off the plane at home.

Dave Ridley

thanks for posting this, slim.   Sooner or later something will come together.


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 15, 2006, 09:05 PM NHFT
Many parts of NH do not have cellphone service.

Dang I'm used to having it almost all the time in the WC {tear}... How are the Concord, Nashua, and Kene areas? I would be moving to one of these three towns, but I have no clue which yet.


Quote from: powerpenguin on May 23, 2006, 08:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 15, 2006, 09:05 PM NHFT
Many parts of NH do not have cellphone service.

Dang I'm used to having it almost all the time in the WC {tear}... How are the Concord, Nashua, and Kene areas? I would be moving to one of these three towns, but I have no clue which yet.
I'm pretty sure all of those get great service.

Concord and Nashua at least.

Kat Kanning

Keene area seems to be spotty from what people have said.


Concord area... (at least the towards the west... depends on which service you have.  Sprint (which I have) is good.  Although I have found some dead spots.)


I was thinking that we might be able to use this to help out our fellow porcs. I have a feeling that this cell phone thing is going to catch on and there will be towers going up all over. :o The alert system could be used sent to peoples e-mail accounts also but I was thinking that if we sent a message to a person's cell phone they might be able to respond to the situation faster

Pat K

Well at night time we could shoot a strong Porcupine light in to the sky, (be just like Batman)

Kat Kanning

I got a liberty 9-1-1 call today, but it turned out there wasn't anything for us to do.


Those that know me can call me, I am leary of putting my cell phone number online...service in Concord is good..I have verizon and we have had little trouble with it.
We even had service at Roger's last year.

Kat Kanning

For a good time, Call Jenn @ 603-...-....