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Darkroom facilities in/around Hampton Beach area

Started by RichDPhoto, May 17, 2006, 11:21 AM NHFT

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Well, now that I've landed in Hampton Beach for the forseeable future, I need to find access to some darkroom facilities so that I can do my photo thing ... yes, I'm a pseudo-luddite that still likes to hand-process his film and prints. :)  I'm also digitally enabled, though I don't have my Epson 2200 with me (it wouldn't fit in the car for the trip, with all the other stuff I needed to bring), so I'm actually looking for two things:

1 - A darkroom facility that is either open to the public or available to rent on a daily or hourly basis

2 - A photo lab capable of printing digital files on quality papers, preferably with a Fuji Frontier or Noritsu digital printing machine operated by a competent tech -- as long as it's not a Wal-Mart.  I don't do Wal-Mart.

The closer to Hampton Beach the better. :D

Any suggestions?


Quote from: RichDPhoto on May 17, 2006, 11:21 AM NHFT
Well, now that I've landed in Hampton Beach for the forseeable future, I need to find access to some darkroom facilities so that I can do my photo thing ... yes, I'm a pseudo-luddite that still likes to hand-process his film and prints. :)  I'm also digitally enabled, though I don't have my Epson 2200 with me (it wouldn't fit in the car for the trip, with all the other stuff I needed to bring), so I'm actually looking for two things:

1 - A darkroom facility that is either open to the public or available to rent on a daily or hourly basis

2 - A photo lab capable of printing digital files on quality papers, preferably with a Fuji Frontier or Noritsu digital printing machine operated by a competent tech -- as long as it's not a Wal-Mart.  I don't do Wal-Mart.

The closer to Hampton Beach the better. :D

Any suggestions?

What happened to Keene?

(sorry can't help with info on Hampton... although there are 2-3 people who live there on this board.


I thought it was easy to rig one up in your own residence?

The best I can offer you is http://maps.google.com/ . I searched for "photo near hampton nh" which gave some results.. mostly walgreens and walmart.

I haven't been to Hampton in a year or so, though.


Quote from: Dreepa on May 17, 2006, 12:32 PM NHFT
What happened to Keene?

Lodgings in Keene didn't work out.  Got a room with a porc here in Hampton for the time being ... now I'm working out the finer details. :D


Quote from: RichDPhoto on May 17, 2006, 04:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on May 17, 2006, 12:32 PM NHFT
What happened to Keene?

Lodgings in Keene didn't work out.  Got a room with a porc here in Hampton for the time being ... now I'm working out the finer details. :D




Quote from: aries on May 17, 2006, 03:03 PM NHFT
I thought it was easy to rig one up in your own residence?

Assuming you have the space, and the money to buy the materials to light-proof and ventilate and install running water and drainage in the room, and the money to purchase the required equipment ...

Given that the space I'm living in is rented, and not actually mine, makes it a bit more difficult, though I may be able to persuade my landlord to rent me some extra space in the basement, once I get my cash flow to the point where I could pay for it. :D

In the mean time the nice people up at Eagle Photo have directed me to the Newburyport Art Association for more info ...