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Taking American's Land and Rights - How It Works

Started by BillyC, May 23, 2006, 09:33 PM NHFT

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Thanks for the link, Billy. That answers a few questions I had.


Quote from: AlanM on May 23, 2006, 09:52 PM NHFT
Thanks for the link, Billy. That answers a few questions I had.
No problem, A friend sent it to me.
It answered a few questions I had as well.



Quote from: BillyC on May 23, 2006, 09:33 PM NHFT
Thought this was interesting.


Hmmm, I'd say that's about right. Remember, the UN has it's ugly tentacles in EVERYTHING that goes on here, influencing from what is in the public schools, to businesses and local government, to religion should you choose to have it:

"Fundamental Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their
religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be
part of a one-world global society and their children will not fit in." --Nebraska State Senator Peter Hoagland, speaking on radio in 1983.


Thanks for the link, it definitely refreshes my memory. Good topic for FTL to cover, if they're up to it.


Quote from: FSP-Rebel on May 24, 2006, 12:58 PM NHFT
Thanks for the link, it definitely refreshes my memory. Good topic for FTL to cover, if they're up to it.

Naw. Methinks it's a bit too deep for them. After all, you need to be able to read history books to understand it all.

They have been thoroughly brainwashed and are enablers, just as it is wished.

Maurice strong ( U.N. environmental leader ) was quoted as saying, "
"The environmental crisis is the cornerstone for the New World Order.  Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"

James Garrison ( President of the Gorbachev Foundation ) says " we are going to end up with world government. It's inevitable... There's going to be conflict, coercion and consensus. That's all part of what will be required as we give birth to the first global civilization."


Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 24, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFT
what a crock...

..Not my call buddy. These quotes were taken from official speeches given at the various agencies.

It's only a crock because you are being used by the greens.


Quote from: CNHT on May 24, 2006, 02:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 24, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFT
what a crock...

..Not my call buddy. These quotes were taken from official speeches given at the various agencies.

It's only a crock because you are being used by the greens.

there are no "greens" in NH.


Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 24, 2006, 03:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on May 24, 2006, 02:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 24, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFT
what a crock...

..Not my call buddy. These quotes were taken from official speeches given at the various agencies.

It's only a crock because you are being used by the greens.

there are no "greens" in NH.

You are not a rabid environmentalist wanting to tax people for using the sun? Notice I used the small letter 'g' to describe you? There is nothing wrong with protecting your surroundings but the prevailing sentiment is just one of the ways the globalists use people like you to control the population.

And in fact the Greens were just here at my door asking for money....

Furthermore all you have to do is go to ONE page on vtcommons.org to see the hypocrisy.
In this audio, they are railing against electoral fraud. It is laughable. It's just more partisan bickering that means nothing. It is just more using of the people:


1 - No 'one' man runs the country or is responsible for what does happen. The same people who run Bush, ran Clinton and the president before him.

2 - Since no man becomes president unless he's an approved agent of the globalists, this Bush-hatred partisan thing is just means to stir up the lefties in Vt on an issue they are passionate about to faster accept their regionlized plan for world government.

3 - So in sum, Vt is actually working towards the very same thing Bush is working towards, only faster!

They are just bypassing him completely and ascribing to the globalists straight on.  Amazing.

Hopefully those of us who truly hate what is going on (Bush or not..) can see how 'Vt Commons' is a front for this.

Where is the substance? It's Bush-Hating> UN> Bush Approval
Its' 's not like electing anyone else would have made any difference!

So predictable. The Bush-bashing is an immediate give away on the agenda of these folks.

And it just gets worse. Watch some of the other videos and you will see that these folks feel they are on moral 'highground'. In otherwords, they know better than you. They would fit right in with the UN! This is another red flag.

Check out this guy:

They are moving to less dependence. On their FAQ page they even say INACCURATE things about the FSP - that the FSP is wanting to 'take over' the government. How any FSPer could support this is beyond the pale.
All the same themes are there and being exploited; environmental, war, and moral highground, and partisan bashing blather.
They claim they hate the US gov't because it's run by corporations but totally fail to see the UN as the instrument of global corporations/bankers as well? It doesn't make sense.

There's more but it's like shooting fish in a barrel so.....why bother..  :-\


QuoteYou are not a rabid environmentalist wanting to tax people for using the sun?

hello, earth to Jane...

QuoteNotice I used the small letter 'g' to describe you?

notice how I used quotation marks to quote you?

QuoteThe Bush-bashing is an immediate give away on the agenda of these folks.


here is what the editor recently wrote (where exactly is the Bush bashing?):

"I applaud Dan Dewalt's civic activism, and, while I am neither a Democrat or a Republican, I appreciate the impassioned debates and frustrated cries for "impeachment" emanating from (now) six Vermont towns.

I also think that the attempt to "impeach" Mr. Bush misses the point. Responsibility for our imperial situation, decades in the making, can not be laid at the feet of one man, be he Mr. Bush or Mr. DeLay.

No, the problems we face - Global Peak Oil, "terrorism," electoral fraud, 911Truth, threats to civil liberties, etc. - are SYSTEMIC problems born of an Empire clinging desperately to global hegemony.

Impeachment is but a distraction.

And the only way to re-invent the United States is through peaceable secession and "reinvention" on the local and regional scale."

QuoteOn their FAQ page they even say INACCURATE things about the FSP - that the FSP is wanting to 'take over' the government. How any FSPer could support this is beyond the pale.

is not the ultimate aim once off the bus to return government to it's maximal role to protect life, liberty and property?

how is that to be done if not electorally?


Quote from: FrankChodorov on May 24, 2006, 04:50 PM NHFT
here is what the editor recently wrote (where exactly is the Bush bashing?):

It's at the very beginning of the mp3 on electoral fraud...and the theme of that clip! Repeat, it doesn't much matter WHO is president, only that they keep the people sufficently divided and so the UN can come along and pretend to be 'peacekeepers' for the gullible. You know the old problem/solution trick?

No, the problems we face - Global Peak Oil, "terrorism," electoral fraud, 911Truth, threats to civil liberties, etc. - are SYSTEMIC problems born of an Empire clinging desperately to global hegemony.
Impeachment is but a distraction.
And the only way to re-invent the United States is through peaceable secession and "reinvention" on the local and regional scale."

Alright if they understand the global 'hegemony' so well, why do they look to the UN for approval? Something is fishy there wouldn't you say? This is someone who is trying to talk the talk, but are they walking the walk? Or are they just engaging in the left/right thing so as to garner followers, who will then end up in the very same place as it was intended they should be?

Quote from: cnhtOn their FAQ page they even say INACCURATE things about the FSP - that the FSP is wanting to 'take over' the government. How any FSPer could support this is beyond the pale.


is not the ultimate aim once off the bus to return government to it's maximal role to protect life, liberty and property?
how is that to be done if not electorally?

That is not 'taking over' gov't, it's simply making less of it. The implications of the words 'take over' sound very extreme, yet what Vt Commons wishes to do is much more extreme than what the FSP is doing.

Perhaps I could accept VC at legitimate if they were not appealing to the UN or Federal gov't for approval of their actions. Otherwise it's just fast track to the one world gov't as far as I'm concerned.


Quotewhy do they look to the UN for approval?

Quoteif they were not appealing to the UN or Federal gov't for approval of their actions.

we assert that we have the inherent right to secede since three states (NY, RI, VA) wouldn't sign the new constitution unless they had a secessionist provision...