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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Mexico Works to Bar Non-Natives From Jobs

Started by BillyC, May 25, 2006, 07:46 PM NHFT

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I would love to have a job that paid me in cash....any offers?   ;D

Ebay is good for books, your can get them from an individual and often are cheaper than the chain stores


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 29, 2006, 11:19 AM NHFT
Quote from: BillyC on May 29, 2006, 11:10 AM NHFT
It is time for us to agree that I am right and you are wrong and lets move on.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

On which issue? The one where you want the government to guarantee your job or the one where you want the government to patrol the borders?

The more you stir shit the more it stinks  :P


I find it sad that Jane doesn't think we can end welfare.  She's essentially given up on true Liberty, and relegated herself to being a "taxpayer" (Coalition of NH Taxpayers).  As a taxpayer, she wants to make demands about how her stolen money is spent.  Sorry, but the government is going to do what they've always done, and that is get bigger and more oppressive than ever.  They don't care about what you think.

There are already permanent checkpoints on highways in Texas.  This will do nothing but spread across the country.  Will police checkpoints and national ID cards make you anti-"illegal" people feel better?  The government thinks so.

Finally, BillyC asked about helping people go through the "legal" process to immigrate.  As Lex pointed out, this process is hell.  It's the worst, most unaccountable bureaucracy ever.  Many bureaucrats are unhelpful and rude, but the immigration bureaucrats take the cake.  After all, if they lose your mail, or refuse to answer your calls, you can't call your representative and complain.  You don't have one.  In the old days, "legal" just meant you made it to America.  Let's go back to that.

I hope you taxpayers get a clue and start opposing the real threat to sovereignty : taxation and centralized wealth redistribution (welfare), instead of being distracted by the immigration controversey.  Were it not for big government programs, immigrants would not be of your concern.

The system is the problem, not immigrants.


Ian, I think Jane is simply being pragmatic about the here and now.

It does no good for liberty for immigrants (legal or otherwise) to move in and start sucking the welfare dry and then voting to make it worse.

She's talking about what to do in the interum. You're talking about the end result.

I think if you would realize that, I think the two of you would agree a lot more then you think.

'Nuff Said!



I understand where she's coming from, but if she wants the government to control immigration, she's going to be sorely disappointed.  They'll do as good of a job at controlling immigration as they do controlling drugs.

Finally, in her own words she does not believe welfare can be ended.  That's a shame, it's defeatism.

Also, it should be pointed out that most immigrants are not coming to suck off welfare, and very few of them can actually get welfare benefits.

Welfare is the real issue.  The immigration controllers are tantamount to the "Fair Tax"ers.  They are both groups calling for a reorganization of the state, while ignoring the real issues.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 30, 2006, 01:38 PM NHFT

Also, it should be pointed out that most immigrants are not coming to suck off welfare, and very few of them can actually get welfare benefits.

Welfare is the real issue.
Do those statements go together?

You say very few of them can get benefits?  Have you been to LA?  When my son was born, 3 different people told me how to get benefits for all sorts of things.  I said I wasn't eligible nor do I want it.  They told me hell everyone gets it... even illegals.

Ian I agree with you.. I don't mind people coming to work... we need to control people sucking off the system and the feeling of entitlement that people in this country have.  However we have to do something in the meantime while we get spending/welfare under control.


Quote from: Dreepa on May 31, 2006, 09:11 AM NHFT
You say very few of them can get benefits?  Have you been to LA?  When my son was born, 3 different people told me how to get benefits for all sorts of things.  I said I wasn't eligible nor do I want it.  They told me hell everyone gets it... even illegals.
Plenty of white trash know how to work the system too.  The system is the problem.

QuoteIan I agree with you.. I don't mind people coming to work... we need to control people sucking off the system and the feeling of entitlement that people in this country have.  However we have to do something in the meantime while we get spending/welfare under control.
No, we don't need to "control people".  We need to demolish the system and replace it with voluntary alternatives.


QuoteNo, we don't need to "control people".  We need to demolish the system and replace it with voluntary alternatives.

Until you replace it with voluntary alternatives the system will stil exist and all them new immigrants will vote to make it worse.

It's precisely because we have the illegals in the country now, that Bush is pushing for granting amnesty and citizen benifits and stuff. It's all vote buying.

If the illegals weren't here, it would at least be 1 less constituency for democracy to pander too and increasee socialism.

The voluntary alternatives and abolition of the welfare state, affirmative action, etc. all need to come first. That's the political reality. Unfettered immigration prior to that is only going to make the current welfare and affirmative action problems worse.



Quote from: lawofattraction on May 31, 2006, 09:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: ravelkinbow on May 29, 2006, 12:10 PM NHFT
I would love to have a job that paid me in cash

If having a job that pays you in cash is your heart's desire then I'm sure you can find one. I'd suggest downloading a free copy of "The Science of Getting Rich" at www.scienceofgettingrich.net and reading it.
This book will give you all the principles you'll need to have cash pouring into your life in increasingly larger amounts. I made more money in the first two years after reading this book than I had made in the previous 30 years of slavery to the corporate (NWO) world. I cannot recommend it enough.

I can't find a link to downloading the book free, only info on how you too can pay them to take a course.   I did see another "free" download, but not that book.   If it was made in 1910 you'd think the copyright would have expired into public domain by now, any online free copies available?  Or is it a moneymaking flimflam thing like scientology?


Quote from: lawofattraction on June 02, 2006, 03:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: BaRbArIaN on June 02, 2006, 03:39 PM NHFTI can't find a link to downloading the book free, only info on how you too can pay them to take a course.   I did see another "free" download, but not that book.   If it was made in 1910 you'd think the copyright would have expired into public domain by now, any online free copies available?  Or is it a moneymaking flimflam thing like scientology?

Go to this link:


You must subscribe to their FREE e-mail newsletter to get access to the pdf download. After doing so, you may simply cancel the newsletter if you desire. This organization has never spammed me or sold my e-mail address that I can determine. The only thing I ever bought from them was a copy of the book on CD but I didn't need to. That was after I got the free pdf book and wanted to be able to listen to it in the car.

If the above is too difficult, send me an IM and I'll e-mail you the pdf myself.

downloaded it, thanks  :)


Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 29, 2006, 10:37 PM NHFT
I find it sad that Jane doesn't think we can end welfare. 

I've never said we shouldn't end welfare, just don't see it happening very soon! I find it sad you can't understand that and keep accusing me of stuff I've never said.

QuoteShe's essentially given up on true Liberty, and relegated herself to being a "taxpayer" (Coalition of NH Taxpayers). 

Well what else do we call it? Coalition of NH Peons? I hardly think ANYONE would agree with you that someone like myself, working selflessly 24/7 for the cause here in NH, has 'given up on true liberty'... however, many would say that those of you who refuse to vote, or deal in reality, have indeed given up.

QuoteAs a taxpayer, she wants to make demands about how her stolen money is spent. 

Hello? Once again, you are making assumptions/accusations that are baseless because you know nothing about my very successful group. We have never said we want to make demands about how the money is spent, rather my group works to try to stop them from taking the money altogether. Then again you are not even in NH so you can't really know what goes on here or what it is we really do.

QuoteI hope you taxpayers get a clue and start opposing the real threat to sovereignty : taxation and centralized wealth redistribution (welfare), instead of being distracted by the immigration controversey.  Were it not for big government programs, immigrants would not be of your concern.

Immigration is not really a NH issue in that we come across anything to do with it on a daily basis. Taxation and redistribution of the money  is exactly what we work on stopping and everyone here knows it. And it's true -- if towns and cities were not voting to allow welfare and other benefits to 'illegals', then we would not care who came here, because in NH we have very few 'illegals' who cause problems even now..just as you say. However once you start saying you are going to extend these benefits to even MORE people, how is that helping? You can either stop the benefits or stop the people. Take your pick. And then we have the problem of the militant ones down on the border, funded by global socialist George Soros, who are purposely stirring up hatred by demanding the land back from the owners, just so they can sell the Real ID.

You know we've gone over all this all before and I still say that your absolutism does you a disservice because you do not take into account all factors when making proclamations about an issue. I like to reserve proclamations such as yours, since nothing I can say or do ALONE will matter. Therefore it is not even worth arguing with you. I am too busy making a real difference here in NH to be putting down others who I see as useful activists who are also not putting down others.

The system is the problem, not immigrants.

And I've always agreed on that, despite the junk you've said above.
I just don't choose to live in utopia, I try to deal with the problems on the basis of reality...not of how I wish things to be just as Tracy explained it to you.

It's like saying, gee, I fell, and I'm cut, and I'm bleeding. I wish it weren't so, so I think I'll ignore it, until of course I bleed to death.....

Doing nothing about anything until utopia exists will not solve any problems, problems we agree exist.


Quote from: tracysaboe on June 02, 2006, 04:39 AM NHFT
QuoteNo, we don't need to "control people".  We need to demolish the system and replace it with voluntary alternatives.

Until you replace it with voluntary alternatives the system will stil exist and all them new immigrants will vote to make it worse.

It's precisely because we have the illegals in the country now, that Bush is pushing for granting amnesty and citizen benifits and stuff. It's all vote buying.

If the illegals weren't here, it would at least be 1 less constituency for democracy to pander too and increasee socialism.

The voluntary alternatives and abolition of the welfare state, affirmative action, etc. all need to come first. That's the political reality. Unfettered immigration prior to that is only going to make the current welfare and affirmative action problems worse.


Tracy has at least thought this out. To say I want to make demands about how the stolen money is spent as if that were bad is ludicrous. So right now, if we have for example a police force that is paid for by my tax dollars, which for now I can do nothing about, I should not make any demands about their work product and let them eat donuts all day?

This is not only wasteful but foolish. I guess if I don't make demands on them to earn their pay, then I am REALLY having my money stolen from me. I guess that's what Ian wants to see. It doesn't make sense.

If I am paying taxes, even as I am trying to reverse the taking, you can bet I want to see the money spent properly as is our right.

Leave it to Ian to find another angle to knock down the best group in NH.  :::shaking head::::

Thank goodness he'll be moving to Keene where he will be on the fringes and won't be doing any harm to the successes of those in the center of things.


Why continue to pick a fight, Jane?  I thought we'd settled things.

When we'd discussed this before, you told me it was not possible to stop welfare!  If you've changed your mind on that, then great.  We have nothing to discuss.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on July 10, 2006, 08:01 PM NHFT
Why continue to pick a fight, Jane?  I thought we'd settled things.

When we'd discussed this before, you told me it was not possible to stop welfare!  If you've changed your mind on that, then great.  We have nothing to discuss.

I did not say it was NOT POSSIBLE, I said it wasn't going to happen overnight.

And for you to say it can, and use that as the premise of your argument against me, is very disingenuous.

Also, there was no need to attack my group for their name. There isn't any other group in NH right now, doing more for the people of NH. Likewise, it could be said that people who do not vote such as yourself are just handing things over to the tax and spenders and globalists. If you are going to wait for utopia to proclaim that things are as you wish them to be, you will be waiting a very long time. I rather do something about the state of things than just sit there and rant about it.


Oh, I must have misunderstood.  Just as you misunderstood that I thought it could happen overnight.  (These misunderstandings seem to be typical of our conversations.)

Also, I'm glad to know your group is anti-tax.  At the time I wrote that message (over a month ago), I understood you to be someone who wanted border security.  You came off as someone who just was angry about how your taxes were being spent, and wanted them spent in other ways.

Which, by the way is what many groups with "Taxpayers" in their names do.  They bitch and moan that their taxes aren't spent in the exact way they would please.  In fact some "taxpayers" groups are pro-taxes.  I never accused you of being pro-taxes, but now I'm just letting you know the source of my confusion.

Also, you can call the Keene people "fringes", but I think they are some of the bravest people I've ever heard of.  I happen to appreciate the approach people like Russell and Kat take.  They don't wait for the government to be nice and reduce taxes, they just withhold it from them.